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Posts posted by SomNamNah

  1. sorry if repost


    Thailand reverts to old-style politics

    It was under such governments - in which Mr Newin participated - that Thailand sleep-walked into the catastrophic 1997 financial crisis...

    lol, ...2008 sleep-walked into dictatorship? My opinion of 'elite' Thai's has sunk further. Thank goodness for the power of the priesthood here. crazy place. Money + Madness - dangerous combination. Oh well, at least they will accelerate the devaluation the Baht. Unfortunately they will have their cash offshore.

  2. Thanks :o i will ask the Fan - as soon as we are back on speaking terms!

    Anyone know if these mushrooms grow around CM? Back home they pop up like mushrooms.

    They are known as hed tab tao in Thai. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boletus_eduli...note-Arora86-13


    Boletus Edulus, porcini...

    bit of butter, lots of garlic, fresh bread... boooo hoooo im hungry!

    All thats in the fridge are those stupid sweet sausages and some brown gunk in a plastic bag (been there a year now) - that apparently is a dip of some sort!!

  3. I will try my hardest to attend!

    The best toy shop i know of is the one located just down the road from Loi Kro road... go past entrance to Loi kro (one way) -- take the next left at the corner of the moat.. a few meters down on left is a furry toy shop..

    seen here on my map as the red icon (i must get around to fixing the website one of these days, yawn): link: red-stars.png

    lat: 18.781181524550465

    lon: 98.99329125881195

  4. ...except the Thai Baht in the best direction for us! (and them - think of the exports mr Thai!)

    The ruskies and Chinese had bigger stock market bubbles than the west.. something like 1000% (ten+ baggers on most stocks)... havent looked at the charts for them for 2 years now, bet they arent pretty.


    baht hitting GBP/THB trendline... come on baby break on through! I want 62 baht to my pound for Christmas!

    Dow Jones futures -290.00 at 8280.00 ..

  5. looks like a head n shoulders - 82 target?

    todays Dow action could be interesting. And its a friday! I love the way markets work to create the most tension.

    the ruskies are scared now: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home

    For the burgeoning middle class, investments of choice range from electronics to gold jewelry. Evroset, Russia’s largest mobile-phone chain, is telling people to buy anything they can.

    “It’s better to feel happy that you own something than to fear losing the money you have earned,” Chairman Yevgeny Chichvarkin says in a letter posted at 5,200 Evroset stores. “If you need a car, buy a car! If you need an apartment, buy an apartment! If you need a fur coat, buy a fur coat!”

  6. Old lady in my fans village lived alone in a small hut.

    story was that her husband kept trying to kill her, so he could run off with another woman. One night he tried to eletrocute her with two electrical wires in her sleep, but the story is she was just pretending to be asleep and ran off.

    so... it being a small village the only sensible thing... he moved to the other side of the village to live on his own :o (all of 3 minutes walk away)

    Several years later last summer, he was seeing a woman who was sleeping with several Thai husbands in the vicinity of the village. She was not liked for this. She one night told the guy she was leaving him for another richer peasant... so he strangled her and ran away to Bangkok, but gave himself up to the police on advice from some members of the village close to the wat inner circle. Some people are just bad souls.

    Mate saw a murder in Africa, but there they go unreported, because its just not worth the danger of getting involved/entangled.

    I personally think the motorbike gore in the papers are a good thing, in the absence of law enforcement, it can only be good.

    Similarly if the west was to show the suffering it causes in the middle east etc, on both sides.... the war would be over faster.

    Maybe the wests lack of real pictures is why the west is so hopelessly screwed, murder by proxy. I know i enjoyed watching Gulf War I "shock and awe" on TV.

    ramble ramble, time for bed...

  7. Tasted a remarkable Thai sausage the other day :o

    about a foot long, reddish skin, about as thick as a ten baht coin.. came in a bunch tied. Had skin that you had to peel.

    Tastes almost exactly like Saucisson! Except it was sweet, i mean sweet like honey :D

    but it has the makings of a decent Saucisson, i just need to find a version with peppercorns and no added sugar, and a tad drier...

    Anyone know if i can get a savoury Thai version of Saucisson, ie: not from a farang supermarket at 300 baht!?



  8. Feeling the pinch now in CM.

    It seems a lot of 'low' Thais work their arse off to put the kids into private schools. probably about 10,000 a term. My good Thai friends are shitting themselves quite frankly. They are well aware this could go on for two years. The last three months has been hard enough for them.

    I saw an undercurrent of desperation, and contemplations of underworld activities - albeit in jest.

    Im sorry its a negative post.

    On a brighter note, i was pleased to hear that the guy in question with 2 kids in private school, and who sells cheap clothes in a market for a living is getting 1/2 of his kids fees paid for by a sister working her arse off in a Thai restaurant in London. Nice to hear the Thai - Anglo relationship is useful.

  9. Was it real or a soap?

    Thank god i havent watched TV for 2 years now.

