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Posts posted by chiangrai

  1. Making it a feature would look too busy where it's going.


    Glue sounds the easiest way.What do you recommend,wood glue and saw dust,no more nails or PVA.Would the box metal being primed and painted effect it anyway.

    I would also like to paint the back of the wood if I can to be some protection against termites.Is no more nails available in Thailand.


    If not I will go with the steel nails and magnet.




  2. The walls have box metal framing/stud work and all the screws are being attached to that.

    The cladding is heavy and 3/4 inched thick so it needs to be sturdy.


    The framework has already been primed and painted. Would glue still work.



  3. I have a bit of woodwork to do in my living room.I'm going to put some cheap cladding on the walls.

    I also have battening on the ceiling where the Thai Guy left the screws exposed.


    My question is whether I should countersink the screws,fill them and paint them.

    If I do the screws will be hidden and I will have a hard job when I might have to take them off

    and may have to damage them.


    Or is there an old trick where you can find the screws again after they've been filled and painted.


    What would you do or what would the pros do.

  4. On ‎27‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 3:05 PM, jeab1980 said:


    The last thing I do before going is to go on the Thai consulate website and get a list of the latest requirements for the marriage visa are and which ones have to be singed by my wife before I leave.


    I also got caught out one time by arriving on a Laos holiday and had to wait for 3 days for the consulate to open.So now I check for Laoation holidays because they are not all the same as Thai.


    But their website is down.Does anyone have a list of the latest requirements and know what days they are open next week.





  5. I have started reading a book on personal finance.

    It recommends donating some of your income to charity

    on a regular basis,like setting up a standing order so that

    a certain sum of money goes to charity on the same day every month


    The thing is I don't know what charity to give it to so I'm asking here for 

    recommendations.Does anyone know a great charity with an impecable

    reputation for honesty,preferably in Thailand but not nesessarily.


    I've just realized how green this letter sounds but I am genuine.

  6. 5 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

    If you mean getting a non o based on marriage showing no funds Savanakhet is closest


    Is there another consulate that you can get it without showing funds even if it's farther than Savanakhet.


    Hotel Hua Nam is the cheap hotel in Mukdahan that I stayed in last time.


    But yes,I guite like my trips to Savanakhet.It's so relaxed there

    I fly in with Nok Air and do my usual routine,hire a bicycle and have an apsolutley stress free time.

    I've never got a marriage visa any where else but meet people totally stressed out from reporting

    at immigration.


    Krobert6-- I fly Chiang Rai/Bankok-Mukdahan with Nok Air in one day for about 2500bht one way.The last step of the journey is by Nok Air mini bus.

    Mukdahan is on the Thai side,you can still get to Savanakhet the same day or sleep in Mukdahan.

    I then go to Mae Saai every 3 months and walk in and out of Burma and get another 3 months.

    As said if you work your dates right you will get 15 months free with the option to extend for another

    2 months in immigration.


    My question now is is Savanakhet the only place in the world where you don't have to show funds for a marriage visa or is it just the nearest.


    • Like 1
  7. Great,thanks...


    One last thing..

    What is the best budget hotel to stay in in Mukdahan.The last time I stayed down by the river

    in a cheap and cheerful hotel but I can't remember it's name.There were twocheap hotels near each other.

    I also heard that there is one by the bus station,how is that one. Is that the same bus station I

    need to get the bus to Savanakhet.


  8. I have been going to Savanakhet now every 15 months for about 6 years.

    I go there because I can get a one year Multi entry visa on the grounds of marriage

    without having to show any money in a Thai bank.


    It's now time to go again.I need to leave Thailand on Sunday.I am planning to walk out

    at Mukdahan.


    I allways check in this forum before leaving just incase anything has changed.


    So can I still get the one year multi entry visa on the grounds of marriage without showing

    any cash in a Thai bank.

    Is it still 5 thousand baht for the visa fee

    Do you still have to produce the same documents when applying.

    And mostly is this still the best option for somebody who is married to a Thai

    and doesn't have any money in a Thai Bank.



