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Posts posted by SomNamNah

  1. just remembered what i used to drink when i went through my teenage 'body building' phase.. (and no.. im not still as fit now)

    bet kids would love it! - sounds nasty but its soooo nice and healthy.

    uht semi skimmed milk


    2 raw egg whites/one egg yolk

    drop of vanilla essence

    sprinkle of cinnamon

    some wheatgerm

    blob of honey

    blend in blender... yummmmm!

    the good old days before i discovered beer and beer bellies :o

  2. here we go:


    Kokkoh is a rice milk of Thai origin. Brown rice is its primary and sometimes its only solid ingredient. Many kokkoh dishes, however, have other rices and seasonings, most commonly sweet rice, azuki bean, sesame, barley, and kombu.

    [edit] Preparation

    Broadly speaking, the term "kokkoh" may be applied to any dish in which cereals are diluted in water. However, the rice dish discussed here is by far the most common form.

    No matter which cereals are used in a kokkoh recipe, preparation is similar and simple. The cereals are soaked in water for two to three hours. Additional water is then added, and the mixture boiled or pressure cooked to completion. In some cases, the cereals are roasted in sesame oil before cooking takes place.

    [edit] Uses

    Kokkoh is recommended as both a substitute for mother's milk and a means of weaning infants from it. (In the former case the recipe often calls only for brown rice ground to a fine powder and water.) Besides its soft and easily digestible texture, kokkoh is recommended as such because its mixture has a high and varied protein content; combined, the amino acids in each of the ingredients described at the outset include virtually all those needed for consumption. It is thus especially well suited for the growth needs of a child. When used solely for weaning, it is recommended that kokkoh be introduced at between 8 months and a year of age. It may be used as breast milk substitute as early as five months, but with a larger proportion of water, in order to further dilute the mixture.

    Kokkoh is also an important part of the macrobiotic diet, in accordance with the diet's heavy emphasis upon grains. Along with its use as a means of weaning, kokkoh is a common breakfast food among macrobiotic eaters of all ages.

    Kokkoh is also the name of a town in Thailand.

  3. now only drinks dutch milk

    look on the back soidog, 8% sugar!

    there is the problem... its poison for kids in short. (yes my stepson still drinks it - they also are waiting for the adult teeth to come! <deleted>)

    I did see the newest kid in the clan munching happily on a cucumber the other day, i suspect cheaper than sweets/junk food. So that was nice.

    There must be alternatives to Dutch mill. If it has aspartame ie: no sugar, its also poison.

    Its a tough battle, Dutch mill is everywhere.- drinking yoghurt etc, milk.. yuk.

    If its protein the Thais think they are giving the kids, there are masses of better options, but maybe not cheaper or available.

    I think the ozzies have rice milk that isnt saturated in sugar, it being naturally sweet:



    gawd knows... if the family here keep feeding him sugar water after his adult teeth appear ( he has just one now - that he brushes religiously) then i will try some 're-education'

  4. If blinky bill is reading, its 4 hours.

    otherwise its a SHAMEFUL ermmm...

    leave 11am, get back 6pm... i think.. in my defense, i tend to stop at the coffee shops, and roadside cafes.. PLUS i usually do it with a thai on the back!

    And before you say anything... yes yes yes. I have seen the guys leaning into the bends at a crazy angle. And no, i dont know/want to !! haha!

    Basically, if i beat the sunset, im happy.

    But i did beat that fuc_king onion truck down the mountain last time! whoohoo!

  5. Need to go to Mae Sai sometime before 26th december, will be going on motorbike for fun.

    Have cb400 (faster) or chopper (laid back speeds).

    Anyone want to drive up as a Thai Visa-Visa run gang by bike and back?

    Luckily my Fan says its too cold to go on the back of the bike this time, so i can enjoy the winding road that much more!

    Possibly going the back way via Chiang Dao?

    otherwise its on my lonesome again... ie: drive like a complete nutter to break my personal visa run speed record.

  6. Gloss it over, she is far too young to hear the dogs killed her cat and it could very well cause her long-term issues with dogs.

    and get a new kitten pronto! - but better explain its dead, but not by the dogs.

    lost 7 cats growing up (apparently), only noticed the 7th cat died at about 8 years old, because i was the one that found it as a flat black hairy pancake on the road...

  7. I've heard that women have a wider field of vision than men. Something about men's hunting ability and focus versus women's multi-tasking gathering ability.

    So us men are not really 'leering', we're just being focussed.

    And women's wider vision allows them to look at other men without us even noticing.

    Of course it also means that women can tell when men are looking at them ..... even if we're behind them!

    Yes, i think you may be right here!!! Im 35 and I do have to point my head noticeably, such an evolutionary handicap!

    Also got to bear in mind the Fans field of vision is greater... dam_n, thinking about it i must get busted every day :o.

    I work in a uni student market. Its tough. but just WHY do they have to wear tops that are soo tight, that the buttons are about to pop. not complaining.

