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Posts posted by chiangrai

  1. I just got a CREATIVE speaker system delivered to the house.

    I unboxed it and it played perfectly.

    So I put it where it was going to live and unraveled all the wires, plugged it in again and it wouldn't work.


    There was sound coming out of the speakers even when the power was off and when I turned on the volume/on/off switch nothing happened.

    Then when I started  playing with the volume switch a shrill moaning sound came out of the bottom of the Amp(the main part,it came with what I call the amp and 2 separate speakers).

    It came out of the underside of the amp,there is a speaker like circular form on the underside of the Amp.


    I am using a laptop with a dodgy copy of windows 10,genuine copy but badly installed if that might be the problem but why would it have played well the first time.


    The speaker system is Creative Inspire T3300 and cost 1400bht delivered..Returning it to the seller(on Lazada) would be about half the cost of the machine).


    What do you think the problem is?

  2. I just got a CREATIVE speaker system delivered to the house.

    I unboxed it and it played perfectly.

    So I put it where it was going to live and unraveled all the wires,

    plugged it in again and it wouldn't work.


    There was sound coming out of the speakers even when the power was off and when I turned on the volume/on/off switch nothing happened.

    Then when I started  playing with the volume switch a shrill moaning sound came out of the bottom of the Amp(the main part,it came with what I call the amp and 2 separate speakers).

    It came out of the underside of the amp,there is a speaker like circular form on the underside of the Amp.


    I am using a laptop with a dodgy copy of windows 10,genuine copy but badly installed if that might be the problem but why would it have played well the first time.


    The speaker system is Creative Inspire T3300 and cost 1400bht delivered..Returning it to the seller(on Lazada) would be about half the cost of the machine).


    What do you thik the problem is.

  3. I bought a headlamp on ebay and use it all the time because

    out house isn't fully wired yet.


    It's a cheap Chinese one but it works fine and is really bright.

    The thing is that it has 6 settings and you have to cycle them around

    every time you turn the lamp on.


    I brought it into a shop that fixes such things and asked the guy to put

    a switch on it where I could just use that switch instead and leave the

    original switch at my favorite setting.He said it couldn't be done but

    I didn't understand why.


  4. Oh thank God......I was not looking forward to washing those lengths with petrol.


    It's against my religion but I'm still going to put the primer on top of the oil.


    Maybe I've been in Thailand too long........


  5. That's what the Thai guy said.He said" I should prime them first so he wouldn't leave dirty hand prints all over the place".

    I didn't know what he was talking about because I didn't know that the metal would be oiled.


    I bought lots of metal before and it was never covered in oil.

    Would it not be better to buy metal that didn't have oil.


    Does any one know why this batch was covered in oil

    and what would happen if I just put the primer down on the oil.



  6. I ordered some of lengths of box metal and have a welder coming soon

    to put a little loft bed above the living room.

    I was thinking that I would get him to do the job and then sand and prime the

    metal myself.


    But they just arrived and are covered in oil.The welder was saying to prime the

    metal before he comes so they wouldn't get their hands and the living room dirty

    when they were working.

    I didn't know what he was talking about until I saw the metal arrive.


    Is that what I should,prime the metal before it goes in the house.

    Is that what the Thais do.

    Is that what we do in the west.


  7. Thanks Crossy,

    I wouldn't have thought of that.The last time I used Double Sided Adhesive it had just come out and was crap.

    But as I see on Ebay it has come a long way since then.

    Extreme heavy duty and the like.

  8. Simple Question.


    I have a foam yoga mat and I want to attach it to a piece

    ply board so I don't have to roll it out every time I use it.


    What is the best way to attach it.

    If it's to glue it what is the best glue...

    If it's to staple it,what size staples and

    where do I get the stapler.



  9. I think I am going to back out of this post now.I think it's turned into to much of an argument but I really appreciate every thing every body's done for me.


    I have to go away for a few days tomorrow and when I come back I will open a new thread and have a clear idea of what I want to do.


    I would like to get a proper installation of windows and sort out any driver problems.

    I learned  that from this post.But now it's time to take a break and let tempers cool.

     Thanks for all your help......much appreciated.

  10. So the External Hard Drive works fine on another laptop.

    Going from folder to folder is really fast 

    and so far it's not skipping from video to video.