  9. There was a Thai Guy just here and he told me to rip out the PVC that goes into the last

    foot of the water heater and replace it with a "thaw nam cow nam yen"which is the flexable pipe that you see going into all wash hand basins in Thailand.


    Then I would be able to inspect the water going into the water heater when ever I want,like tomorrow.


    I will be back on the job tomorrow,I have no time this evening ,I have some thing else that I have to do.


    Crossy thanks for your help.I checked the big red thing and it seems to just   unscrew from the machine and is only held in place by that.I will check it tomorrow after I check the outlet from the pump.

    As for the pressure switch,I don't even know where it is.


    We had a water cut out yesterday and I think the level of the tank went down in the afternoon after we checked it in the morning,lowering the water pressure and that 's what was causing the hose pipe to collapse.What ever it was the problem is gone.


    Good evening gentlemen,you will hear from me tomorrow no dout.

  10. O,K---The hose pipe has stopped collapsing up at the tank.

    It then runs down hill to the house where I have a valve before

    it enters the house and there is great water pressure there,it is a 3/4" pipe.


    So when I connect the inlet pipe and open it and go inside nothing happens.

    The pump cliks once and that's that.There is no water coming out of the shower

    heater.I can not disconnect anything,like the shower heater because every thing is 

    set and glued in. 


  11. Image result for waikiki wdc series iso 9001 pump


     This is the machine.


    When we hooked up the in-pipe and had just the pvc out-pipe left open(not connected to the shower heater) it worked fine.We thought all we had to do was attatch it to the shower heater.


    But it didn't work out that way.


    And yes Crossy,the hose seems to be collapsing at some time.I don't know what itdoes when the pipe is running.

    Most of it is under ground except about 2 meters from the storage tank.


  12. I have installed a "self priming peripheral pump" for my gas shower water heater.

    The water heater wasn't working because there was not enough water pressure.


    I have a large water tank slightly above the house and the whole house has gravity

    fed plumbing which works great except that it doesn't have quite enough pressure to run the

    gas shower water heater.


    The heater has it's own 3/4" pipe coming from the tank.It's a hose pipe not a pvc pipe

    except for the last few meters.I've just installed the pump myself and thought I got it right

    until I got to the last stage when all I had to do was prime and bleed it and off she would go

    but that didn't happen.


    The pump just clicks itself on and of every second.Click,click,click and no matter how I tweak it

    it won't run steadily.


    Any one know what I'm doing wrong.

  13. I have been downloading torrents from The Pirate Bay up till a few days ago but when I tried tonight

    they start downloading and then they  "error".


    Is it my machine or is something happening in torrentland.Big Brother working overtime or something.

  14. http://www.ebay.com/itm/2X-Clarity-Anti-Glare-11-6-Screen-Protector-For-Acer-R3-131T-ES1-131-ES1-111M/142121164150?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&var=441200996470&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649


    I have an Acer R3-131T.I bought the "anti glare screen protector" in the link above.

    Then I brought it into the  repair shop and he said it was too small for my screen.


    What should I do now.It looks like it's only a couple of mil short if at all.

    Should I try to fit it myself,bring it back to him and tell him to do it anyway or

    does some one know a better screen protector that I can buy.The one I bought seems a bit

    cheap and not meant to last long if they give you 2.


    I really need a high class anti glare screen protector.What to do..........

  15. I had a post already about this subject.I needed to buy a water pump

    to boost my water pressure going inta a gas shower water heater.

    At the moment the automatic cut off in the shower water heater

    kicks in and we can't have a hot shower.


    So I got some advice on what kind of pump to buy and headed for HomePro,

    looking for an inline,automatic pump which gives out a minimum pressure of 1 bar.


    This is what I came back with,an automatic,well pump which gives off 1 bar of pressure.

    I paid 2500bht for it.Is this the right pump..........there wasn't much of a choice.


    Please tell me it is because my wife has thrown away the box,the instructions and 

    the receipt.

  16. I have done it Get Reals way.The icon is in the start up folder.I've gone to Task Manager and

    then to Startup and Edge was there and it was enabled.


    So I restarted the laptop but Edge didn't start on startup.When I disable it in the task manager it enables itself again when I close and reopen the task manager.

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