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Posts posted by ChiangMai2

  1. Have you heard of paint? could be a really "fun" project, drilling a hole and re-painting in funky rice paddy green or shocking pink!!

    Otherwise go to any of the shops that sell them and ask them to make you one with a hole in the middle, That's what we did. The place we went to is a few hundred metres past Rimping Meechok on the way to Mae Jo. Lots of others about though usually found on the ring roads or main roads out of town. ) Whilst you are there why not treat yourself to a big concrete cock! I'd love to know who buy's those???

  2. The only other significant dam north of Chiang Mai is the Mae Kuang dam, just north of Doi Saket. This dam is older than the Mae Ngat Dam. It has never been full.

    Yeah? It sure was full in Dec 2005, when the water came over the spillway (haven't seen same since, however).

    Indeed, was up to the brim in 2005. My last visit was several months ago and the waterline must of been 30 meters below the tree line in the second picture, A lot of rain is needed! . Back on topic, the area you are looking at is a good spot in my opinion, good market, some nice restaurants and close to town. I would just make sure my first floor was 1metre above road level, which no doubt goes without saying if you've built before. Chok dee. post-71985-031752900 1282458425_thumb.jp

    post-71985-035217500 1282458439_thumb.jp

  3. The cat didn't misbehave. It just did what ALL cats do... anything it feels like. Sorry I can't help you with the cleaning part.

    All I can say is if you value your personal items then don't have pets.

    or children!

  4. ~

    This will likely be little help since I do not know the exact kind of fabric you have but I would first try scrubbing it with a dead cat. :D

    of course that's the first thing i tried! Now the cat smells of pee..

  5. any ideas on where i can get quite a large ( 7ft x 12ft approx ) silk oriental style rug cleaned.. The cat has misbehaved! Does something like this need to be dry cleaned? I have no idea, any suggestions very welcome.

    Kind regards


  6. A bar on LK is trying to change hands. A gentleman's came into town for 3 weeks of parting and put 280k baht down, owes 320K baht to be paid in a month. After he sobered up and realized what he had done and saw that there was NO business he is thinking seriously of just walking away. The present owner gets to keep the 280K and gets to find a new buyer, he also gets to keep the head aches and losses.

    I love those " a guy walks into a bar" type jokes! :)

  7. As I said earlier the promotion will probably book out quick, hence the heads up on Thai visa and yes for your days already it has booked out. Sometimes on thai visa it isn't worth trying to be helpful because of the cynics

    I've been punching dates into air asia for a few weeks now as my plans keeps changing, the flights for the first week or so of the promotion have been way above the promotion price long before the promotion start date! So they were never available at promotion price. It is however still useful info for later in the year, so thanks for your very helpful heads up post :)

  8. That's not a burger, that is a sub! Burgers are round! :P

    At the end of the day it all ends up the same.

    Yep.... Bendable Burgers


    or a foot long medley of burnt burgers on cheap bread with greasy onions, unripe tomatoes, tasteless lettuce and processed E number ridden cheese. Yum :)

  9. i can't find a promo for this on their site

    please could you provide a link?


    David, I think this is the link http://www.airasia.c.../rr1090708.html

    But I'm damned if I can get the Chiang Mai one to open.

    That link works , just click the 'book now' button at the top of the page and put in the information.The Chiang Mai option merely shows destinations that are available

    Very nice, 2 people 3rd to 6th august just under 18k. Or if you take the flight that gets you in at 12.30am then it just over 10k - bargain ?!?

  10. Hi

    Is cape panawa the best option for swimming this time of year? We are going later than expected ( in 2 weeks ) and would love to swim in the sea, please let me know what beaches are safe, is it just cape panawa that is sheltered or are there other options. I have checked the recommended hotels and they look ok but any other recommendations are apprecieated. the reviews i read all said that the southern end of the island is very quiet ( perhaps too quiet ) is the sea at Kata, Nai harn really that choppy this time of year?

    Look forward to hearing



  11. This thread is almost as riveting as last years 4th of July classic - " the mysterious case of the missing ball park franks" with photographic evidence.

    I wasn't there as I had other arrangements but a rain free day, good food eventually, fireworks, childrens entertainment and music can't be bad.

    All things considered is a cold hot dog, salty piece of chicken and a thai loo really that life changing? :)

    It seems some people are difficult to please every year.

