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Posts posted by johnefallis

  1. well, I guess I have to mind my manners, it is people like you, could use more colourful language, that make human beings the scum of the world. Money over humanity is the cause of every problem in this world, the root cause is greed period, and you my friend, are the proof. Gouging is the topic of this and how people turn into scum sucking animals when the opportunity arises. People are homeless and in need of help, food and water are scarce, children are hungry and scared and heartless people who put their own greed above a human in need will get their dues. Yin and yang. You have done the yin and I hope with all my heart that yang comes to see you soon.

    Hm many problems here I too have been asked " have you got a room for a month"

    My fear is

    they move in not only themselves but 5-6 other people into a studio room , dont want to pay a big deposit and then dissapear after the month leaving my room destroyed, what they want is a room at a 12 month price for 1 month, well it aint hapening in one of my units :whistling:

    You want to stay a month your'e gonna pay a 3 month price.

    REALLY? Another person that is willing to invest and work for free, even in the worst of conditions?

    Maybe the property owners should be guaranteed their property won't sustain any damage, their rents will be paid for the months they may be empty because of the flood itself once it subsides, and all while they may be at risk themselves just being around still to offer services???

    Wow. Really?

    Why don't you and the government just provide them all, free, or low priced housing with complete disregard for prudent business practice?

    Maybe with higher taxes? Then clean up and repair the property owners damages at the same time? At your expense, of course.

    You know what I really hate, is when I go to the movies, or a sporting event, or similar, and have to pay multiple times normal price for snacks and drinks,....and that's not even during a time of increased risk or expense, it's every day!

    Maybe they can earn a profit with your sentiments instead?

    If you don't want it, don't freakin buy it!

  2. Hm many problems here I too have been asked " have you got a room for a month"

    My fear is

    they move in not only themselves but 5-6 other people into a studio room , dont want to pay a big deposit and then dissapear after the month leaving my room destroyed, what they want is a room at a 12 month price for 1 month, well it aint hapening in one of my units :whistling:

    You want to stay a month your'e gonna pay a 3 month price.

    I see part of your problem, but i think they are talking here about people already in a room that they hav

    e rented a long time. Now the landlord is forcing them to either pay higher cost or move out during a flooding.

    In your case i do understand it but a higher deposit should cover it.

    Make them sign a 'number of occupants agreement' subject to eviction if breeched. It's called a short term lease on PAPER.

    Other wise it is just the same as gouging.

    'Oh, just in case they move in too many folks, I'll gouge them first.'

    Sorry this is bad logic and counter to good buddhist principles too.

    'Supply and Demand' during a disaster is not the same as

    more tenants naturally looking for rooms, or high season pricing.

    It is purely taking advantage of your fellow countrymen and others

    in their worst time of need and terror.

    Do this during a disaster and it is Price Gouging, no question.

    REALLY?.......So what I hear you saying Animatic, is that a short term lease, which is what this guy is directly referring to, shouldn't cost more than a long term lease?

    Because High, or low, season and they ALWAYS charge me short term rate of around three months minimum when I'm in Thailand. Still it's usually cheaper than a cheap hotel, even if I do just stay 1 month. I don't complain then, and I certainly wouldn't complain at a time of both need and high demand.

    Now, if somebody is doing it to people that already have a long term lease, then the problem should easily be solved by the lease itself.

    In the case if somebody unreasonably adjusts their rates too high above their actual expected increase in costs, which I would fully expect a flood would cause in a number of ways, then it might be gouging.

    But that's not quite what this guy was talking about.

    That being said,...I sure hope everyone has a dry place to stay during this difficult time.

    My old place at Sukhumvit 50 and my friends there are now apparenntly mostly under water. My friend living in Chatuchak near Rangsit and Vipavadi is also fighting back the water from his house. So I do somewhat understand what is going on there, and really, really hope they will all be okay.

  3. Hm many problems here I too have been asked " have you got a room for a month"

    My fear is

    they move in not only themselves but 5-6 other people into a studio room , dont want to pay a big deposit and then dissapear after the month leaving my room destroyed, what they want is a room at a 12 month price for 1 month, well it aint hapening in one of my units :whistling:

    You want to stay a month your'e gonna pay a 3 month price.

    Pretty strange post.......jap.gif

    Okay, I'll bite....what's so "strange" about it?

  4. Hm many problems here I too have been asked " have you got a room for a month"

    My fear is

    they move in not only themselves but 5-6 other people into a studio room , dont want to pay a big deposit and then dissapear after the month leaving my room destroyed, what they want is a room at a 12 month price for 1 month, well it aint hapening in one of my units :whistling:

    You want to stay a month your'e gonna pay a 3 month price.

    Its people like you that are making this situation so bad. And if you are a westerner then its DEFINITELY people like you that make the rest of us look bad.

    Why could you not just do the same price and take a larger deposit???

    People are in hard times here.

    I would love to have encountered you on my travels to find a condo after my house flooded>

    Why? Would you think whining about people not wanting to rent their rooms out for charity....1 month at 12 month lease rate......would make you right? Maybe charging by the day instead would seem more fair to you? Do the math on that....even a low low 500 THB rate per day would probably seem unreasonable in YOUR time of need?

    Otherwise how would you solve the problem of turnover time and cleaning? How might you calculate how much is too much then?