    What next.......I'm not going to take sides in any argument.......

    I would like to get a proper installation of Windows 10....

    I never argued with that I just thought it wasn't possible.


    If somebody can walk me through it then that would be great.

    Lets go.......







  11. I have tried playing movies on a thumb drive with potplayer from the same port that I used with the external drive and it's fine.

    So the problem is not potplayer


    Tomorrow I will try my external drive on another computer to see if I can deduct anything from that..


    I will let you know how I get on.





  12. O.k...I reckon it's best to try to solve the external Hard drive issue first and the first thing to do with that is to see if the problem is physical hardware.

    This disk is about 10 years old come to think of it.It looks perfect and hasn't been moved much but either the cable or the drive itself could be faulty.


     First I will check a thumb drive on the same port with the same player.


  13. O.k so this is getting easier and easier.

    So don't "Refresh my O.S"

    Is it not good to refresh your O.S once a year just for maintenance.

    Any way whether I do it or not I will tackle each problem one by one.


    Where in this country would I get someone to do a proper clone for me and would it increase the performance .


    The only problem I don;t know how to tackle now is the fact that on Edge big sites where you do a lot of scrolling and changing pages freeze.

    On Ebay or Thaivisa,when I'm moving around fast the page seizes and I have to wait

    for it to recover.How would I tackle that.


    I've just remembered that before Potplayer skips onto the next video I get a notification from file explorer that says."choose what to do with Toshiba disk E".

    If that gives a clue to something.



  14. Pot player is the only one I know that will play a file when you click on it but also

    put all the files in the folder on a playlist and play them consecutively.Handy when you're video is in small parts.



    I'm thinking of going for the "Fresh Start" opyion on settings.

    The thing is that I don't have any of the i.d numbers from my origonal

    copy of windows 10 which is on the old hard drive.


    Does anybody know if "Fresh Start" requires these numbers.

  15. PeterW42....I would love what you said to be true.

    I could manage to do these things myself.

    Should I restore everything to factory settings


    Would doing what you said solve the problem of Potplayer(media player jumping 

    on to the next video in the playlist with out finishing the  previous.


    Should I have "rapid mode supported on my SSD


    What do you mean by "scan".Is it doing a disk cleanup.

    What is "chkdsk".


    I will start doing what you said once I decide whether or not to restore to

    factory settings first 

  16. All that is beyond me I'm afraid.

    He was complaining that it took ages and that Accer wouldn't let him do it the

    quick way.He had to let it run over night.


    I haven't used the software that you asked about but I'm not getting the usual messages that you do with a fake windows.

    "Internet Download Manager" for which I have the paid version will not install on a fake copy of Windows but it did on this.



  17. I bought a laptop about 6 months ago.It had windows 10 all ready installed.

    I also bought a SDD and had the Thai Guy install it before I brought the machine home.

    I didn't think he could <deleted> it up...


    When I brought it home I found it had the following problems.


    It played Disk E(my external Drive) badly.The media player would change movie half way through

    and play the next file in the playlist.

    File Explore was really slow on Disk E as well.


    I put in Samsung magician for the SSD and it said "rapid mode not supported:.


    It had KMSpico installed on it ....is that bad.


    Big sites like Thaivisa,Ebay and the like were slow on all browsers.


    I put up with these for a while but they've just gotten worse. I now want to fix these problems 

    but I think a Thai Guy would <deleted> it up.


    I'm not a computer person but I think i will have to try and learn how to install Windows on The SSD

    myself.I thought a Thai Guy could do it when I bought the SSD.


    I have some packages he gave me.I think it's the old hard drive and the CD for the SSd.


    Can any body walk me through this.I've never done it before and am not looking forward to it.


  18.  I teach a class every Sunday to help my wife.  I'm the kind of teacher that writes the whole lesson on the board before they teach.


    The whiteboard in the classroom is big but not big enough for me because I want to

    review the last lesson and write that on the board too.


    What can I do.....I've seen some double sided whiteboards tha can swivel around and

    gice you a whole new whiteboard............ My maths teacher at school(a long thim ago) used to have a projector kind of thing where he would write the lesson on a clear sheet and it would project what he wrote  onto the whiteboard.


    There must have been a lot of new technological developments since I was at school.

    Do you know of any......before I get a double blackboard...........???

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