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Posts posted by chiangrai

  1. I've done something stupid and left my motorbike too close to a wall that I was painting

    and now it's got paint on it.

    I was painting a wall with water based paint and a roller and didn't see the tiny

    little dots of paint that were landing on my motorbike.


    The dots are coming off  with my finger nail but it would take a days work to get them off that way.

    I had it washed but the dots are still there.


    Does any body have a solution to this problem.

    Maybe there is a type of thinners that would do it.

    Or a certain kind of shop that would take them off for me.


    It was stupid I know but what's done is done...

    Does any body know how to get out of this mess....

  2. When I try to put in my old password  it sais it's invalid.


    Then when I try to change the password I'm asked to  give the recovery address.

    The email account that I gave them 10 years ago hasn't been used for years

    and the say they don't recognize it.


    Does anybody know a way around this.



  3. I've been away for a while and have neglected this post,

    hope it hasn't gone dead.


    Does anybody know what price these tests are.I took the missus for a test in Siburin before and found out later that they over charged me.


    I want to know the price first this time.

    Or I might go around and check the hospitals first.

  4. I need to get blood tests done.

    For Testosterone and maybe some more.


    Does anybody know the best place for this.

    I'm told that the government hospital does it,is that true.

    If so will there be large queues there.


    As an after thought also need to buy Cymbalta.

    If any one knows a chemist that sells it.


  5. O'K...so too sum it up.....


    Go to a hospital......

    Get tested for Testoserone


                              Prostrate Cancer


    Then decide whether to try injections,gels or keep using the pils.

    I use Hom Testocaps at 300bht for 30 if that's a help to anyone.


    How expensive are these testosterone injections.

    What about Human Growth Hormone is that expensive in Thailand.


    Thanks for the advice..............


    What about

  6. I better start by saying that I am not a weightlifter.

    I have Fibromyalgia and have been trying all different medicines

    for years without much luck.

    About a month ago I tried Testocaps and have noticed an improvement.


    I take 4 capsules a day.That's about 1000bht a month.


    What I would like to know is what is the next step up.If testosterone works then

    maybe other hormones would work or maybe more testosterone,I don't know.

    Should I go to a HRT clinic or a hospital.


    Price and safety are important to me.I really don't want a hormone crash.

    I'm 50 years old and live in Chiang Rai.


    What would you do....






  7. Right,

    The thing is the door is the third door in a set of 2 double doors.I have done the others and they are fine.

    So plastic doors are not an option.


    Dowels and glue was the better idea that I knew somebody would have but I will leave it off for at least until the rainy season.


    I will try the brackets with long screws and the panels will strengthen it more.


    Thanks for the help guys.

  8. I don't mind a bit of maintenance with wooden doors,

    I do mind the price though.


    I'm going to try to save the day with corner brackets on the inside and maybe even some flat brackets on the outside.


    Unless some one has a better idea

  9. There is no strike plate on the door.There are no locks at all yet.

    The door is falling apart.The 2 sloped lenghts of wood have fallen out.There is a lot of movement in all the right angled joints.

  10. I had a house built last year.

    I had wood door frames put in and for doors I bought

    wooden doors with no cladding.I hope I'm describing this right.

    I bought the wooden ZZ shape of the door with no paneling.


    This was the cheapest,the builders put some cheap paneling

    on it and I left it for a year.Now I have come back to it to

    sand and stain it and put some nice paneling on.


    The door frame is now shrunk and all the joints are loose.

    The slanted pieces of the Z are falling out.

    I presume the Thais never let the wood cure before making the door.


    What do I do.The only idea I have is putting right angled metal brackets in the corners.



  11. Just a simple problem that I cant solve.


    When I'm using Windows 8.1 in Desktop mode sometimes when

    I am moving the mouse it activates the charms bar.


    I don't know what I did but the charms bar used to only activate when I

    moved the mouse up to the right hand corner and clicked.


    Does any one know how I can change it back to the way it was.


  12. I ordered AAA rechargeable batteries on eBay about a month ago.

    They never came.

    That happens sometimes with clothes or batteries.

    Things that are easy to sell are stolen in the post.


    I live way up the mountains and am far from decent shops.

    But I do get to homepro now and again.


    So where can I order some more.Preferably online.

    What is the best brand.

    Where do you get decent batteries.AA and AAA size.



