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Posts posted by captspectre

  1. 9 hours ago, futsukayoi said:


    Not sure what your point is.  I havn't been asked for a license when renting a car so I am sure some people rent without. However, most Chinese I know have a car license and the requirements for getting one are definitely stricter than in Thailand.

    My point is---before you can rent a car you should have a valid drivers license! in the civilized world this is ALWAYS required! 

  2. In the civilizedworld! when you get a traffic ticket or a bunch of tickets, your drivers license is not renewed until you pay the fine. if you are delequent you can go to jail and the police can arrest you at your registered place of residence!  but here i guess the cops don't know where you l;ive despite your address on your drivers license, they will issue you a new license despite you not paying your fines. it is a ridicilouse situation. only in thailand.

  3. 16 hours ago, Bureaucrat said:

    Buy a media box you can watch HBO for free with subtitles. 1000's channels available you just pay for the box and your internet connection, you can also receive every terrestrial station in the world. Free.

    WHERE could I buy such a box? I would buy almost anything that outs UBC/TRUE under the table! the oroblem is that true/ubc does not really care what the viewers say. the know they have the foreign audence by the shorts

  4. 18 hours ago, Valentine said:

    In the past they have dropped quality channels, I assume because they don't want to pay anymore, for something that looks like free to air. Yet, they never offer a price reduction. If this story proves to be true then it signals they  are going rapidly downhill.

    I can only hope so! want to see them bankrupt and a "NEW" more professional company  created.

  5. 18 hours ago, Silurian said:


    Nice to see Comrade Donald continue his humble ways with his self promoting Thank You tour. I am sure once he gets into office and Putin bears down on him it will all change. Got to keep that Exxon oil flowing. Got to keep those foreign real estate deals churning.



    Alas, he lives in his own world if he doesn't recognize that over 1/3 of the nation are feeling hopeless. Now it is his turn to just dismiss them and turn his back. Yep, divider in chief.


    one third of the nation? have them take an aspirin! they will get over it (maybe) it took me eight years to get over the parasites nighmare and I survived.

  6. 20 hours ago, Morch said:


    The threats made by Obama are silly, if perhaps sort of customary under such circumstances. A wuss? Would you be happier with him starting a real confrontation with Russia?

    I would be happier with his sorry ass gone! there are other ways to get russias attention without war! but hitting them with your purse is not the way!

  7. 32 minutes ago, Old Croc said:

    Murder is obviously a possibility, but why leave the victim in wetsuit and fins, ensuring he would float, then using his backpack tie him to a buoy so he would be quickly found? 

    A weird way to commit murder.

    Another possibility is suicide. Donning his wetsuit and fins and taking some personal effects with him (what else was in the pack besides cash?) he swam out into the sea, attached himself where he would be found, and slit his own throat.  The wound seems consistent with being self inflicted. Have divers searched the sea floor for a knife? 

    A weird way to commit suicide. 

    if that is the case than the knife would be nearby, would it not?

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