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Everything posted by poskat

  1. they look more like waitresses at a nice restaurant than students...
  2. when i first started working here, I committed many cultural faux pas, such as expecting colleagues to arrive to meetings on time, and to plan out things for the future. I also mi-stepped by suggesting that done right is better than done fast. Expecting students to think critically, and not just repeat facts, and not plagiarize the work of others in their projects was also described to me as being unreasonable.
  3. I'll worry when the rich folks and politicians stop buying the beachfront property, and start buying property a few miles inland cuz thats where the new coastline will be. after harping about climate change, and its impending devastating effects for 8 years, the first thing B.H. Obama did after getting out of office was buy a $12 million dollar beach front estate on marthas vineyard
  4. I call BS on that. I, and many others, am on the BTS every without a mask and none of the thais blink an eye at it.
  5. Ah, thailand. Where the problem isnt the problem, the problem is the person pointing out the problem...
  6. the words lipstick and pig come to mind
  7. OMG, Thai soft power is really increasing... ????
  8. they can use it to track the progress of the floods during the rainy season that they had assured us would not occur.
  9. Although he said he didnt like "that guy", he didnt deny what that guy said...
  10. looks like porthips mouth got muscled out and away from the trough...555
  11. it wasnt really a rocket crash, it was just a misunderstanding with gravity...
  12. chinese covid zombie falls over the 1 meter rail on his balcony.... move along, nothing to see...
  13. "A large crowd held placards saying "Lung Pom for boss!" boss being the common name for the head of a mafia family
  14. But they will be wearing a mask, or even double masked, so they obviously are safe from harm....
  15. Other than in a thai publication, where is she being descibed as wowing the pageant? This is just another "milli and mango sticky rice" taking coachella by storm bs News in thailand, but nowhere else...
  16. TAT is like a 5-year-old child they want high quality, i.e., rich tourists they want high season to be all year long unfortunately, reality disagrees with them in most cases...
  17. "BMA Deputy Clerk Suksan Kittisupakorn said earlier that the city hall has also prepared over 10,000 hospital beds for new Covid-19 patients in anticipation of the arrival of about 300,000 Chinese tourists in the next three months." so they are expecting that 3% of the arrivals will require hospitalization, while other countries are finding upwards of 50% covid-positive chinese arrivals. obviously, TAT was not involved in generating the prediction numbers...
  18. you might notice that I was responding to a message about bar girl truths. do try to keep up...
  19. I was sitting in a bar with a few cuties in pattaya one time, and one of the girls proudly flashed a big engagement ring and said "my fiancee gives me big money. So now I only fxxk the guys that I want to..."
  20. I was in a bar one time and knew mamasan, i.e., bought her some drinks now and then, and asked for a very fun/naughty girl. She brought over a cutie. I asked her "how long did you work here?" she said 1 week, so I threw her back. the mama came over and asked what was wrong. I said I wanted a very naughty girl, and that girl was only in the bar 1 week. She said, yes, this bar 1 week. She worked at another bar 2 years already..."
  21. now they have something that can break on both land and sea...
  22. this is exactly what is happening. By relaxing its covid policies, covid is raging through china. And suddenly, the ccp is allowing the chinese to travel outside of china. this is similar to when covid was first getting going in china, the ccp locked down all internal travel in china, but still allowed them to travel internationally, to allow the spread of covid around the world. they are counting on the western democracies being more worried about being called racist by doing anything special about the chinese travelers than they are about protecting the health of their own citizens...
  23. total BS. I dont wear a mask on the BTS and none of the BTS workers say a word about it.
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