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Posts posted by johnefallis

  1. I've actually had excellent results with spray foam in several applications. In fact it is;

    1. Water proof

    2. Insulating

    3. Durable

    and the expansion properties depend on the mixture being used. Once it is dry, it does not continue expanding.

    I've used in on my pick up truck canopy in the U.S. that we used to sleep in the back with a bed kit, from Fairbanks, Alaska, to Key West, Florida.

    It deadened the sound very very well, couldn't hear rain on the roof anymore. With a small portable Japanese built a/c-dehumidifier unit and a 650 watt Honda generator, we were able to keep it perfectly warm and dry even in the chilly down-pouring rain in AK and Canada, as well as cool on 107 degree Fahrenheit days while we slept at rest areas in California.

    Unlike before the spray on, there was ZERO condensation afterward, even while 2 people sleeping inside on rainy days in the Pacific Northwest when no A/C, heat or dehumidifier was used. That really was the reason for using inside my boat cabin and storage area, but the heat transfer reduction when the sun was out, and the retention of warmth (ie, the purpose of insulation), was a huge bonus. I even painted it after it dried, with excellent results. Because it is water proof I used it between the fiberglass hull on my smaller boat I use for a tender, no longer sounds like riding inside a drum while bouncing across the waves, and it is no longer possible to sink that boat, not even if we tried to, or if we were to completely cut it in half.

    Admittedly, the original purpose in spraying between the fiberglass surrounding a compartment with a lid was to insulate it for storing ice and beer. In that case it worked WAY better than our Coleman cooler ever did. Ice and beer keeps cold for an entire weekend, if we can get the beer to last that long. No longer do we have to hurry back to the boat if we buy perishable groceries ashore. Just throw them in that cooler and twist the lock. We can stay out all night to the next day then if we want.

    I don't know what these other guys giving you advice are using for a reference point, but aside from doing your best to correct any obvious roof damage first, I'd have to say from many years using spray on foam, that it will seal up your minor seeps and leaks very well, adding great insulation, especially for sound, at the same time. If you have bare tiles inside now, it will give a clean, uniform appearance and surface afterward, that you can paint.

    At this point I can assure you also that I DO NOT sell spray on foam, neither does anybody I know, so thanks for passing on the contact information. I have a feeling I'll need it before too long.

    Only thing that comes to mind is that, for best results, be sure all your surfaces are completely dry before spraying.

    Any questions, feel free to ask.

    Good luck.

  2. Police bust swinging party, arrest 13 foreign men

    BANGKOK: -- Police raided a swinging party in a Bangkok hotel late Wednesday night and arrested 13 foreign men, seven Thai women and three foreign women.

    The raid took place at 0:15 am Thursday at the Elizabeth Hotel on Praditpat Road in Samsen district.

    Police also arrested a couple - Christian Richards and his Thai wife, for allegedly organising the swinging sex tour.

    When police raided the room No 1101 on the 11th floor of the hotel, police found several couples were having sex in the same room while others were drinking and dancing.

    Police found used condoms, lubricant gel, porno books and CDs and 30 pills of Viagra.

    -- The Nation 2009-02-05


    What?? I didn't know you needed a prescription for Viagra in Thailand??? Odds are it's fake anyway. Demand a drug analysis. I'd hate to see somebody executed for having a giant bag of oregano, haha. Just because it looks like it, doesn't mean it "is". Case and Point....Ladyboys, haha...ok, ok, ok...


  3. New measures to stimulate tourism, agricultural sectors

    BANGKOK: -- Economic ministers on Wednesday issued new measures to stimulate the tourism and agricultural sectors, a day after the cabinet approved a Bt115 billion supplementary budget.

    Deputy government Spokesman Puttipong Punnakan said the economic ministerial meeting had approved the waiving of all visa fees for three months, to help tourism. It was to cost the government Bt1 billion. The Finance Ministry will also assist business operators in the tourism sector, through a tax cut and measures to alleviate their debts.

    In addition, the National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB) was assigned to study the possibility of reducing airport and landing fees. The Ministry of Transport will also outline measures to prevent airport closures in the future and ask airlines to reduce airfares to Thailand.

    To assist farmers, the Finance Ministry set aside a budget for palm, maize and rubber mortgages through the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives.

    NESDB secretary general Amphon Kitti-amphon said it was necessary to assist farmers as they were likely to suffer from a sharp decline in produce prices.

    Prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva affirmed the government’s stimulus package would be accessible to all people.

    “The government’s aid package aims to cover as many people as possible in all sectors, especially the elderly and in education which have long been neglected. I assure the assistance covers all people in all parts of the country.” said the premier.

