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Posts posted by sstuff3

  1. Sympathy to the families of those lost and utter disgust towards the owners and drivers of these buses that continue to put profits ahead of safety. It is very common to see these buses tail-gating trucks and other vehicles at high rates of speed on all types of roads in Thailand. Only education and a higher value placed on life will change this.

  2. Through the political unrest of 2010, including the burning of major buildings and even the stock exchange, and now through the worst floods (be it natural or political caused) the Thai Baht has remained strong against the US$, Euro, and other major currencies. Most countries faced with these problems experience a drastic decrease in the value of their currency on the world stage. What has made Thailand different? Why does the Thai Baht remain so strong in the face of back-to-back disasters?

  3. Will they get the same pay as their Japanese counterparts, if not I hope Japanese unions bring this to a halt.

    The multinational companies are not motivated by altruism

    I doubt they will get the same pay as their Japanese counterparts but at least they get an opportunity to experience something new and continue to earn an income to support their families and help rebuild their homes back in Thailand. Maybe when the union guys see how hard they work for the little pay they receive the unions will wake up and no longer demand unreasonably high wages and benefits for their own workers..... OK, I admit that will never happen, but one can hope.

  4. Bkk Gov Orders 27 Riverside Communities to Evacuate

    The Bangkok governor has ordered the evacuations of 27 riverside communities outside the flood barriers of the Chrao Phraya River has the water level increases considerably.

    The Chrao Phraya River water level was reported this afternoon at 2.4 meters, 10 centimeters below the barrier level.


    -- Tan Network 2011-10-22


    This is IRRESPONSIBLE journalism. Without reporting the complete details such as the exact communities, time of anticipated flooding, etc., this type of reporting only serves to incite panic (not to mention a slew of negative comments toward the government officials, whether warranted or not), both of which is counter-productive and creates more damage than benefit.

  5. I went out on Thursday (24 Feb) and it took 55 minutes to get through Immigration. I fly out through Survanabhumi at least 2 times a month and the waiting time has continued to increase since they announced the "24 minute" policy. It is almost like the passport checkers are trying to go against whoever set the target. It was much better before they have any announce targets. Maybe they should consider revoking the policy and see if it goes back to normal.

    I am guessing the bulk 40 million invested into this "project" went into someones pocket as is usual with "projects" in Thailand. I thought it was funny that the only place I noticed the new "24 Minutes" sign was AFTER I passed through the passport counter and before Security. I guess if they put the commitment at the front door too many people will complain......


  6. If they were planning this trip and route for several months, then perhaps they should have left earlier and taken the longer but perhaps safer way back home. Simply ridiculous that anyone would demand (or even ASK) for a military escort for unnecessary travel. As for their 2 year old daughter joining the journey, to me as a parent, it is unthinkable to put a child knowingly in harms way. Simply amazing!

  7. I totally agree with the moron theory, very sad for the passengers but based on the theory that if you gave millions monkeys typewriters and enough time you'll have the works of Shakespere, if you gave millions of monkeys vehicles in a relatively short amount of time they'll start driving like this and killing one another.

    A truly grim story.


    here are some pictures of the accident, only look if you are not easily upset, especially at the poor guy hanging from the bridge


    judging by how those van drivers act on a daily basis the assumption that he has some blame for the accident would not surprise me, every day when I drive to work, and on my return journey, I run the gauntlet of these morons.

    Condolences to all the families involved. I believe a similar accident (if that's what one wants to call these) happened a month or so ago which killed about 8-9 people in BKK after the van plunged from the elevated highway near Rama 5 Road. Education and enforcement are the only things that will stop this..... and an increased "value of life" in Thailand. By the looks of this guy in the picture, I would say he has no business working (or volunteering) in the paramedic field. Imagine if this was your family member's body in front of him.... how would you feel? Sickening, really......

    May the deceased rest in peace and the injured fully recover quickly.

  8. Funny having this kind of rating now, following the reports of bad relations between Thailand and USA

    I personally said long time ago, when Thailand refused to extradite Victor and spoke against USA wishes in regards to Burma that USA will find some diplomatic way to punish Thailand.

    I think this is just the beginning of the punishment,there could be more to come

    Yeaa, turn the Gulf of Thailand into Bay of Pigs! :D

    P.S. If Thailand is a high risk country, where would you go?... Just be careful and don't stay at your home country! :)

    I am amazed by the constant USA bashing on this site. It appears that Maplecroft is a UK-based company (Registered in England and Wales, 24th Oct 2001)...

    I'm am by no means saying that the USA is a "model of excellence"; in fact FAR FAR away from it! USA deserves bashing on a lot of issues.... but please check the facts before assuming that everything bad is originated from the USA.....

    I think you misunderstood, i am the last person to bash USA.

    In my opinion, good lesson has been taught to Thailand-Never bite a hand that feeds you!

    I mean in reality, refusing to extradite V.Bout with the excuse that Thailand does not recognize FARC as being terrorist organization is such an insult to your "friend" who has been supporting you in so many ways.

    Not to mention his extradition had no impact on Thailand at all.

    Speaking against USA in regards to Burma, this is also something that you do not do in public to embarrass your friend. You either keep your mouth shut or discuss it in private.

    Thailand decided to show the teeth and bite, fine so now there is no "food" for the hungry dog.

    Just another perfect example that it helps to think prior to acting, and for every action there always is a reaction.