    Be a bit of an anticlimax if they did anyway. Still find traditonal Thai dress (long silk thing) the most alluring though. semart semart as they say here.

    got to remind myself, that my chick is 29 with the mental age of 20 im my mind.

    Even met a Phd woman 27, still dripping with 'hello kitty'...

    So a 22 years old?? oh jeezuz.

    Tried the "ïs that a ladyboy?" routine, works for a few months..

    Now im trying the "she looks a bit like you!" routine. :D

  8. LOL, i meant to say lost everything to the banks in 1987, the last (uk) crash. My parents have been on the wrong side of both waves of recession.. ie: make money upto the peak, then lose it all on the collapse! Feel rather smug i sold my house on the top of the bubble, although i did feel like a dodgy car salesman, almost knowing the crash was coming... 100% mortgages <deleted>!

  9. Paras are disliked/feared by most of the British Forces i think.

    SAS on the other hand tend to be smarter, polite even, from the retired ones ive met.

    Sorry for your bad time, being used to a*hole brits, Im personally more wary of drunken Ozzies! - far more dangerous, and fitter usually!!

    edit: thats not fair, my uncle was a para and is very chilled. Fought in Malaya i think.

  10. Mine comes from my radio callsign when I flew medical evacuation helicopter for 18 months

    wow! How do they give callsigns out? is it a random thing? And there i was thinking you were a fellow ruskie descendant! Even got the ruskie beard!



  11. Sorry you feel depressed.

    Indeed it could be worse. Which is why we are watching the trend.

    But for my parents in the UK, its going to be a cold hard winter- luckily they have log fires, as they cannot afford heating. For them i fear greatly. For me, im only 35, and have been priced out of the UK housing market for most of my life... for me the only decent future is outside of the UK - an adventure!

    It is tragic though Soidog, the world largest western generation - the baby boomers are facing a terrible time if the markets/pensions meltdown even more.

    I dont think anyone with sterling is enjoying this, its not like we have an easy country to be poor in!

    Anyway, the bright side you are right.. all things must pass, could be worse, we could be Thai's living under a 'mess' with only thai baht in the bank :o

    My immediate family lost all its money and possesions in:





    same old same old. Im still alive!


  12. not just farang targets, the cops with a squad of 5 copyright folk raid thai markets for fake doraemon and hello kitty products...

    i guess being jap companies they have more sway.. maybe sony japan is hot on music...

    the fines for the small shops selling bits and bobs of doraemon goes upto 40,000 baht. im not sure how much is really paid. wouldnt be suprised if it all had to be paid - in installments.

    they must sell well, as the offending shops restock and sell more doraemon after a few days. maybe its the same stock!!

    psstt.. wanna buy some 'ello kitty?

  13. satiariyan

    Do Thai surnames have meanings such as '-son' in Nordic countries, Mac in scotland, -fitz, -evich/aya (russian)

    I understand that Sino-Thai's can be distinguished by the surname easily..

    Most UK surnames come from a trade, or ethnic group.

    I think my english surname (fairly common one) old Germanic/Nordic patronymic -ing

    The other part of my surname comes from an ancestors nickname in 1400's?

    My friend in the UK, has actually met Mr Bastard from which the phrase comes from.. ( a noble descendant of William the Conqueror 1066)

    thanks for any insight

  14. Ive noticed most up here in CM are edgy. Of course could be my subjective view of the dogs dinner they made of the high season.

    I guess CM may be more dependant on transport up here from bangkok, or are maybe smarter (read hungrier), than Bangkok bob.

    I have heard the word 'farang' more often than usual in my proximity from the 20 something crowd.

  15. Still have some google results floating about from pre 2001 under my real name.

    Pandorras box this internet malarky... I spent 4 years building up a company in the search engine ratings. After it was disbanded 2 years ago, the text references/links to it are still growing.. as new data companies copy anothers data... :o

    I tried mass mailing to stem the tide.. but still 428 websites to go... i give up.

  16. LOL, i aint suggesting anything Herr Chiang Mai! And i again apologise for my offensive data plots!

    Did you see any textual reference to the DJI? :o

    All i am commenting on is the disparity on the pink squiggle, ie: higher low...cf dji (the tide). A precurser to a bottom in many cases... or perhaps in this climate a whipsaw!?

    Hey - the good thing about charting is you learn as you go along... set up a hypothetical trendline, watch what happens. And try to figure out where the rest of the herd (and black boxes ) have the trendlines. If you dont mind, i will watch and see what happens with the correlation/deviation of the two plots i am most concerned with - having cash in GBP, and yet waiting for DJI/UKX stocks to provide a haven for my Sterling. I can rely on seemingly qualified posters on this thread to provide economic insights I can attempt to understand, but I dont profess to be able to.. yet... hence my attempt to rationalise my loss of spending power, and look for patterns on my economic etcha-sketch.

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