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Posts posted by SomNamNah

  1. A sad tale from the Fan's immediate family. Her cousin 35? works as a labourer, famer worker etc. His father was an officer so i guess you could say middle class... He is poor as is the norm outside CM.

    Thsi guy - 35 - had a beautiful girlfriend maybe 26? from near one of the seaside resorts... They had a child together, but the mother of the girlfriend basically broke them up because she wants the girl to get a rich farang. (It wont be difficult for her). It was this or excommunication. So now the little girl for last 2 years (now 3) has been growing up with a relation up here near CM. He works away on building sites etc.

    The farang impact of keeping a girl on a support salary from abroad must be huge, i know of at least 3 women- not hookers, who have met farang via websites and are being supported from abroad. Just yesterday one of them met a farang via a website, who proceeded to try and get her back into his hotel room on the first date. Makes me sick. (and no - he didnt get to sow his oats)

    The women know there are decent ones out there (usually the ones wanting to retire here, and have a peaceful life).

    I even know a Thai guy who carries a baton with him every day for 2 years, in case he meets the german farang who stole away his wife.

    I wonder what is going to happen now that the farang countries and Japan are starting to feel the pinch. The giving away of monthly salaries to poor thai women can only lead to disaster surely?

    Personally i have prepared as much as i can for my departure one day from Thailand. Set the fan up in a small business, bought assests that can be sold/pawned easily, and generally tried to line her up for a future that doesnt involve getting mixed up in the guys that play on the girls via websites. But hey, im only 35, maybe when im 50 i will think differently. So far so good, i put the cash into the business, and she doesnt ask for money - she works for it!

    The effect of these 'wealthy' tourists has to be huge, many women here turn their noses up at teachers!! getting 30k+ a month! thats 3 or 4 times what they need to keep a shiny car and new designers clothes on their backs! Christ, accountants get 12,000 ish! and Thai teachers only 8-10,000?

    Having said all that, a beautiful thai woman friend of my fans has just walked in.. she has a 1.5 mill condo, paid for by her thai "friend" in the govt.

  2. For anyone who hasnt heard him: http://www.abhisit.org/EuromoneyHK5july2007.wma

    Sounds like a decent enough guy, just needs a decent PR team now (and i dont mean the brown yellow shirts)

    sounds very wishy washy, not at all like a potential dictator. Good luck to him.

    Most people i ask about are you red or white now seem to have flip flopped,.. neither side.. "my country has failed" one nice guy told me, with a real look of sadness, which was a touching thing to see.

    Does seem like Thaksin has it easy.. put his feet up for the next few years while global shit hits the fan... come back at the first sign of recovery.. and take all the credit!

  3. bloody great experience. never had any trouble in 2 years here. never fallen out with any thai, the only intended influence i can think of having, is trying to teach some road manners, unfortunately, and to my shame, often with the middle finger. I did today however shake my fist, rather than give the bird- at a car that pulled out in front of me while i was doing 100kmph on the bike. i think the fist shake might be less offensive?, im sure if i keep flipping the bird, consequences may arise. cant think of anythng else. CM/north thailand people are just great.

    how many places on earth can you walk into a house, lie down on the recliner, smile at the people in the house, and read your book for 20 mins while the fan chats away, and shares some food... only to find out after you have left, that the fan got the wrong house , and had never met the occupants.

  4. couldnt get the graphs to work online so i did it myself for the biggest dataset. missing data rate is increasing.

    (bored while i wait for my downloads) March? at a glance looks like the nasty one - but i know nothing...



    avg 49.1

    looks like the PM-10 : particulate matter (dust) <10 microns (raw data) is trending DOWN!

    could do the other data sets but they are way out of date... i wonder why?......

    and here is Phuket..


    avg 47.1

    just found Uparaj Collage - has up to date data... oh well.. next time..

  5. see FAQ's



    If you are here for the 'toy ride' jan 4th? - that would be a good way to see the place.

    The closest place i can think of where you can see a glimpse of the tropical forests is here: http://www.treetopasia.com/

    Expensive (dam_n them!) but located in a lovely area. There are so many national parks around CM. Especially out towards this range of mountains...

    trekking? im sure you can, but if you really want isolation maybe you have to travel for an hour or two from CM?

    (bikes are better!)

  6. post-71749-1229233326_thumb.png

    Dear Santa.

    Divergence on the bahts climb. nice. double top also. :D

    Start of divergence on Sterling fall vs Dollar. nice. double bottom also. (hmm.. maybe continuation-sideways pattern :o )

    i dont trust these bottoms, but the baht must crack - for the sake of the country, for the sake of my bar bills, for the sake of farmer/sweatshop joe with mountains of shit thats too pricey to export!

    If the baht were a stock, i would look to short it. Now or on the next peak.

    Is the USD about to the follow sterling roller coaster?...


  7. Now i think of it, i may have bought the dumbells in Central in Kad Son Kow, it was a long time ago.

    If you cant find anything decent get back to me, a guy in my mooban hs the has the full kit, i can ask him for you.

  8. You can buy in Kad Son Kow, shopping center, sport shop at top. metal weightd...just dumbells, havent been able to find a bar here though.

    You could buy my dumbells, but that would mean shelving my get fit plans that might one day, perhaps, spring back into action.... :o

  9. I have no idea what a reuben sandwich is, but it looks kind of tasty! Never had pastrami, is it corned beef? I always imagined it to be salami-like.. ah the wonders of google.. its beef. dam_n that sounds good. droool. hope thats cream cheese in the pic...

    For the full Pavlovian drool response...


    Have to excuse my fave foods, im a mix of nationalities.

    Rollmops. pickled sweet fish. cant get any better than that.


  10. I had a dream the night of the Kobe earthquake, (or a chinese one) before it happened.. about a huge earthquake in asia ... very scary dream. I was in England.

    i dont think im psychic, i think the tremors & maybe magnetic waves may have been felt in my sleep at some unconscious level, but as for 2 years ahead? hmm..

    will post if i have another dream - lol!

  11. Get real; - this isn't a democracy – it won't be for many years – but the PAD are fighting for the survival of the country.

    Very easy. let it be. Was doing just fine...the Asian tiger... meeeoow. Now its the Asian rabid dog pissing on the lamppost of democracy. Thank goodness the Chinese here are smart enough to keep this place ticking over.

  12. This company is good: http://www.geckotravel.com/

    they do high end tours, but i think they also do local trips.. im sure they can help you anyway.

    Recommend this place if its rugged nature you are after http://www.cavelodge.com/

    I think most places will be quite a bit of travel away from here.. possibly around Pai - for such a short time here, maybe you should look around there (cavelodge is near there).. you can get a light aircraft here in CM that will get you to Pai in 20mins. - otherwise its 4? hours by bus :o

    good luck

  13. :o Britain is doomed. Its the 70's all over again, except we spent all of Scottish oil wealth already on middle class 'skiing holidays' (according to mr torygraph) and now we have the doors open to any european peasant who wants work.

    Cant the EU give back some of the tens of billions the UK has given it been conned out of to pay for german nursing homes, and spanish pavements? backstabbers.

    Oz/Nz/Canada are the only sensible options now. Abandon ship! (actually dont abandon yet, wait till i get settled in first please)

    but how on earth can the baht remain so strong, its insane!!!- getting my rubber blanket ready for when the traders pull the plug on the baht.

    Where are my chill pills?

    God im tired of all this moving around, my family seem to have been refugees from countries going tits up for 100 years now!

    Russia 1917---> Germany 1945---> France 1968---> UK 2009 -----> Land of Oz?

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