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Posts posted by chiangrai

  1. I want to set up a standing order with my KTB bank.I want them to send money on the first of every month to an account in a Kasicorn bank.Normally the easiest thing to do would be to go into my bank itself and set it up but I live about an hour and a half from my bank and there is all ways an hour long Q

    when I get there.So round trip that all adds up to 4 hours.


    I have online banking with my Krung Thai Bank and was wondering if anybody would help me to do it because I looked on their website but cannot figure out how to do it.I don't understand the English terms and can't even figure out where to start.


    They used to have a help line you could call but I can't find that either.

    Would appreciate some help.

  2. I would like to buy some stuff off of Amazon but none of the products

    I want ship to Thailand.


    I have seen some companies on YouTube    saying that they ship to Thailand

    for you if you buy in America.They don't give their prices though.

    So before I go searching through their websites trying to find their prices I

    thought I'd ask here.


    I'm just talking about small things,mainly clothes.

    What are they like when you just want a pair of jeans sent over or

    just the odd little thing that you can't get on eBay.


    Maybe you know a better way than these companies........



  3. O.k...I will see a doctor...I was just wondering why Tylenol took the pain away if it's an infection......and also what caused it.....


    I will ask the doctor of course but I mightn't get the best answer.



  4. 3 minutes ago, rasg said:

    Give your bank a call and check if you can have an email validation, rather than a text.

    Yes that's what I'll have to do.


    It wouldn't be so bad if I could use the local ATM

    anytime the wife was out and I had no mobile phone.


    Being in a refugee area and not having a cell phone is what's

    making it difficult.


    It's no big deal I just thought I would ask some people if there was a better way.

    I did a post last week about international transfers and I found Transferwise.

     I just thought there might be the same improvement with Transfers within Thailand.



  5. 10 minutes ago, thecyclist said:

    No need for a mobile phone, you just use your KTB - card at a KTB ATM machine , or via online banking, neither of those require a OTP.

    I have a KTB account and have never had any problems with either method.

    The OTP is for online purchases with your KTB/visa debit or credit card.

    Yes,I am using my KTB debit card what other way is there to pay online.


    Can I link my card to a Paypal account and have PayPal pay and not ask for any


  6. Some thing is wrong with my big toe nail. It looks like the nail is dyeing.

    It has gone brown and yellow and seems like there is an inflammation

    under the nail.


    At first I thought it was an infection but I took paracetemol when it became

    painful and the pain went away which I took to mean that it was an inflamation

    and not an infection.


    It's usually only painful when you press it but twice it got painful and I took 

    paracetamol (Tylenol).


    What do you think it is...........? 

  7. I want to set up a regular payment to a charity in Bangkok.

    It's the "Mercy Center" and it has a big website with a special

    page for donations but it wants USD.


    I have an Irish bank account in Euros and a Thai bank account.

    What is the best way for me to donate.

    I don't want my Euros to be changed into Dollars and then the

    charity have to pay again for it to be changed into Baht.


    Should I try to find a way to pay in Baht or continue with the

    donations page on the website.

    Which is best for the charity.

  8. Right,

    Thanks for that.

    I haven't been using the ATM for withdrawls from my Irish bank much,only for small amounts when I need money fast and can't wait 3-5 days for the money transfwer.

    But I have been using the internet bank transfer for years.


    I will open a  transferwise account straight away.


    Some Questions--How many days does it take to make a transferwise transfer.

                                 --I saw on a video on youtube that you maybe asked to show proof                                   of identity.Is that my passport page with my picture onit.

                                 --Then it says you may be asked to show proof of address.Is that                                 --my address in Thailand or Ireland.I don't think I have proof of                                         address in THailand.

  9. Thanks Guys,

    I should be able to sort it out from here.


    Two things have changed since I last was on this website finding out the best way to transfer money to here from  abroad.


    !.My bank in Ireland has lifted the limit that you can get from the ATM when your in Thailand.

    2.This Transferwise service has appeared on the scene.


    Just goes to show that I have to stay informed when I'm out here in the wilderness

    of rural Thailand.


    That was a great help..Thanks again.

  10. Transferwise sounds great.


    What documents do I need to provide when they ask for proof of

    identity and proof of address.

    I presume proof of identity would be my passport but what is proof

    of address,my Thai  address or my Irish address.

    I don't think I have proof of address in Thailand.


    Are these guys for real.Is it really better to transfer with them.




















    I'm trying to work out whether it's cheaper to withdraw money from my bank in Irelandby the ATM or by online money transfer.

    I guess that it depends on how much you withdraw but I'm having trouble working out what that amount is.


    It costs 600bht to do an online transfer no matter how much I transfer.The ATM charges 220bht if I remember right.

    I only transfer 20,000bht per month.I don't know what the limit on what you can withdraw at the ATM or whether the ATM or

    the online transfer gives a better rate.


    I stopped doing this a while back because my bank put a ridiculas limit on ATM withdrawals from Thailand and a few other

    countries,5,000bht I think.they have lifted that because I just got 7500 out without a problem.


    Does anybody know how to do the maths.How do I find the amount above which it is better to use online transfer instead

    of the ATM.


  12. I saw my wife putting a powder in the food she was cooking.

    I asked her what it was and she said it was "ka-naw".

    I asked her what was in it and she didn't know and gave me the packet to read.

    "Ka-naw" was"Knorr" which is a brand name I'm used to from Europe but that was the

    only word I could read as the rest was in Thai.


    Does any one know what this powder is and what is in it.

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