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Posts posted by ChiangMai2

  1. Hi, can anyone please recommend where to look for these type of toys locally. I'm particularly interested in toys that give a basic ( very basic ) insight into chemistry, physics and biology, however anything "educational" would be great.. Also interested in anything to do with art.

    Where are the best toy shops in Chiang Mai. The department stores and IS baby I am familiar and disappointed with, are there any other specialist shops in town? I saw in another thread a shop in Nong Hoi mentioned, any good? Also shops on Chareon Prathet road - which I can't find! Are either of these places worth visiting and are there other places that you can recommend.. Any help much appreciated..

    Kind regards Chiangmai2

  2. I have also driven to, or worked in, every province in Thailand except Narathiwat, so feel my qualifications to express an opinion on the comparative virtues of life in Lampang may exceed those of Elektrified.

    Rubbish. I too have been to most Provinces with the exception of Narathiwat and some in Isaan. But that has nothing to do with the city of Lampang. I've been a number of times, for a number of reasons. You don't have to be an old hand to know that the place is boring.whistling.gif

    I'm starting to wonder if there is anything you don't know...

  3. http://www.chiangmai...hp?id=3434 you can contact here too.. We did it for a few weeks, very good but always too much of one thing for us.. the variety wasn't great but it just depends on the season I suppose! Good luck, I have another number somewhere for the delivery person in Chiang Mai, PM if you get stuck and I will dig it out.. Regards CM2

    correct link here.. http://www.chiangmainews.com/ecmn/viewfa.php?id=3434

  4. A lot of mid/high end properties are overpriced from my experiences. If you have a chunk of wonga I would look into building something to your own design, 22M should get you a dream property on plenty of land ( if you are happy being a 10- 15 minute drive from town. ) Much more fun but will require more effort. Plenty of foreigners lease land here and have lovely properties, it can be done no problem. Maybe it carries more risk than a leasehold in London but you only live once and its only money :) Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

  5. It might be a help to try and find whoever subcontracts this kind of work from the local Or Bor Tor. They would have experience the right machinery and also some thwack to gain access through other land.

    Where are your chanote markers ? Is the klong inside or outside of those? I have heard that in most cases land bordering a klong is government ( usually 2 metres from the river bank ) owned and a public right of way. You could get into all sorts of problems if you start messing about with land that doesn't belong to you and you may of built too close to the river / klong in the first place. Of course I don't know your circumstances and I am sure that's not the case but check it out just to be safe. We lost about 2 metres depth and 5 metres length a few years ago, we re-filled it with mud in the dry season when the water was at its lowest and planted it with many water loving palms, trees and shrubs, its been fine ever since. Difficult to see from the photo's but that might be all you need to do. Either way I hope you get the problem sorted out, chok dee !

  6. My priority for keeping a maid is honesty or a bit of royalty. I don't expect quality work from a newly hired maid or house keeper right away. Particularly if they feel it's not their house they are cleaning.

    In fact they don't have to be a good cleaner or good at any house work at all as long as they don't steal stuff and I can trust my house to them when I'm a way.

    Yes, treat them like royalty and they are bound to stay :)

    • Like 1
  7. Do you really need TV members to tell you whether or not it's healthier to wash vegetables?

    Really if you have time you should polish them, ideally whilst listening to Tristan und Isolde's prelude or something similar..

  8. Pad Thai 165 Baht, Khao Soy 145 Baht, Pineapple Fried Rice 165 Baht.........bring on the tourist's..

    I'm sure it's very nice. smile.png

    Free water though... I found that providing I drank the equivalent of 10 bottles of water with each dish everything balanced out quite well and the food prices were in fact very reasonable :)

    • Like 1
  9. Actually the lemon grass BBQ chicken breast, with veggies sounds good at 105 Baht.........but it was pretty obvious you haven't eaten much Pad Thai, to pay 160 Baht for it......so you are forgiven.wink.png

    Prices in the Nimmanhaemin area are also Bangkok-bound. At the KhunMor restaurant in Soi 17 opposite Dentaland they do Phad Thai priced up to 119 baht. And that's a local place, run by Thais aimed at Thais.

    I don't frequent the pretentious Nimmanhaemin area.

    Right, me neither. Other than to take the kids to to Dentaland. wink.png

    Pretentious kids, nothing worse ! :)

    • Like 1
  10. Hi ChiangMai2

    I don't want you to feel that no one is looking at your post or replying....... but I know how it feels when it would appear that no one views your post...... so I want you to know , I read it


    Phew.. thank god - praise the lord! knew I could rely on you, feeling much better now thanks :)

    • Like 1
  11. Hi, does anyone have any experience with direct mail marketing companies in Chiang Mai, just looking for templates to be made and reporting for email marketing over the coming months. I see there are some online companies ( any recommendations? ) but so far I didn't find anything I like. It would be good to have a local company to help us out. Any suggestions most welcome.

    Kind regards


  12. He's been back and has been for 9 years!

    Nick Wisznyski (NickW) aka now Nickey Fynn? NickW could it be you? :)

    It was Nick Wiszynski that put me onto Num a few years ago ( definitely not 9 ) because he was in the states.. Since then we have used Num 2 or 3 times, if you are in the business please PM me as we would like a change this year..

    All the best CM2

  13. I guess you folks have never heard of Nickey Fynn!

    A mickey finn? not suitable at a kids party ! smile.png

    I believe the chap you are referring to went to the states a few years ago (maybe he's back?) Personally I think you should book Beetlejuice...

  14. We used Robin ( Num ) a few times, he does a magic show and has some colleagues that do face painting, balloon tieing in fancy dress he can also arrange bouncy castles etc although we used someone else for that. The number is below, chok dee!


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