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Everything posted by islandguy

  1. Some veggies, like lettuce can’t handle the hot season. Others struggle with the rainy season. So find out the best time to plant, as others have said.
  2. “The best policy is to ask at least three different people--not within earshot of each other, of course--and see if at least two of them agree. Unless you have some consensus, you're likely destined for the goose chase.” agree with this previous comment. Done this for many years in many countries if I don’t get two out of three, I start over.
  3. 4,000 trees? Wow! At that volume maybe you could seek out a partner with processing capability. You need market differentiation as the local market is flooded, mostly with one kind of mango.. Organic or place of origin are possible differentiation. Organic gives you a possible way to command a higher price, especially for export. Switching to organic would likely depress yields until you can revive the soil and learn what organic compatible products will help take care of your orchard. Those sprays may seem pricey but you only need a little product per tank and the commercial products keep getting more expensive. You might ask Dr. Treelove, as he took care of and/or owned a commercial organic mango grove in Thailand. Best of luck.
  4. Living in Hawaii I saw the benefits of this building design in tropics. When we designed the house (finished in 2019) we incorporated those concepts. Right now our neighbors farmland is flooding and some of our friends’ houses have water coming up alongside their houses so I am happy to have our living space raised up from ground level. The open bottom floor gets a lot of use, very practical.
  5. Correction: Side on the right of picture is curved
  6. I had a similar intention and situation. I was very insistent on getting the stairs to have the width and rise the way I wanted (at the advice of a knowledgeable developer friend) and it was a challenge. I am also tall with long feet. When they finished it was almost but not quite tall enough at the the beam where the landing ends and first steps begin. The answer was to round the side of the beam (concrete beam with plaster coat) on the side where you are coming down. In this case that was enough to make a difference and pretty much eliminate the risk of hitting my head, partly because it was already close and partly because coming down your head starts higher as you are coming down to the beam. This build was supervised by a structural engineer who built everything very strongly, and he assured me that this rounding would not affect the strength of the beam adversely (plenty of big rebar in there). Getting the stairs to have a wide step and lower rise and using hardwood for the steps ended up making it one of the more beautiful parts of the house, very happy with it. It’s hard to tell from the picture, but in the close up of the beam the side on the left has a 90 degree profile and the side on the left is curved.
  7. I’m trying to keep my warm clothes from getting moldy so they will be ready for the cold season up North. Wish me luck!
  8. There are some leather crafters selling at the Jin Jae Market
  9. The regrowths are not as strong as new shoots will be and may break under the weight of fruit. Best practice is to cut them back to encourage faster growth of new shoots. Each root mass and its associated stems are actually one plant, so you are not losing anything.
  10. How about a battery without solar as a power backup? And can you keep everything on existing circuits and just reduce load? Or do you need to hook up batteries to only the essential parts of the system? My essentials would a water system (well pump and house pump) two refrigerators and a couple of floor fans.
  11. Mexicans have a very colorful pro wrestling tradition , Thais might love something like that
  12. Saw a booth with hand made leather goods including belts at Jin Jai market.
  13. Was there recently and enjoyed it. Even being there from 5pm to 10am well worth it and only an hour or so more driving, I think.
  14. Did you grow up using an o’o?
  15. Will never be built; will be a lucrative activity for dozens of connected people; junior staffers will have fun playing with graphics programs to try to produce impressive proposals. Would like to see the version where a cruise ship can pass under the span, maybe it would include a viewing platform 130 meters up……they actually have a tunnel to handle that in the graphic above, driving into a 4km undersea tunnel in Thailand would be a truly scary prospect!
  16. Khlang Faifaa Lighting & Electrical บริษัท คลังไฟฟ้า จำกัด
  17. Nice people. They added connections for me to the wire used for my temporary power hookup. Now have a very long outdoor extension cord. And yes, plugs into very well grounded 3 phase system.
  18. Happy Cow lists a "Pun Pun Market" - 1 reviewer calls it "Pun Pun Cafe", and 1 referred to their small shop: 97/3 Moo 1 Tambon Padad (at near Airport Plaza), Chiang Mai, mostly cafe, product selection is small. Good food
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