  5. How do you like THAT folks? From predictions of 20 cm or a little more to "mega waves". And the preparations amount to diddley, What happened to that US Marine flood assessment team from last week? They must have dropped in, seen the nuthouse at Don Muang, and skidaddled back to their aircraft carrier, saying "no hope".

    Looks like something went wrong with the US team:


    they left after receiving mixed messages LOL

    They must have gave up on trying to decode"'up to you" and left


  6. "There are 99 pump machines to drain the water but six do not function, as local authorities have not maintained them."

    ...and THAT, ladies and gentleme, is the problem. Not that i want to make a fuss about 6 pumps...but if you multiply this kind thing with all provinces or districts, ad the highest amount of rainwater EVAH, ad some guys who are reluctant to open reservoirs and ad none-existing emergency plans and water- management: THIS is what you get!

    ??? What do you get? A guy that can't spell add? Good thing you're not in charge, the world might come to an end the way you old women complain about everything!

    Remove the plank from thine own eye first....or something like that...


  7. I am surprised that with the human rights abuses that that place in Thai jails, that any western country would extradite here.

    I would have thought that killing someone and chopping up her body would be considered a human rights abuse. While he is not guilty until proven in court, the Thai government would have to have established a compelling case in order to justify extradition ... of course the only court that really counts is the ThaiVisa fact-free forum.

    ....... human rights abuse ???? It's called MURDER !

    "ThaiVisa fact-free forum", hahaha, great one,...especially followed by the guy that seems to have completely missed the point of comment on "human rights abuse"!!!!

  8. wouldn't have thought it was rocket science to work it out.

    Dirt cheap ticket one way to anywhere outside of Thailand, check in with no bags. Get boarding pass, proceed through immigration. Head downstairs via the transit level, and back through arrivals immigtration.

    Yes, but any Immigration Officer worth his/her salt would notice that you "had left" Thailand minutes before you had arrived back.

    Your passport would be stamped as departed, you may have cleared immigration but you haven't departed Thailand, there would be no corresponding entry and exit stamps from your destination. All the information would be on the the immigration computer system, as you say, it's hardly rocket science to work it out.

    I'm sure that Air Asia would be a bit miffed if they were waiting, albeit not for too long, for a passenger who had checked in and was now trying to clear immigration.

    *Haha, always wanted to learn rocket science!

  9. On my last flight I was asked to show for my Boarding Pass by the Immigration Officer at Suvarnabhumi.blink.gif

    I normally throw it away in the plane as soon as I'm seated, but fortunately this time I had rumpled it into a pellet and stuck it into my trouser pocket.

    He looked at it briefly and gave it back to me without a word.

    I have travelled all over the world, and Immigration Officers have asked me for all kinds, such as (return) ticket, driver's licence, etc, but never for a Boarding Pass.

    I'm still wondering what he wanted to check.

    Any ideas?

    *Yeah, maybe wanted to appear to be doing his job, maybe didn't even know what the boarding pass said. At least he didn't ask for a return ticket, which is probably what he was supposed to be asking for, so....shhhhh! Smile and keep walking!

  10. How unwise to make it more cumbersome for people to apply for a tourist visa just as a global recession is about to take hold.

    If you truly want families and quality tourists here, how about these long term measures:

    - Police reform to battle corruption. Like in South Korea. If they could do it, so can you. It's 2011 now, time to get real.

    - Clean up the prostitution from the major tourist spots. Most tourists in the family category tend not to be impressed by prostitution in their face, and the prostitution business is a magnet for undesirables, both Thais and foreigners.

    - Educate Thai electricians properly so fewer tourists are electrocuted in the shower. Parents tend to be quite upset when their children die because of neglect and incompetence.

    - Regulate and ENFORCE the use of pesticides and insecticides so you won't have to wring your hands after tourists "inexplicably" drop dead in hotels and from eating poisonous food. Research, educate and encourage organic growth practices, natural and least dangerous pest control measures. Make sure the knowledge gets all the way to the actual farmers by engaging the village networks.

    - Arrest ALL beggars on sight, interrogate them about their conditions and mafia networks, gather enough evidence, appropriate the assets of the leaders of the trafficking rings, give harsh punishments (fines and jail time) to everyone else involved or benefitting, use the money/assets collected in fines to rehabilitate and educate the beggars where possible. Keep up these arrests until it simple becomes too much hassle to beg or to benefit from begging.

    - Clean up the scamming in tourist areas. That includes jet ski scams, gem scams, card game scams, and all the others.

    *Have to admit that that is a fairly good list you put together.

    I have one other suggestion,...just stop going, staying so long, spending as much money, etc....there are many other good places to go that won't jerk you around so much.

    Don't get me wrong, Thailand is great, and I honestly have never had any problem getting a visa, stamp, entry or exit with anything but my passport. But when that changes, I won't make a whole lot of extra effort.

  11. What a great way to end this tragedy. Too bad a limb was not lost, otherwise Kasit could probably offer a benteley with a driver and 1111 plates to flash around.

    Instead of tightening and enforcing law strictly to avoid this happening again, he spends 1.7million to make just one person feel better and not the people. Completely overlook the logic behind the cause.

    Truly amazing Thailand. Where's the clapping emoticon?:annoyed:

    Yet another moronic remark demonstrating the general ignorance and poor attitudes of the ever self-important readers on Thaivisa.

    Do I bother to even ask if you actually read the article, or just assume you didn't comprehend it very well?

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