    -- TNA 2009-01-15

    Heh heh, he said "stimulate tourism" hehe hahaha!


    Waive visa fees, cut air fares: Tourism and Sports Ministry

    proposed measures

    Among the main target markets are China, India, the Middle East, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Japan.

    Does anybody from the 'target markets' read Thai Visa? Does this proposal have anything to do with expats? Are farang tourists, for some unknown reasons OR known reasons, not valued like guests on the Minister's list?

    some things make you hmmmmm...

    EGGO, I just realized where you are from, Ay. I guess that's why it's not "ego", but "AYgo-manic", and here I was thinking you like waffles. It makes sense now.


  5. No need to waive entrance fees to National parks - just charge 1 price for all, instead of dual pricing

    I sent an e-mail to the TAT asking about this an have not received a reply...I can't say I'm surprised.

    There have been thousands of Topics and Threads discussing your complaints.

    This Topic is about the Thais going after the 'desirable' tourists.

    "the main target markets are China, India, the Middle East, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Japan."

    It does NOT surprise me they are NOT going after farang tourists. They want tourists not those who want to cheap out here for the rest of their lives. That is the ROOT of this Topic.

    Visitors from the target countries you mention

    The coutries were NOT MY 'mention'. It is a cut and paste from the OP. The Thai Tourism Minister 'mentioned' that list. Read the OP.

    Every country in the WORLD has discounts for the locals on events, ferries, education, museums, and many other things. The ONLY group I've ever seen complain about it are the farangs of Thai Visa. Moderators allow this Thai bashing then silence me for being 'inflamatory' aka telling the truth. I am guessing they would find Hawaii more to their liking!

    Find ONE Japanese, Chinese, Korean or any on the Minsiter's List that complains in emails to TAT about not getting to pay Thai pricing!!?? sheeshhh

    Okay then, I gotta get my 2 cents worth, or more, in here. First, do they sell Eggo's in Thailand? haha! Next, the "target" countries, unlike those countries that expat to Thailand, aren't flooded themselves with Thai's that not only get to go there and live, but also work or get money from their Farang, then send the money to Thailand. Namely Australia, UK and U.S. primarily. As for me being one that want's to "cheap out" here in Thailand the rest of my life, I bring money every month into this economy and that is exactly what adds that 8% to Thailands GDP, I don't send it home. If I do work for the lower wages offered here, I won't likely send it back to the U.S. and I'll likely be doing something that helps Thailand compete in the Global marketplace somehow. Frankly, Thailand should be grateful to have me here, as well as the many others that "trade" places with Thai's that go to our countries and get to live at a higher standard. The "target" countries are along the same standard as Thailand, so why would they want to stay here to "cheap out"?

    I also don't see any grand Christian Church's in the middle of Bkk, maybe I'm wrong, but I do see Temples all over the United States. Next, I've been a lot of places, and everywhere in U.S. and in western countries, dual pricing is illegal. It's called discrimination, you know, based on gender, age, race, national origin, ethnic background or sexual orientation. I have my own solution to dual pricing, I don't go places that have dual pricing. The few times I have gone with Thai friends, they know that whatever the total price of all the tickets is will be divided equally among us. So the 4 Thai's I was with actually paid 4/5ths of the increase charged to me. Therefore we all paid the same price. Otherwise I wouldn't go.

    Are you even Thai? Or just wish you were?



  6. Fees of 3 months' visas slashed

    The Council of Economic Ministers ruled to slash fees for all kinds of visas for foreingers visiting the country for three months, effective on January 20.

    hmmm... no specifics on precisely how much they are slashing, but good news.... if it actually happens next week.

    "Waive visa fees" means free to me ...

    same to me (as per OP)... but Post #2 to "slash fees" doesn't necessarily mean the same.... we'll see.

    Meanwhile, today I landed at Suvarnabhumi and they told all foreign passengers they could get only a 15 DAY tourist visa upon arrival. That's a great way to encourage tourism, reduce the upon arrival visa by half.

    Who makes decisions in this country anyway and how can Immigration change the rules here willy nilly without promulgating regulations and holding public hearings AS PRESCRIBED BY THAI LAW.

    It's not a REAL democracy, get it? The law is only to make people think they have rights, not because anyone actually follows it. They just haven't learned how to "pretend" as well as the U.S. yet.

