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Posts posted by chiangrai

  1. Sorry about the confusion.

    What I need to install is in the picture on Lotburi3's post.

    The second post on this page.

    I have to wait till tomorrow'when I go there, to see if the pipe can be pulled out

    and is only there temporarily.

    If not then I will have to install the two pieces in Lotburi's picture.

    That means cutting down into the concrete and setting the two pieces

    flush with the floor.

  2. There was no contractor and I said that I would

    do the pluming myself.

    So I supose I could go at it with an angle grinder.

    Cut out the outline with a diamond cutter blade then

    grind it down with a a concrete grinder blade.

    But maybe some one has a better sugestion.

    How would this job be done in the west.Would the guy

    who put down the floor have fittet the drain cover and not

    the plumer who comes later.

  3. Yes,I insisted that they put a U-bend(P-trap in it.

    I will double check tomorrow but I am nearly sure that the

    pipe sticking up is all one piece.

    So,if that's the case I will have to cut out a piece of the concrete around where

    the drain cover is going to go and some how cut the pipe below the surface.

    How do I do this without buying a router.

  4. There is a U-bend(P-trap)under the concrete even though the pipe doesn't

    connect with any other pipe.

    It says 2 inch on the pipe and that is usualy the inside measurment.

    If I can cut the pipe down I can bring the cut off to the hardware shop

    and just buy a cover that fits it.

    So how do I cut it down and do I cut it down flush with the floor or

    just below it.

  5. I have a newly built bathroom,The floor is coloured concrete

    and the builder has left the drain hole as a 2 inch PVC pipe sticking

    up about 8 inches.It's a Thai style shower withiut a shower trayThe water just goes on the floor and out this drain hole.

    So I read the dimentions on the pipe and bought a 2 inch drain hole cover brought it home but it was too big.

    So I have 2 questions,

    1-why did the 2 inch drain cover not fit.I can think of two reasons.

    Either you have to buy a smaller size cover than the pipe size or the girl in the

    shop was bull____ing.

    2--How do I cut the pipe down to the floor nice and cleanly.

  6. My wife is "saveing" worksheets for teaching English from the internet.

    She can open some of them with Word and print them no problem.

    Some of them are JPG and can't be opened with Word.

    So I downloaded "JPG to Word Converter" which was fine if the

    worksheet was all English.

    If the worksheet has Thai lettters or a picture it converts as nonsence

    Does any one have any sugestions on how to convert an image (with Thai

    alphabet and picture) to a file type that can be opened with Microsoft Word.

  7. Yes,I've found a little Stanley block plane on thaicarpenter and ordered it.

    My wife had to do the reading for me.

    Can you read Thai or do you know a way to get it in English.

  8. What about double doors.Are there any tricks to this.

    I cant find any uTube videos on it.

    Some people say it's more dificult and any inacuracys shop up more

    than a single door.

  9. I have trimed the door down to size with a circular saw and it just needs a bit more off one side (vertical)but only

    the last foot not along the whole lenght of it.I see the guys on uTube say to use a plane for this.

    But I'm open to sugestions

  10. I'm trying to hang some new doors on some new frames in a new house.

    I've never done it before and need some advice

    .I've been looking at some videos on uTube and some say to put the hinge up close to the edge of the door when you are attaching it.Others say the door will become hingebound if you don't keep the barrel of the hinge a quarter of an inch back from the edge of the door.Whose right.

    The doors aren't solid they're just z shaped frames.They are new and heavy and I'm wondering if they are going to shrink alot.Also I see with the doors in the place I"m living in that the doors swell and shrink according to the season.Any advice on this.

    Should I make allowance for this when I'm cutting them to size.

    I'm doing the first door at the moment and I need to buy a hand plane planeThere iare none for sale in my local town and all the shops seem amused when I ask for one saying everyone has gone electric these days.When I was at school there were the steel planes made by Stanley and they were the new type.The old type were woden.But on eBay the stanley planes are sold as vintage.

    Does anybody know where I can get a hand plane in Thailand,preferably online and what type of plane am I looking for.

    Any other advice about hanging doors in Thailand Thailand would be appreciated.

  11. if the port for the otg cable is broke will it help if I buy an OTG flash drive.

    When I plug it into my computer The tablet gives 3 messages. 1--connected as USB storage

    2-- USB debuging conected 3--USB connected

    but nothing shows up on my tablet and my computer said "please incert a disk into removable disk.

  12. I'm just starting into the world of Android and need some help.

    My Lenova 7 inch tablet running Android 4.1.2 says "usb conector is

    conected" when I plug in the OTG cable attached to my flash drive

    but it doesn't show up in the file explorer.

    It used to but then it got tempremental and now it's stopped compleatly.

    So I looked at a few videos on utube and went to download an app to read the

    OTG but the machine said there was no room for that app.

    Then I went to download Titanium app to delete some stock app but it said

    I can't use this app because the machine is not rooted.

    So can somebody talk me through this.

    Root--Delete Apps and Read USB.

  13. I have a Lenova A1000 7 inch tablet with android.

    I really don't want to learn how to use the android OS.

    Can I put windows on it instead of android.

    It could even be fake windows as I don't do much more than

    playing videos and check emails.

  14. I'm home now and can read the can a lot better.

    It is Begar deckstain and it gives wood protection and water resistance

    and UV protection for exterior wood.It says minimum 3 coats.

    I'm going to go with that.

    It says to apply with a brush it says nothing about wiping it off right away

    so you don't get too dark a stain like the youtube videos.

    I read some where that there are two "mai Daengs" one is ordinary "mai daeng" and the other is short for

    "mai sak daeng" "red teak".

    I just asked for an average decent wood and that was what he recomended,he didn't sell it as

    anything spechial.My builder called it "mai daeng" too.

    Now to stain it and see how it looks.

  15. I'm not sure what redwood I have.It cost about 10,000bht for

    7 doors and 7 frames.

    I just got what I could at the hardware shop.

    I got Berger wood stain in redwood color,there is very little English on the tin,I would love to know if it's the stuff with

    Oil in it or not.I would love to know if I have to use varnish on it or not.

    I got a gallon of clear Matt exterior varnish just in case.

    I must wait till I get home and get the missus to read the can.

    Sometimes DIY is a complete mistery in Thailand.

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