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Posts posted by captspectre

  1. Thai authorities might want to ask themselves how they will look if/when these guys are shown to be innocent or another perpetrator is found......and they have executed them.......little bit too final considering the amount of debatable content surrounding this case

    in a word, the thai authorities will not give a tinkers dam what people think as long as gullible, ignorant charlie tuna type tourist keep going there! this type of crime happens every tourist season.

  2. Another needless waste of life. These vehicles are the scariest weapons on the road and why it is legal to carry passengers in the back of the truck is beyond me.

    do you want to know the "scariest" vehicles on the road? it is the drunk human being! the idiot driver who does not know how to drive! NOT the truck, CAR or MOTORCYCLE! sounds like you are the type who blames guns, knives, for killing people. news flash! people kill people!

  3. Didn't take long for the ignorant comments from the ill informed to arrive!

    This absurd financial requirement applies to everyone applying to enter or remain in the UK via the family settlement rules; regardless of their nationality, race, religion or fashion sense.

    what about all the muslims that entered the uk ?

  4. OMG

    I love this place,never a dull day.maybe next week no bubbles in coke.

    Next week he will invoke a certain article for this because no lawmaker is stupid enough to address it and nobody in their right mind would approve it unless forced

    don't bet on it! there have been some bizzare laws passed in the past! been here going on 47 years and nothing surprises me! google it!

  5. Good old Harold...let's hope baby looks more like her than him!

    the thai male population must be going bonkers! they can't stand it when a Thai female marries a foreigner. they have a inferiority complex. flash back to the Vietnam war, at that time when a thai female walked down the street or to a movie with her foreign boyfriend there were many wise cracks made by the thai men, of course in the thai language, the woman would tell the G.I. when they got "home" at that time both Thai and Vietnamese men would say that they would not touch a female that had been with a foreigner because they would get the "shrinking" bird desease! it's true, just ask any old timer who was herefrom 1967 to 1975!

  6. Its pretty normal. Has happened to me several times on a non-B extension of stay with a re-entry permit. Typically,when it does, I have to find the actual re-entry permit for them as my passport is filled with expired ones and other visas. Once shown a valid re-entry permit, I have never been asked for anything else.

    mine said single entry so she said "but has it been used already?"

    i told her if it had been used it would be marked with "used".

    so immediately she wouldnt belive me and turned into the neurotic skitzo she was and ran away with my passport. no wasnt going to accept this so ran after her. had to yell at her to get my passport back. supervisor was called/came and was allowed to pass. totally bad experience. foul mood all the way to the boarding ramp hour plus later. not the first time that they have pulled some caper. time before completely lost 600 dollars return flight- no refund by the airline at all on any part of the ticket or baggage allowance, so this time wast going supinely allow any nonsense to start at all,

    a**holes the lot of them. completely puts one off flying anywhere at all

    SOLUTION! next time get a "multiple" re-entry stamp! ist is cheaper than 600.00.

  7. if they are serious about this, than all the cops have to do is stand in front of ANY hotel on Sukhumvit soi-4, 6, nana hotel, soi, 7, and 13! a blind man would see the taxi drivers refuse to use the meter when picking up passengers, especially the tourist who are going to the airport! That's why i always use a hotel limo! it cost more but I can afford it and it really pisses the taxi drivers off when I wave them away and wait for the limo! makes my day!

  8. The US wasn't slow to react when Britain asked for assistance in the Falklands war. They openly supported the Argentines. So much for the 'special relationship'!

    how did the U.S.support argentina during the falklands war? please explain your remarks! I don't recall any U.S. ships, soldiers, or aircraft participating in that war! do you know something the rest of us do not know?

  9. that clown took his wife/girlfriend to work at soi nana and did not know what was happening? what did he think she was doing? selling roses? he was a pimp plain and simple! and it is amazing that he was surprised that he saw another man! these thai men who let their girlfriends/wife work in the red light districts amaze me as to what they expect!

  10. paying off the families and entering the monkhood! for how long? it seems that every time a thai does something terrible he goes into the monk hood! wonder who will bring his food to his cutie? and loosing his driving priviledges for life? that's why they make cheufers!