    I think Australia/NZ may be the only safe and sane countries left, sheltered to an extent by the relatively sane 'east'

  10. LOL! haha, my old boss forced me to switch 40 lawyers to digital dictation, in the name of progress.

    if they had been 40 YOUNG lawyers.. no problem... these were lawyers that had been lawyers for 40 years, and had just about mastered the basics of windows!!! hhhaaahaaarrgghhh!

    I feel for you...

    i think the plan was to have a pool of typists - sent the digital files by email...

    it worked... but the pool never happened.. it just went through the email to the secretary a few feet away...

  11. 23753d1216512869-official-oklahoma-forum-chattin-thread-rip-thread.jpg

    Whats the next advert thread going to be about? A man walks into a bar and says... zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Please mr Hunt, if you are going to advertise your establishment, at least make the story sexier. Throw in some bar girls, some blood, brawls, bribery, extortion.. anything, but the mental image i have now of your pub is that it must be the most boring pub in CM! Maybe thats what you want, a gentle quiet pub, thats very very boring.

    Now if you said, that you beat up the thief, nicked his wallet, and made him do the dishes.. now thats a story. work on it for the next one.

    Why am i not at the karabow concert enjoying 50 baht beers !?

    oh well another concert tomorrow at Tawan Dang. 1000 baht for 4 people, inc whisky, etc.

  12. Here he is talking before the 'people' voted last time .. sorry if repost.

    http://www.abhisit.org/EuromoneyHK5july2007.wma from http://www.abhisit.org/Home_RHS_EnglishURL.php

    sounds just like a classic cityboy, he can pronounce 'R' which is a good sign, his T's are a bit shakey though. innit.

    he also understands 'undemocratic military installed government'

    'microfrustrations' of Thais

    - restoration of democracy - choice/welcome competition (haha)/level playing field (haha)

    - economic revival - back to basics, (re-)education, (re-)education, (re-)education

    - peace in the south

    wants free and fair elections... monitored (haha)

    actually sounds quite a nice guy! - blair-like, not sure he is tough enough for the job, needs a few tattoos. Shame about Eton the most decadent and arrogant school in the world, wonder who he was a Fag for?

    Maybe he will follow the tried and tested British model of north/south divide! Rape the north to pay the costs of keeping bangkok above water. hurrah!

  13. LOL!

    Wrong, it was colonised by the chinesse hundreds of years ago but as usual the thais didn't notice.

    Build the Thai canal : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thai_canal

    About a quarter of all oil carried by sea passes through the strait, mainly from Persian Gulf suppliers to Asian markets such as China, Japan, and South Korea. In 2006, an estimated 15 million barrels per day (2,400,000 m³/d) were transported through the strait.[3]

    opposed by the west who want to be able to block the Strait of Malacca should they have trouble from the yellow peril...

    and also keep singapore happy.

    Panama Canal revenue : US$2 billion pa.

    Suez : $3.6 billion pa.


    The Thai Navy might actually be useful! Thailand could actually rival singapore!! And Thais may learn to pronounce 'R' 'V' and 'L'!

    Then will come support from China? Japan? US? (maybe not the US?) and maybe just maybe with Thailand acting as a key strategic player in the region... the trickle down might actually reach farmer joe.

    Thats what i would do if i was in charge.

    Or.. i would turn Thailand into a shithole like Burma with the currency worth nothing, but safe with my foreign currency and serfs.. and live the life of a medieval warlord! ahh thats the life!

  14. Got a free meal, and a free beer form my local last night. ciggies on a tab though...

    but i do go there every night...

    Thai landlords are great!

    now the question is.. do i go to the karabow concert tonight at the 700 yr stadium (100 baht) ...or not?!

  15. the built in windows vista Windows Speech Recognition is one of the best i have seen.

    I havent looked around for many years, thought about it for legal transcripts, but found the lawyers spent longer 'training' the recognition than was acceptable.

    Playing in an audio file... hmm.. just jack in the recorder to the microphone socket.

    sorry cant be more help

  16. http://www.homprang.com/


    This place is the best, immaculate, beautiful, herbal sauna, pool, acres of garden.... and She is the best in town. in my opinion. Fluent english.

    Cant recommend it highly enough. Is out of CM center a bit, - past the airport and on for about 5 mins - near the old 'global house', but down a 'country lane'.


    Baan Hom Saunphrai

    93/2 Moo 12

    Tawangtan, Saraphi,

    Chiang Mai 50140,


    tel. 053-817-362 (English)

    tel. 053-817-356 (Thai)

  17. Isnt that just crazy? Farang border runners must spend a fortune in this fine country. I have.

    When they start messing with the 15 month visas, then its time to panic!

    I have been thinking about staying in Chiang Rai if they mess around anymore, the countryside around there is incredible. Sadly the fan cant live too far from CM, and is scared of ghosts and things that go bump in the night, so there goes the mountain top retreat idea...

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