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Posts posted by SomNamNah

  1. As bizarre as it may seem, i actually need a suit made. But its only for a one week trip.

    So what i need is something that will hold together just long enough..

    please can anybody recommend a tailor in CM, that will make me a very cheap suit ( but that will pass for a decent one)

    Am i looking at 3,000 baht? Thank you!!

    Any oil rig workers reading this... what do the African businessmen wear? Grey, Cream?

    maybe grey is safest? thank you!

  2. please be careful. The German loog krung opposite me was 'kidnapped' by the grandparents/mother with help from within the police from a German father in Thailand. The boy was 4? at the time. High ranking police were paid off. The German father has not been able to see the boy for 5 years now ( and they live in the huge house paid for by him)

    If the thai's family have money and connections, you must go through a lawyer. If they are poor, you may have a better chance. I wish you the very best of luck.

    Can you try and go through the Austrian boyfriend? reason with him? Might be worth a trip to Austria?

    IF you go and get him. Please get some high police links. It may involve large sums.

  3. Who cares about her lesbian tendencies? So what if she soaps up in the company of several other leggy beauties before donning her power suit!

    Maybe she swings both ways eh?

    You elite in Bangkok have your 'elite' government in place, run that swampy stink of a city. Let the people of Chiang Mai have somebody they like and trust (for what thats worth) looking after their interests, not some henchman from PAD.

    Now i know what it might feel like to be Scottish and be governed by a bunch of ivory tower 'elite' English 500km away in London.

    OK OK, the sinawatra clan may have had hands in the till, like this government isnt going to 're-distribute' the wealth. We wait and see..

    and the best thing is we can write what we like about her because she isnt on the censorship list! ah the joys of free speech!

    bad girl, dirty girl, come to me for re-education.

  4. wow, thats a great post!

    The profit margin on Chinese imports into Thailand is much smaller i would imagine. Maybe a 30% markup - wholesale.

    But to the west the Chinese profit margins are probably 500% plus even with distribution costs etc - I guess land routes from the North may benefit Thailand, but not much, im guessing the ports are where the bulk of the goods are. Thats just my take on the THB.

    West cannot support itself with food? Im not sure thats correct is it? scary if its true. But I imagine a time will come when it is true. Fresh vegetables in the UK have been a luxury item for years now :o

    Thats if the Chinese dont go hungry first, and eat everything that moves..

    god what a mess.

  5. i guess this must be the website


    At 17, I joined the military. I am a disabled Vietnam era Veteran. I served from September 1972 to November 1975.


    A Homeless Veteran Giver His Home to a Katrina Family


    By Janny Castillo

    Street Spirit., May 2006


    Shortly after learning about Katrina, Tim made a decision that would change his life and give hope to a family left homeless by the hurricane.


    talking of reincarnation... my fan's dead father (died 13 years ago) has just come back as her nephew (now 1.5 years old). ( Confirmed by his ex wife and now grandmother!)

    wish i had a belief... lost any i had long ago. Be nice to think of the wife and family seeing someone they loved again.

    good luck

  6. Going into Zimbabwe, you have to unpack all your luggage before you exit.

    I couldnt believe it when my girlfriend at the time (worried about the xmas presents (playstation) in the luggage being confiscated) just told me to walk straight past the customs guys -eyes straight ahead, and dont turn back...

    it worked!

    I am wondering just how many gems i can ram up my jacksy through Heathrow! (oops.. keyword "jacksy+gems+heathrow" ping.. there goes the wiretap. log passport number #776454). Seriously though, heroin production here will be on the rise. Increasingly so if the unmentionable happens to the unmentionable. Ah well, will give the DEA something to do in Chiang Mai.

  7. WillyWonka.jpg


    Waste coffee grounds offer new source of biodiesel fuel

    The resulting coffee-based fuel — which actually smells like java

    IMAGE: Waste coffee grounds can provide a cheap, abundant source of biodiesel fuel (shown), researchers say.

    Click here for more information.

    Researchers in Nevada are reporting that waste coffee grounds can provide a cheap, abundant, and environmentally friendly source of biodiesel fuel for powering cars and trucks. Their study has been published online in the American Chemical Society's (ACS) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, a bi-weekly publication.

    In the new study, Mano Misra, Susanta Mohapatra, and Narasimharao Kondamudi note that the major barrier to wider use of biodiesel fuel is lack of a low-cost, high quality source, or feedstock, for producing that new energy source. Spent coffee grounds contain between 11 and 20 percent oil by weight. That's about as much as traditional biodiesel feedstocks such as rapeseed, palm, and soybean oil.