    I really do not think its important what any of us Thai Visa members think. safe or not safe or whatever else.

    Bottom line is Thailand has been placed in the 9th spot and this is where it will stay, "till further notice"

    Impact of this ranking could be devastating for Thailand, not only in terms of tourism but also investment and relations. Should it turn violent in the next few weeks, it will only make the matters worse and really place Thailand in hot waters.

    I wonder where or to whom they will run to seek help????

    Understood.... and very well put. Thanks for the clarity.

  9. Just a quick add on here...

    It's funny, one does not notice things sometimes, but I was visiting a friend to day who has several still ponds (in shade) all filled with fish...has a long, fine fern leaf like plant, in all the ponds, which he says oxygenates the water. Obviously very well as he says he's never cleaned them... & the water was pretty clear...

    Sorry don't know the name & he did not either, but they grow several feet long & are about 1 inch wide ... I am sure any fish supply place would carry it, or if there are natural ponds around you may find it there too... all worth trying, there is nothing more tedious than cleaning ponds!

    Any chance of getting a picture of this plant?

  10. Funny having this kind of rating now, following the reports of bad relations between Thailand and USA

    I personally said long time ago, when Thailand refused to extradite Victor and spoke against USA wishes in regards to Burma that USA will find some diplomatic way to punish Thailand.

    I think this is just the beginning of the punishment,there could be more to come

    Yeaa, turn the Gulf of Thailand into Bay of Pigs! :D

    P.S. If Thailand is a high risk country, where would you go?... Just be careful and don't stay at your home country! :)

    I am amazed by the constant USA bashing on this site. It appears that Maplecroft is a UK-based company (Registered in England and Wales, 24th Oct 2001)...

    I'm am by no means saying that the USA is a "model of excellence"; in fact FAR FAR away from it! USA deserves bashing on a lot of issues.... but please check the facts before assuming that everything bad is originated from the USA.....

  11. Dave's quote "Used to call these 'water hyacynths' I think ?? and I am not convinced 'Pla Nin' are That effective against green water, in my experience.

    Shade and Correct filtration are probably the answer."

    To add my "two bits" worth on this subject! Water hyacinths are a bit different than the picture shown, & have a white & blue/ purple flower.... different leaves! ... but both these plants multiply like wind fire!

    But more on the subject, I have a pond in full sun, my land-lady has one in pretty much full shade, she cleans hers at least every two weeks, & uses a small pump that only trickles water.... I've cleaned mine once in 6 months & that was because of dirty well water when topping it up.

    More important is good AERATION of the water, if you can find a filtration system that would help too, but I have not seen here... although not looked too hard, either...

    I have a fairly heavy duty pump, attached to 1.5 inch pipe. which I have on a timer coming on for about one hour a day, with three fountains, which seems to be enough to keep the water clear... in full sun all day!

    Of course having a bigger pump means separating it from sucking up the fish! But when I designed the pond we made three separate areas, one for just the pump... This could be achieved with a filtration box, too Another way would be to add a waterfall, but again a larger pump would be required...

    No air in water equals stagnant water! :D Hope this helps!

    Thanks Jimmy, but I have a 3-well, canal-type fliter system with lava rocks, etc. and a large pump on a timer that feeds 2, nearly 2 meter high water falls. The waterfalls run 4 times a day for an hour each time but the water keeps getting greener and greener. As I mentioned earlier, out of 31 "Pla Nin", only 4 are still alive and I doubt they will have any impact at all. This past weekend I added 22 "water lettuce" plants to the pond, so I guess I will wait to see whether this has any impact. I really don't know what else to do at this point.

    The front pond, which gets partial sun all day remains clear and virtually maintenance free. :)

  12. Tilapia and Koy get on well together. I have two ponds one has around 500 Tilapia and maybe 50 Koy, they live together in peace and harmony with no algae.

    My big pond feeds a small one via an underground pipe to a waterfall, the small pond is maybe 2 meters by 5 meters, but only 18" deep. It was always as green as a green thing in a green place, we tried all manner of plants but still every day had to scoop out net fulls of green slime. I read about Tilapia filtering out the water so as a last resort put in around 10 Tilapia. Within 7 days the water was clear. It just simply works,

    Regrettably you need so many plants on a smallish shallow pond to do any good that they cover the surface, but still do not clear the pond anyway near as well as Tilapia.

    OK, I have tried the Tilapia and now have another question..............

    I put 31 Tilapia in the pond last Saturday and as of now, the Koi have killed 15 of them. How do you prevent the Koi from killing them long enough for them to be effective against the algae??

  13. Tilapia and Koy get on well together. I have two ponds one has around 500 Tilapia and maybe 50 Koy, they live together in peace and harmony with no algae.

    My big pond feeds a small one via an underground pipe to a waterfall, the small pond is maybe 2 meters by 5 meters, but only 18" deep. It was always as green as a green thing in a green place, we tried all manner of plants but still every day had to scoop out net fulls of green slime. I read about Tilapia filtering out the water so as a last resort put in around 10 Tilapia. Within 7 days the water was clear. It just simply works,

    Regrettably you need so many plants on a smallish shallow pond to do any good that they cover the surface, but still do not clear the pond anyway near as well as Tilapia.

    Great, thanks for the advice. I may give the Tilapia a go first and then add a few plants to round it off later. Besides JJ Market any recommendation on where to buy them? I live in the Sathorn area.

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