    I would really like to express my tughts but thai visa would have a hissy fit and ban me for weeks! just think how disgusting this appears in civilized countries!

  11. When faced with the evidence the alleged attempted rapist broke down claiming he robbed the victim to get money for his two children.

    And what was the teary eyes excuse for the attempted rape?

    Their mother doesn't understand me.......

    Lowlife.. and tourists seem to be the target more and more.

    Question, what was the female tourist doing walking alone at night around a temple? when will the tourist especially female learn tha Thailand is a very dangerous place full of predators who come out at night to prey on people walking alone? happens all the time, just read thai visa!

  12. This child exists. Too late for morality lectures about how adoption is better. Which I agree with but not relevant to this case.

    Egg donor obviously thai though

    So I wouldnt be surprised if the judge says no

    1/2 thai baby, thai surrogate wants to look after it, thai judge

    Are these two HOMOSEXUALS still trying to take this baby out of thailand? though this case was settled months ago! hope the Thai government sticks by it's guns. HOMOSEXUALS should not have the right to adopt any child! how would it grow up seeing two men and no mother? does not take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. it's called visual brain washing. have them go back to their countries and try to adopt a child! see how that comes out!

  13. "Protesters criminals block main road to Trump rally in Arizona."

    Yes, but the locals knew how to get around roadblocks and Trump had a big rally with about 20,000 people there. It went just fine.

    Then in the afternoon he had another in Tucson, Arizona with another good crowd. No real problems.


    Oh there is a real problem. This pic is the Republicans biggest problem. When pathetic racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio endorses and is brought onstage to speak to your minions, there is a problem.

    Trump is a racist xenophobic air-head buffoon. People should be protesting his every move. Trump is a stain on America.


    My! My! so you think that trump and the good sheriff are racist? could it be that you at one time or another was issued the "pink " underwearthat the kindly sheriff issued to all his "guests?" the term racist has been used and abused so much that it no longer means anything! just another left wing democratic word that is slug around hoping that it will stick! might as well call me a racist for all that it now means!

  14. seems a terrible and painful way to kill yourself! if I were to think about killing myself, I would take a bunch of pills, get my favorite booze, sit down on a comfortable chair, put my favorite movies on my DVD and just sit back and take the "trip"! no pain no fuss and no one getting mad at me for messing up their car roof! plus I would look pretty for my funeral!

  15. if the story is true, than the poor man must be suffering, also his wife as they could not even afford to go to a hospital for the birth! it is a sad situation when the thai GOVERNMENT, let me say that again! the THAI government cannot make some kind of provision for the poor! outside of the 30 Baht scheme which was started by a previous overthrown gov't I have not seen anything else . The Thai people are a compassionate people, but they cannot do that alone! Instead of submarines, carriers without any planes, some of the money should be for the poor!

    I still do not understand why he could not have gone to hospital under 30 baht scheme (free if truly in poverty) ?

    The Baby was Dead! he was looking for a respectful place to bury the child! and I do not know if the 30 baht scheme handles pregentcies!

  16. Sad, if true,

    They are so poor that riding around on motorbike,

    even here not hard to go to the WAT and ask for help ?


    Army , police, nurses would have helped in some way,

    if true, the man said the baby was dead! what do you think would have happened if he went to the "army" under this present gov't? what do you think would have happened if he went to the police? the only option was the hospital! and they charge! only the thai's know how they feel. most of the falangs here have been born and raised in a free country, those who have not have ran away from that gov't, pray tell where is a poor thai going to go?

  17. if the story is true, than the poor man must be suffering, also his wife as they could not even afford to go to a hospital for the birth! it is a sad situation when the thai GOVERNMENT, let me say that again! the THAI government cannot make some kind of provision for the poor! outside of the 30 Baht scheme which was started by a previous overthrown gov't I have not seen anything else . The Thai people are a compassionate people, but they cannot do that alone! Instead of submarines, carriers without any planes, some of the money should be for the poor!

  18. not to likelyas there are no soi cowboys, no Nana Plaza, no massage parlors that cater to the sex side, no bars open all night, we have ALL been there and done that! now it is time to relax and enjoy life and let the upper head tell us what to do! remember the joke about the young bull and the old bull!

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