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Posts posted by captspectre

  1. once again we see the total disregard for human life among these idiot bike riders, sad that people had to die but when you have idiots like these people its bound to happen as we continually see in Thailand. Hopefully the police will follow this through and take action against the bike riders and not the truck driver but wouldnt be surprised if they did, much easier target.

    these clowns do not realize that what they call "motorcycles" in thailand are not much more than scooters and are not designed to do wheelies! they will never learn and we will continue to see this everyday!

  2. dam! those two idiots should get out of dodge at once! don't they realize that their photo's are all; over the web in Thailand? and probably by now in the U.S.?? and the silly skinny looking bitch! where can she go now without being compared to monica? Bill's old BJ specialist! if i saw her on the street i would remind her how she looked with the small pecker in her jaws!

    cannot think of a more embarrassing thing than to be seen all over Thailand and the U.S. with a hangy down in your mouth! especially when the parents see it! and it will go to the U.S. especially this Thai Visa which has been forwarded to all my friends in the U.S.!

    I guess there are some people like yourself who think a BJ is the work of the devil.

    You sort of remind me of that book, "The Scarlet Letter".

    no, nothing bad about getting a blow job from a female! BUT getting it in public? would you give a blow job in public?

  3. Why do not they punish the Thai moron who insult the young farang in the video.

    Not hard to figure that one out.......he's Thai. Plus I don't think he actually committed an offense. I think the Irish guy was lucky the Thai guy and a bunch of his friends didn't get more aggressively involved.

    punish the Thai man? if it were me I would have beat the shit out of both of them for bringing disrespect for foreigners in this country! do you not see anyhting wrong with this video? what if is was your daughter giving a blow iob to a man in public? what would you say and do? as for the aussie, his mates probably think that this is great! getting a blow job from an american bitch! he won't be getting any bad publicity, but the female, I doubt she will be able to go anywhere without someone recognizing her and maybe asking her for "seconds"

  4. dam! those two idiots should get out of dodge at once! don't they realize that their photo's are all; over the web in Thailand? and probably by now in the U.S.?? and the silly skinny looking bitch! where can she go now without being compared to monica? Bill's old BJ specialist! if i saw her on the street i would remind her how she looked with the small pecker in her jaws!

    cannot think of a more embarrassing thing than to be seen all over Thailand and the U.S. with a hangy down in your mouth! especially when the parents see it! and it will go to the U.S. especially this Thai Visa which has been forwarded to all my friends in the U.S.!

  5. Everyone sees things differently , but if someone threatened my daughter,

    he is automatically a dead man......

    get your ass home and arm yourself, with some kind of weapon, face the bastard and be ready to hurt him bad! it has to be bad or he will come after your family when you are not around. there are other things you can do but it would be unlawful to post them here, but I will tell you a story. in 1970 a taxi driver shot one of out flight crew member in Ubon because the taxi drivers wife was going to run off with the G.I. the police at that time could care less, so we hired a known Thai that we trusted to go after the taxi driver who had fled to laos and reach out and touch him! we required proof of the touhhcing, withing two weeks we had the proof. it cost us seven hundred dollars which was a fortune at the time but it did get the job done!

  6. Are we expecting too much from monks? In the end they are only human, and we all have moments of weakness.

    monks are not supposed to ber WEAK! they are supposed to reassure the faithful that being serene and in control is the only way to go. there are so many false monks now, and it started with the crash some years ago when a lot of punks joined the monkhood for three hots and a cot. and there is no discipline handed out by the head monk anymore! kick their sorry asses out and put them in jail before the monkhood is damaged beyond repair. I have noticed that there is lass and less people giving alms on the street now days.

  7. All the moody older expats commenting on his youtube videos are pretty entertaining. They just can't bear to see a young guy having fun in Thailand. Obviously the usual 'does he have a work permit to live here' reared it's ugly head too.

    having fun in Thai;land? the idiot does not know how lucky he is by surviving a bike ride on the roads of thailand? have you forgotten the olympic bikers of last year? google it! this fool thinks he can conduct himself in a usual manner on the most dangerous roads in the world! keep it up punk! will be reading about you soon splashed all over the road!

  8. whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

    And guess it follows that Western women and Western men are the pillars of chastity and would never even contemplate such a thing.

    "western" has nothing to do with it! Thai women are continually looking for "western" men to marry and become ATM's! I cannot count the times when a Thai woman has asked me to find her a husband, they have even told me sex, no sex never mind, they just want to get hold of that bank account, and the gullible western man gets hooked every time!

    such is life when the "western" man does not do his home work or check out his perpective future wife.

  9. social media? what social media? certainly not face book! could it be thai social media where almost no foreigners go? this story is a sham! and you will never convince me otherwise, let's see who the winner is and if he is associated with Thai Visa! looks like thai visa and or who ever takes credit for the story has some rational explaining to do! otherwise your creditiability is shot!

  10. I'm no fan of the BIB but in this case I can't see why they are being viewed as in the wrong. As long as they identified themselves as police they have the right to pull someone up for illegal turns, no helmet etc...

    But is this enough to confiscate his motorcycle and to force him to the police station?

    I think it's not appropriate

    anytime you can get these clown attention who make illegal U turns, doin't have safety equipment and ride like idiots is alright with me! it is a daily war with these idiots when driving in thailand, driving with one hand while on the phone, driving the wrong way, running the red lights, you name it and they do it on a daily basis!

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