    Growers produce more than 16 billion pounds of coffee around the world each year. The used or "spent" grounds remaining from production of espresso, cappuccino, and plain old-fashioned cups of java, often wind up in the trash or find use as soil conditioner. The scientists estimated, however, that spent coffee grounds can potentially add 340 million gallons of biodiesel to the world's fuel supply.

    To verify it, the scientists collected spent coffee grounds from a multinational coffeehouse chain and separated the oil. They then used an inexpensive process to convert 100 percent of the oil into biodiesel.

    The resulting coffee-based fuel — which actually smells like java — had a major advantage in being more stable than traditional biodiesel due to coffee's high antioxidant content, the researchers say. Solids left over from the conversion can be converted to ethanol or used as compost, the report notes. The scientists estimate that the process could make a profit of more than $8 million a year in the U.S. alone. They plan to develop a small pilot plant to produce and test the experimental fuel within the next six to eight months.

    Biodiesel is a growing market. Estimates suggest that annual global production of biodiesel will hit the 3 billion gallon mark by 2010. The fuel can be made from soybean oil, palm oil, peanut oil, and other vegetable oils; animal fat; and even cooking oil recycled from restaurant French fry makers. Biodiesel also can be added to regular diesel fuel. It also can be a stand-alone fuel, used by itself as an alternative fuel for diesel engines

  8. http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_31225...u=news.quirkies

    Archeologists in China are baffled after finding a tiny Swiss watch in a 400-year-old tomb.


    The watch ring was discovered as archeologists were making a documentary with two journalists from Shangsi town.

    "When we tried to remove the soil wrapped around the coffin, a piece of rock suddenly dropped off and hit the ground with a metallic sound,? said Jiang Yanyu, former curator of the Guangxi Autonomous Region Museum.

    "We picked up the object, and found it was a ring. After removing the covering soil and examining it further, we were shocked to see it was a watch."

    The time was stopped at 10:06am, and on the back was engraved the word "Swiss", reports the People's Daily.

    Local experts say they are confused as they believe the tomb had been undisturbed since it was created during the Ming dynasty 400 years ago.

    They have suspended the dig and are waiting for experts to arrive from Beijing and help them unravel the mystery.

  9. post-71749-1229412391_thumb.jpg

    I dont buy it Dan Sai, that one 1.5 years ago here was a whopper! Made me whoosy for a whole day!

    This article today echoes a thought i had when replying to this post last week:


    As ice melts, Antarctic bedrock is on the move

    will push the Antarctic plate into Ozzy/Indo plate and up the java trench... arrgghhh we are all dooomed!


  10. HAHA! nice video!

    Last night i saw a male red shirt on his way to do mischief in town, clad in red... red headband...red trousers...

    and a red "wendy's" shirt :o -looked very out of place. dam_n these CIA agents work in mysterious ways.


  11. yup.

    Although its also popular with Thai's now, lots of new resorts popping up. lots.

    Nice place to visit as it easy to see everything in town (only 2 crossroads). Awesome countryside.

    Was a bit put off on occasion as the youngsters seem to be in a farang bubble...

    one guy from london i met had been there one year and didnt know how to order his DAILY banana fruit shake in Thai. Thats just rude and lazy.

  12. go to the flight of the gibbon, if only to get out into the jungle... the real jungle!

    rent a bike and drive out to it... stop at the caves, then the hot springs - go for a mineral bath, then drive to the flight of the gibbon place.

    very very nice.

  13. I 'work' (read - sit in the biker bar, while she works) in a large Thai market.. thai uni student market :o

    so i must see a few hundred Thais every night, mostly university girls looking for haute couture (from China) :D

    Its been an education!

    off to work now, this month has been dire. the stingy parents must have cut back on their allowances. grr.. oh well.. xmas and new year they seem to have full purses :D come to papa!

    Plus i was sure world war 3 was coming 2 years ago USA/Israel --> Iran, so i figured id wait it out here.. I didnt realise the global economic collapse would mean my plan B (return to Uk for fast cash) would be scuppered... time to go native.

    Right now im worried the Iran thing is going to block the straights of Hormuz... if we have high prices of petrol soon, then i think CM is going to be utterly foooked. It wont be worth the cost of travel to work for many.


    Its beer o'clock!

  14. plus they work out. dam_n them!

    Seems like all the best looking women in Thailand are gay! aint fair.

    Talking about rough areas...

    Im a member (almost) of a CM biker 'gang' - its all a bit of a laugh, bankers, teachers, a few hi-so's... nothing more illegal than driving slightly drunk..

    however having been to a few biker meets over the last few weeks, it looks like the real thing is coming to town next year.. The bandidos - starting a chapter in CM.

    -Im used to the Thai bikers - everybody wai's and has a laugh... These guys 'bandidos' - are farang run- looked and acted the part. mean as can be. scary.


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