  7. No need to waive entrance fees to National parks - just charge 1 price for all, instead of dual pricing

    Well said. On a recent trip to Sukhothai I told the cashier on the desk that I worked in Thailand and paid tax. I also showed ID etc to prove that I was not a tourist. Other places have seen sense and allowed me the Thai rate. On this occasion I still had to pay the full tourist price. In the UK if you have to pay to go into an historical place of interest, everyone pays the same price - with the exception of children/OAPs who get a concession. It doesn't matter if your British or foreign, everyone pays the same. I also know of occasions where friends and colleagues have refused to pay the entry fee because they felt that the system was unfair, so these places are losing money anyway for having a duel pricing system. They felt that it was unfair as a Thai millionaire can enter for a few baht but they, as a working, tax paying farang, would have had to have paid a far more. Foreiner tax. I sent an e-mail to the TAT asking about this an have not received a reply...I can't say I'm surprised.

    1 price for all, you know it makes sense.

    Any wonder why they can't figure out how democracy works???

  8. If they actually reduced airfare by 50% on the discounted tickets and not the "full economy fare" that would actually make a difference. Somehow though I'm sure it's just a discount off the full economy fare so people see the hype, but don't actually get any benefit. Kind of like that buy 1 get 1 free business class deal they run which isn't a deal at all.

    Keep in mind that there is no mention of reducing the Fuel Surcharge from the price of air travel, which is usually more than the ticket itself. Just think about Air Asia's "free" tickets they offer now and then, all you pay is the taxes and fuel surcharge. It still saves you money, but if they can do 100% on their own, then 50% shouldn't be a big deal. After all, what does it amount to, 10% of the total price? Not even oil dropping to about 1/4 of it's recent peak in price has removed the fuel surcharges.

    I smell profit!

  9. Hi, Can anybody advise me on filing a Police Report for a lost Passport? (yes, VERY foolish of me)

    In speaking with the US Embassy (BKK) they asked me to bring an "original Police Report" for the loss....

    Any ideas where would be the best (easiest) place to file such a report? Does it have to be at the closest (geographically) Station to where I think it was lost -- or better I choose a Station that has more interaction with foreigners, etc..?

    And, will it be difficult, in terms of communicating? I have never dealt with the local Police, but I am expecting the "worst"...

    Thanks in advance,

    Easiest to go to Tourist Police, 0-2843-5522 I think is the number(I had it in my mobile phone book) and it's located around Petchaburi and Ratchadaphisek I think. I guess I could have looked it up for you, but I'm sort of occupied doing something else.


  10. Love him or hate him, I do have some pity for the man.

    It seems that not only do they wish to destroy him, but eat him until there is nothing left.

    This Thaksin thing has become a witch hunt and maybe it is time to just call it a day, as surely Mr Thaksin is not the only corrupt politician in the world.

    His karma will catch up with him, in the next life, some people wish it were sooner than that.

    In my case, the dislike is probably cultural, as I find it very offensive that the highest elected-official should run the country for the benefit of his companies & family & friends, rather than for the people. Having been removed from power, he continues to 'bad mouth' Thailand, which I find un-patriotic. He should call it a day.

    I do respect his having raised the importance of the poor, as a factor in politics, and his political skills in having stitched together an almost-unbeatable political-alliance in TRT, which was very clever. He might have become a fairly-respected elder-statesman, based on these achievements, had he wished.

    I don't think we have heard the last of Mr. Thaksin, and through conversations with individuals of significant status in Thailand the more I am inclined to learn about this topic

    and the more my views change from just what Government, media and opposition want people to think.

    Normally I would be the first one to condemn someone purported to be a corrupt politician, in fact I am living in Thailand writing an expose' of gov't and corruption in the U.S. Justice system from personal accounts spanning decades, but..... after strong arguments on the subject I was compelled to learn more and to read between the lines. I did so, and to my surprise, my opinion began to change.

    Witch hunt seems to fit. I'd like to see how long the U.S. would last if anyone tried to jail a president, especially over such petty issues, especially after unlawfully being deposed by the military. Does anyone think that Bush or Clinton never had questionable issues raised? Or any other president? What about Nixon? The U.S. is far from perfect, still there would be anarchy under those circumstances. No wonder Thailand is having such pains.

    I hope that whatever the future holds for Thailand, it comes with eventual stability and without the intervention of U.N. Forces, because at the rate things are going, a civil war seems imminent. Consider what that would do to Thai culture, pride and way of life.

    Sorry to ramble on, but "witch hunt" just seems to fit and I needed to have my say.


  11. Actually I thought of "real" amateur fights, like just bored businessman, the drunken german from the bar across the street,...

    Sure I have to think about the fees and prizes!

    But it would be real fun, wouldn't it?

    So that seems like a good idea, once in a while everyone could use a little exercise.

    Getting the crap kicked out of you is just another excuse to go for massage!!!


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