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Posts posted by johnefallis

  1. 6 hours ago, scratchy said:

    Over a decade now koh phangan was absolutely full of tourists, you could easily find a basic wooden backpacker bungalow on the beach with a bed and a hammock on the porch for 150-250 baht and people could stay for the long term. It was all you needed to see out the European winter.

    Somewhere along the time line greedy locals saw many resorts in samui and phuket and thought they could make more money if they thought they could attract a higher status tourist, cutting down the natural surroundings we come here for and building concrete monstrosities 10 times the price of a wooden bungalow, trashing what we came here for. was it any surprise no one could afford to stay there for the winter?

    Haad rin is now a ghost town, a shadow of its former self destroyed by greed, granted 3-4 days around full moon time it's busy again but quickly goes dead.

    Smart operators set up backpacker hostels further inland than the beaches we would stay on prior so no one status for the long term but they are a lot of fun for young backpackers and it's laughable that the locals are livid.

    I recommend they should go back to basic wooden bungalows with a mattress and a fan inside with a hammock on the porch and charge a realistic price then the island could be busy all year, air conditioning and lcd tv's in concrete bungalows in the beach are a curse for local tourism.





    In skipping Thailand these days, will begin staying at a place in the Philippines like what you said...native hut room with fan near the beach, huge covered deck with inexpensive bar, food and motorbikes for rent...party resort, about as nice and cheap as they get.  

  2. On 5/9/2017 at 11:29 AM, cyberfarang said:

    Anyone who drives a motorbike without wearing a helmet is an idiot.


    I fail to understand what problems some have driving motorbikes wearing helmets? I have been out on my motorbike during the blazing heat. It has become so hot on top of the helmet that it`s possible to fry an egg on there. So those not wearing them must be getting their brains boiled inside their skulls. Also, a bug or a small stone hitting the face at speed, can have the same affect as a bullet, possible for an eye to get knocked out. At one time a wasp hit my helmet and cracked the visor.


    These laws are implemented for our own protection, ABIDE BY THEM.

    Wow. And he says "I" am the idiot...

  3. 2 hours ago, madusa said:

    No, you don't get the picture, you are allowed to kill one person in your life time. If you do it again then it would be life in prison or death penalty. So if you are sorry you killed someone then admit guilty and promise not to do it again that would be ok.

    Isn't that what it means?

    Who would you like to kill if you have this sort of opportunity? ( i thought i heard some said Trump).

    Those were the idiots speaking up...

  4. 17 hours ago, KittenKong said:


    OK, so now we know that Mongolia has plenty of thugs, just like Thailand. But does that alter the basic fact that the Thai guy's motorbike was too loud and running for no reason? No, it doesnt.


    In a civilised country the police would be around to fine people with noisy bikes, so the problem would simply not arise at all. Here it is considered normal to make pointless noise and to disturb others, and equally normal to hit people. For me that's just animal behaviour.

    So which countries are "civilized" and don't have Harleys?

  5. 21 hours ago, ezzra said:

    So now he's gone from being a bum here to be one over there, it's beyond

    me how able body people just throw their life away to the garbage and

    resign the human race just to be a burden on others....

    Except that in the U.S. he's eligible for Social Security pension and/or disability and/or other public assistance. He should sign up his pension and head to Cambodia or the Philippines where he can live quite well.

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