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Posts posted by captspectre

  1. Good on em, I say. Tourists should be doing more, Thais and Chinese especially.

    what's wrong with the "locals"? can't they l

    when I see the thai's cleaning up their own mess I will appauld, until then,...ean their own beaches? they take the tourist money with a straight face, watch as they get beaten and robbed, and then say goodoh! when the tourist do the jobs that the lazy Thai's should be doing!

  2. Justice is a distant bell, rarely heard in Thailand!

    lets see what does happen after the trail, as for the wife, maybe someone got to her, (money) the German mother will never get that coward to confess as it is the thai custom and has been for the forty five years that I have known thai's to run away from any accident! it is in their genes! same as ganging up on a thai or falang. I have never seen a one on one fight between a thai and a falang! NEVER!

  3. Above posters the Taxi wanted to turn right but the Falangs car blocked his path, I have had this happen many times here the Thais are very inconsiderate, I would hazard a guess he saw it was a falang and lost the plot.

    He should be banned for a very long time there is just no excuse to behave that way.

    Saw the driver on TV being interviewed last night I asked my wife what he was saying, she said he is Blaming the Falang rather than taking responsibility for his own actions

    looks like the cockroaches (read that as cowards) were gathering around to attack the falang in case the fighting started! happens everytime!

  4. The tomboy was his ex girlfriend's NEW partner !

    Very much doubt it, probably been together a while.

    However, as the money supply (Mr Bruderer's money) dried up, the tom decided on revenge.

    The scum most likely gave the feminine partner a good slapping too.

    where did the term tom boy come from? in the civilized world he is called a PIMP! tom boy has always been reffered to a female that acts like a man.

  5. The premeditated murder charge won't stick, the cops have basically said they won't allow it to stick. A straight up murder charge (like what they have been given - or has that not happened yet?) is likely to have the best chance to keep these fools in remand jail, and locked up for many years after court. The CCTV footage is there, the lawyer witness was there is too law savvy to be bribed off (as well as having already gone on the record about what he saw).

    People are saying the killers will get off. Absolutely delusional. They are on toast, the only thing despicable I expect to happen is for the judge to give unduly lenient sentences due to mitigating factors (first time offence, drunk, self defence yada yada yada). They'll still get years, but not as many as they should

    how long have you been in thailand? one of the following will happen, 1. they will fleeto laos, 2. they will enter the monkhood, 3, the family will be paid off, 4, the witnesses will go missing, that is the thai way for the rich <deleted> who think they run the country!

  6. Doing a runner after an accident should be a doubling of the fines and automatic guilty sentence. Especially for drink driving or drugs.

    Condolences to the families of the deceased. How terrible.

    thai,s have always ran off after an accident! It is built into their genes, forty five years ago, if you were in a taxi and the driver had an accident and ran off! YOU were held responsible because you hired him!
  7. It is their first offence. Even they did a terrible thing. A first offence for assault does not carry a prison sentence. Not only in Thailand, but all western countries also. So when everyone hears that they got a fine and a 4 month suspended sentence, don't be complaining that they got special treatment, because victims were foreigner. This is the standard sentence, including in our countries.

    no so! in the United States they have a "hate" crime law that includes old folks! hit an old person and go to jail! period

  8. cowards! i have been saying for over forty years that thai men are a bunch of coward that cannot fight man to man! they always have to call their fellow cowards to take on any westerner! back during the war they did this all the time until the American service men began walking in pairs, then they ran like a bunch of cockroaches they are! they are like the Austrailan kangroos, small and weak but strong legs that come from always kicking instead of fighting like a real man!

    and the tourist keep on coming and asking for it!

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