  13. Thanks for the help guys,

    I was thinking to use a length of the same stuff I'm using as the beam

    as  posts instead of using the existing beams for load bearing


    Is that necessary.


    I have two people now saying

    100 x50 by 2mm thick box metal is best.


  14. I'm thinking now that if I go to the metal worker and ask him what  metal do I need

    and then say that's not strong enough and ask him what's stronger and go through that process a few times he will come up with something that looks like it's strong enough.Then I would get him to cut it all up and get the Thai builder to install it.

    He can  weld but i would   prefer if  I could use nuts and bolts and bolts



    "If it were me building this that 4m free span I would be looking to use a 175mm x

    175mm H Beam at minimum.


    If it were me building this that 4m free span I would be looking to use abutt\]' If it were me building this that 4m free span I would be looking to use a 175mm x 175mm H Beam at minimum"

    2 great quotes guys.


    I do not trust my  Thai  Guy  or the Thai metal worker.They chose stuff

    that always too light .

































  15. That's very close to what I'm doing.

    Did you cover the metal with wood,I was thinking of doing that.


    I'm thinking now that if I go to the metal worker and ask him what  metal do I need

    and then say that's not strong enough and ask him what's stronger and go through that process a few times he will come up with something that looks like it's strong enough.Then I would get him to cut it into the lengths I want.

    Unless some body comes up with  

    Then should I just get it welded on site or are there nice brackets you can buy.


  16. O.k Guys,

    Thanks for your help and thanks for your patience,

    14 hours ago, eyecatcher said:

     4m span requires steel of at least 10x5cm,

    The loft is tiny,just big enough for a double bed.You crawl up there and sleep,there is no room to stand up,there is no room for storage.


    I had my Thai Guy in,the guy who built it,and he said he would just weld this 4 by 7cms box metal  onto  the same box metal that he used as beams.

    The ones which "eyecatcher"referred to as" tiny roof beams that are only designed to carry a light roof structure. "

    That was when I decided to open a post and get advice on whether I should maybe use some stronger metal.


    So what do you think..If I can't attach to the beams I may need to put a post attached to the wall on each side but I really don't want to put a post in the middle of the floor.


    14 hours ago, eyecatcher said:

     4m span requires steel of at least 10x5cm,


    What exactly do I go to the shop for............what's it called.....if I get these posts and one beam I will be well on the way.


    Is welding the best  way to connect them or are there brackets you can buy.


    As well as The Thai builder there is a metal worker shop I know.May be he can get the stuff and cut it.He would even come and install it.He would even tell me what I need

    but I'm afraid he would choose stuff that is too light.


    A 4m+ beam with posts on each side...what do I make them out of.


    All help much appreciated.


  17. Thanks mate,

    It's great to have some one who knows the terms in Thai.

    My wife says what we have is Lek Gong(box metal).

    So would you know if the Lek Gong 4 by 7cm is strong enough

    for a 4m20cm beam  with no post to support it .

    It goes straight across the room and I don't want to put posts to support it.


    If not I will look for Lek Niao.or something better.

    I would love wood but I probably can't afford it.


  18. I want to put a loft in my living room.Just a small one not much bigger

    than a double bed.


    The room has concrete posts in the corners with horizontal lengths of metal going around the room on top of the concrete posts.I think the metal is called box metal or something.It's 3cms by 7cms and hollow in the middle.


    So what I'm wondering is what can I make my cross beams for the loft out of.

    The longest one is 4m 20cm.If I can find out what I can make that one out of I will make the

    rest out of the same stuff.

    A 4m20cm beam.Can I make it out of wood,if not what kind of metal.


    Would you attach it to the 4cm by 7cm metal on top of the concrete post or  put in a new post.

    The concrete posts are not located where I will attach the beams.


    I hope you understand what I'm trying to explain.I've never done this sort of thing before.

    Would love some advice.

  19. Thanks for the support guys,

    I'm still unclear about what to take when I actually feel pain,where I would normally

    take Tramadol,what do I take.


    Like before I had a back problem and was advised to take Muscle Relaxints

                                                                                                            Diclofenic and

                                                                                                           Paracetamol together.


    Is there a similar combination for Fibromyalgia.I will take Pregabolin for the opium withdrawals and try to get a doctor to give me a weeks supply of valium.So that aside,

    how should I combine the NSAIDS when I feel pain.

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