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Everything posted by poskat

  1. So, once again, the problem isnt the problem, the problem is people talking about the problem.
  2. https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2022/11/29/china-censors-maskless-world-cup-fans-as-anti-lockdown-protests-grow-at-home/
  3. this is the first time since 1989 that there have been these kinds of protests against the ccp and its leadership. The Protesters in many location are calling for the ccp and xi, in particular, to step down. In addition to the crippling zero covid policy measures taken by the ccp, the World Cup broadcasts have revealed to the chinese people that the rest of the world is not all masked and covid riddled as they have been led to believe.
  4. maybe a 1- or 2-day shutdown of the BTS by the company would get the BMA's attention
  5. my friend told me that the E from the netherlands is the prime stuff
  6. there must be some misunderstanding where the judges didnt understand the thainess of the thai rice
  7. thats what happens when the pristine chinese mix with the dirty thais
  8. In other words, xi treated prayut as a dirty foreigner
  9. Pratut had to look good for xi "See, I can ruthlessly crush dissent too"
  10. The actual chinese version of what je said was "Heel prayut..thats a good boy" while scratching hime behind his ear
  11. I for one, am lookong forward to the video of the word salad that spews from her maw when asked a question
  12. to thais, it lets their fantasy that their country matters continue to the rest of the world, they think the meeting is being held in taiwan
  13. a member of the RTP acting in a corrupt manner? how unexpected...
  14. probably because all the corrupt politicians prefer to stash their ill-gotten gains in USD based places/things
  15. Ah, yet another reason for the thai people to love the rtp...
  16. When thailand speaks the world hears a mouse squeak...
  17. I find little to distinguish one thai pork, chicken, or noodle dish from the next one as far as their taste goes...
  18. "Registering with police is standard practice for big winners in Thailand" I would think the rtp are the last people I would want to know that I just had a big windfall that screams "please kidnap/extort me"
  19. Since his big biz cronies have squeezed what they can out of the covid shutdown of small businesses, Now its time to start a supposed small business fund that the can be robbed...
  20. And there wont be any floods in thailand this year...
  21. "For now, he is eyeing another demographic with similar travel habits: young Japanese women into wellbeing, golf, and diving." now this is a demographic I would love to see more of. The japanese girls are well known for their "what happens in vegas, stays in vegas" attitude when it comes to having a holiday fling.
  22. "For now, he is eyeing another demographic with similar travel habits: young Japanese women into wellbeing, golf, and diving." now this is a demographic I would love to see more of. The japanese girls are well known for their "what happens in vegas, stays in vegas" attitude when it comes to having a holiday fling.
  23. this is because the big issue is that CNN is international media. The government doesnt care about the news being shared within thailand. However, CNN was committing the most heinous crime there is in thailand, that of damaging the image of the country.
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