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Posts posted by tlcwaterfall

  1. ASEAN will be a success because it is more democratic than the EU. Each country has its own say.

    The day there is a president of ASEAN making all of the decisions is the day it will fail, like the EU.

    Yes, it will move more slowly, but what's wrong with that?

    Also, ASEAN is simply about business, not one identity with one currency.

    The countries of ASEAN will be business partners, not fools.

    Never ever forget how much they dislike and mistrust each other.

    And how very superior our host country believes they are in relation to the other asian countries.

    It will be an unmitigated failure in reality but the countries will commend each other in public.

    • Like 1
  2. Hotels normally put extra beds in a room when requested....have you tried this option?


    But pretty difficult to put another bathroom in, right? Try to send an email with such a request in English and wait for an answer. Good luck....

    Where are the Buriramians now when you need them???facepalm.gif

    Most likely looking on their local forum. :)

  3. So I guess the answer is no one has any idea where to buy a Vornado 660 in Thailand.

    I was very impressed with the YouTube review...turn iron and get a breeze anywhere in the room from a small quiet fan.

    So ve written to the company. If I get any positive news, I'll post it.

    Very interested to hear if you can get one or a similar type here in Thailand.

    I want one.

  4. This topic about leaving or not leaving Thailand is beginning to remind me of the TV show M*A*S*H --

    The Korean War lasted 3 years but the TV series M*A*S*H about the Korean War lasted 11 years.

    And still being shown daily around the world too. :)

  5. I wonder has anyone seen a battery operated large fan here?

    In the village we have may power failures and a battery operated fan would be great.

    Does not take long to work up a sweat once the power goes out.

  6. Need some assistance please. Have used the search function but would like some up to date opinions please.

    Tyres for my Isuzu 2010 pick up are now 4 and a half years old and have done 63000 kms. No cracks at all.

    All tyre shops say I need new tyres based on the age of the tyres not the actual tyres themselves which have a good amount of tread and no cracks.

    1. Do I actually need new tyres? All of my friends say tyres are fine.

    2. If I do need new tyres should I stick with Bridgestones or look at other brands?

    Bridgestones best price is 19800 baht fitted and balanced and a free wheel alignment.

    Goodyear 15480 fitted and balanced and free wheel alignment also.

    Any helpful and informed replies are much appreciated.


    • Like 1
  7. Current PC is around 8 years old and is slow. Running windows 7 with only 2gb. of ram

    Processor Intel® Core 2 CPU 6600@ 2.40 GHz

    64 bit operating system Have a 20" monitor which is fine.

    Could some informed boards members please give me some specs. for a new system? And best places to purchase please?

    I only use the PC for accessing the net and downloading.

    Any helpful replies are appreciated.

  8. To the people that have moved back to their home countries and appear to be happier there now good luck to you all.

    Why do you feel the need to tell us of your momentous and life changing decision?

    Are you also acknowledging that you made mistakes coming to live here and by continuing to live here for many years perpetuated that mistake?

    Your version of happiness is clearly not shared by the majority of posters here.

    So what if anything are you hoping to achieve by your posts?

    And if you are now happily ensconced in your home countries why are you still posting on a Thailand forum?

  9. Sounds par for the course; one coward Thai only slapped him because there was several of them to back him up. Just sad.

    I don't know. If a foreigner is abusive and loud in a public place doesn't he deserve a slap or two? He may have had a beef with the owner of the phone stall, but why should that involve everyone else in earshot? That is no way to behave no matter what his problem.

    He most certainly did not deserve a slap. In fact I would suggest that would be called assault and in a normal country the offender would be hauled before a court to answer for his cowardly actions.

    As for raising his voice in a backward and violent country with little consumer protections I agree he should have known better.

    • Like 1
  10. Her hooters were on top of your head ?.......are you really really short ?

    Good men pay good money for this...specially one behind as well.....

    Sorry, but I fail to see any humour in this story.

    Being mugged and robbed can be extremely traumatic, it is something that victims don`t recover from quickly. Perhaps similar will happen to you one day and we can all get the chance to see the funny side of your experience, only somehow, I doubt you would be sharing the funny side of it.

    Not sure that he was really mugged as he clearly had no physical injuries. From his post it appears to me that at the time the incident was more of an annoyance than anything else.

    However while the incident is annoying and unsavoury why is he wearing a gold chain in Bangkok? He really is setting himself up for an incident like this to happen.

    The quote at the end of his post indicates he is a long time Bangkokian. As such you would think he would be more aware of his surroundings and the likelihood of things like this happening.

    "A long time Bangkokian."

  11. Reading some AU news outlets, they predicting it will go down to as low as 75. Might be a good time to buy back some AU, because once RBA raises the rates, it will climb back up.

    Inflation rates are out , so RBA would have to do something.

    My understanding is that RBA may cut the rates instead of raising them. This will result in AUD falling further down. I think it will be down to 0.65-0.70 by the end of this year. Baht may still be strong at that time due to expected investment from China and Japan. Rice export may do a bit better this year. While tourism could be a bit shaky due to downfall of RUB. Influx of CNY may not be able to fill this gap due to different spending habits/pattern.

    This would mean AUD will be more like 22-23 baht similar to some time in 2008.

    Better have all your holidays out of your system now...LOL...