  12. Its quite obvious that farly45, sassienie, and BigWheelMan are one and the same which keep the advertising alive.

    Funny that.... I always thought Big Wheel man was Charlie.... but it might seem not to be the case!

    I ate a Piggy's once, Cod and chips, but all I could taste was the dirty old oil it was cooked in, not pleasant.

    I also ate at Charlie's once, with my parents, had a look in the kitchen and the oil was all brand sparkly new,

    but as I ate pie and mash, couldn't comment on the fish and chips.

    Best English chips in Chiang Mai (in my opinion) are the Big Chips at the Olde Bell . . . with curry sauce and

    bread and butter, makes a wonderful sandwich.. yum :)


    with the Chili bell (F&C at nim city), piggies, charlies and the olde bell all up for sale I'm looking for investors to help me buy all 4 of these establishments, corner the market, monopolize and dominate this volatile commodity. I have no experience but like fish and chips at least once or twice a year. Who's in?

  13. for a long time now both Tops and Rimping have had refrigerated bottles of grapefruit juice, i think Florida brand?!? I don't go through gallons of the stuff but its always there when I've looked. It is in the fridge though, never seen it with the boxed cartons of juice. Will have to try the cans as from whats been said - a lot cheaper !

  14. Being paid a pittance to sit at a computer for hours on end and read through 1000's of irrelevant, inane and absurd comments on a daily basis strikes me as being pretty high up on the odd job o meter... :)

  15. Hi Phuketers

    I'm looking to have a 10 day break in Phuket in June or July. Ideally in a beachfront villa with private swimming pool. I thought it would be easy to find through Google but surprisingly its not! Lots of options in Samui but i'm struggling with Phuket. Can anyone suggest a website to search or give me any local info. Me, my wife, 4 year old girl and 2 maids are traveling so it can be a large 2 bedroom or smaller 3 bedroom. Budget 10-15k per night ( is it possible on this budget? ) We can consider a hotel so long as it's got interconnecting rooms or ideally a 2 bed villa in the grounds. Needs to be beachfront though! ideally a beach that's not too busy and is safe for a youngster to swim in. Good restaurants nearby would also be a plus. Any advice is welcome. Thanks is advance.

    Kind regards


  16. today i found an unexpected car in my carport. opened the hood, saw 12 cylinders. started it... VROOOOOMMMM... "not bad" i thought. asked my wife "do we have any visitors?" got the reply "did you go after the Black Label again without my permission? you bought it last thursday and brought it home yesterday!" then i relaxed and was happy.

    nice fan and chairs! Do you spend a lot of time looking at it.. Very practical :D

    the fan and chairs are for my wife's driver and my gardener when the driver passes some boring waiting time because the Mrs is doing whatever she is doing in her bathroom :)

    I bet the driver is happy! and I hope its not the gardener that's in the bathroom causing the delays with your wife.. :D

  17. today i found an unexpected car in my carport. opened the hood, saw 12 cylinders. started it... VROOOOOMMMM... "not bad" i thought. asked my wife "do we have any visitors?" got the reply "did you go after the Black Label again without my permission? you bought it last thursday and brought it home yesterday!" then i relaxed and was happy.

    nice fan and chairs! Do you spend a lot of time looking at it.. Very practical :)

  18. There's a chap that sells magic tricks at the night market ( Num I think ) he did magic, took photo's and supplied clowns that did balloon tieing etc for a party we had. Don't have his number on hand but should be very easy to track down, it was a few thousand baht for a couple of hours i think. If you can't find him let me know, i may have his number kept somewhere but will require some effort to find!

  19. You know ian you do talk <deleted> sometimes :) but fares fare to you on this one --- agreed.

    I know that. Sometimes I INTENTIONALLY talk <deleted> for no other reason than to get an interesting discussion going. I don't mind playing the bad guy if people get to enjoy a good debate. But, one thing I'll never do is make nasty comments about others... even when they take shots at me. I can usually back up everything I say... in a nice way.

    nope, I think you'll find you do it all the time :D

  20. Sounds like you've gone down the bamboo route already! However if you do want railway sleepers you can get them from......The railway station! Isn't that uncanny :)

    There's a little paperwork involved and to be honest they weren't that cheap but they are there if needed. PM me if you want further details..

    Anyone seen any vermiculite on sale here, or alternatives?

    About to build a small veggie patch...

    If i could source some railway sleepers I'd make a raised bed... but i doubt I can... maybe i will think of something else..


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