    Yes, sorry i was trying to say something along this lines but i guess got lost somewhere half way:)

    22 was the rate some 5-6-7 years ago(from memory), Great time to buy AUD

    Might be good for AU but certainly not good for Thai exports and expats or just tourists out of AU

    I have been here since 2006 and the worst i got was 26.50.

    The best 33.

    Aud in December 2008 was 21 to the baht. :) Not sure how you got 26,50 at that time.

    • Like 1
  12. Hi bkkgooner,

    As of today, there are 17 Sports Apps on Amazon Fire TV.

    FOX Sports GO | NFL Now | NBA Game Time | MLB.TV | WatchESPN | ACC Digital Network | Willow | FuboTV | Epic TV | Thuuz Sports Guide for Fire TV | Kicker | GT Channel | Campus Insiders | Afro Sports | SpradeTV | Aqua TV | DKB Handball Bundesliga

    Our XBMC (& TV ADDONS) also came with following Sports Channel. (Just need to install/enable to watch)
    SportDevil Add-on for XBMC is also another nice place to find sports content.

    With our solution, you get access to both Apps on AMZ Fire TV and XBMC.

    Could you help share what are your favorite channels?

    We might be able to help find them.


    Would love an addon that gives me access to Australian news channels and other Australian commercial channels.

  13. I would have to say in many ways Australia is actually cheaper than Thailand.

    Im here on a year long work assignment in Sydney Australia.

    As for Thailand I was shocked to see many monthly electricity bills basically the same as mine in Australia.

    As for fruit I can get a lot cheaper in Australia as they sell by the kilo rather than paying per piece.

    Cans of tuna either the same price or cheaper in Australia.

    Coffee cheaper in Australia,a 200gm jar from 80baht

    Water free by the tap.

    2 litre milk in Australia $2...= about 75 baht.

    Bacon and cold meats..cheese cheaper in Australia.24 cheese slices from 70baht.

    Obviously thai takeaway is more expensive but have found places here in Sydney that sell thai food for under 90 baht a plate.and big portions.

    'Water free by the tap'

    Water is not free in Australia. It is expensive and continually getting more expensive.

    Water authorities charge not only for the water that is used but also for the infrastructure. Not free. :)

  14. "Thai economy has since floundered because of military coups, floods and persistent political uncertainty"

    All things of the past.

    The future is bright.

    Stability is back and the Government is taking care of that.

    Thailand will flourish again in the coming years.

    The longer they govern the better for Thailand and it's people.

    God or Buddha forbid we go back to the previous political situation and turmoil.

    Whatever you are on I'd like a pint of it then I too could take a trip to the clouds.

    I want some too. :) Wait till the present unelected government are removed. Only then will we see how fair, honest and incorruptible they have been during their illegal reign.

    Remember power corrupts and and absolute power corrupts absolutely. So far the country is applauding the governments many good actions. Time will tell if these actions are merely a smoke screen for other less savoury actions.

  15. "Thai economy has since floundered because of military coups, floods and persistent political uncertainty"

    All things of the past.

    The future is bright.

    Stability is back and the Government is taking care of that.

    Thailand will flourish again in the coming years.

    The longer they govern the better for Thailand and it's people.

    God or Buddha forbid we go back to the previous political situation and turmoil.

    Nice Thought,but only that I'm afraid. Wait till 2016. The Philippines and its people will show the rest of South East Asia how investing in its education system in the past is about to pay off in its future. The Philippines will become the Hub of South East Asia,inviting more and more outside investment.The Americans are already seeing the possibilities and reopening their bases there. Thailand's economy is on the slide and most major investment subject to review. Cozying up to China is going to be Thailand's downfall.

    The US are seeing the "possibilities"...Sure....Its will need military bases there in a new War..and the Phillis will regret that "friendship"...

    The Americans going back will not only greatly boost the economy it will also help prevent a future war. The Philippines are in a strategic position and will allow the Americans greater flexibility to stop the incessant march and influence of the Chinese.

    • Like 1
  16. You'd think that following a spate of suspicious deaths, and the subsequent international media interest, that somebody upstairs at Police HQ would write a simple memo to police officers: Treat all deaths as suspicious until proven otherwise. Seal-off all potential crime scenes. Search for and collect ALL evidence not just that which supports the most convenient theory. Investigate before reaching conclusions. Do NOT spew unsupported theories to the media.

    However simple it might be, it's probably not going to happen. Thai's in general, and it would seem Thai police officers in particular, suffer from a condition known as 'ility-blindness': credibility, responsibility, accountability etc.

    RIP John Brett, thoughts with your family and friends

    So you are suggesting that they do the job they are paid to do instead of taking the easy way out?

    I really do not think they would want to do this.:) Would take up too much of their valuable time and there is no money in it for them unless they are receiving back handers to not investigate the issue.

  17. My internet was slow Tuesday and Wednesday and I had issues with buffering as well as well as some of my regular live TV links wouldn't load. Last night it was back to normal.

    Just out of interest what M3U link are you usung to get Aus Plus ?

    Also very interested in the link. Can anyone help please?

  18. After you open NAVI X you will see 2nd from the top "Main IPTV channels" open this and then scroll down past all the main News channels CCN,BBC,Bloomberg etc etc and you will see "Australia Plus" to click on.

    When I open Navi x all I get are 6 boxes and no content. What am I doing wrong?

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