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Posts posted by Mattd

  1. 1 minute ago, JackThompson said:

    The incoming funds in my Thai Bank Book all indicate they are "foreign transfers" - which makes it easy to prove I don't need income from working in Thailand.  In a sane-world, showing this, with a healthy-balance, would be the end of any questioning/suspicion - smiles all around and "Welcome back!"

    I personally do not know of any bank code that is printed in the book that specifically states that the TT is from overseas, that being said, then if yours does then some must, however, how are you going to explain the meaning of that code entry to an IO at an immigration booth who may not be familiar with these codes? The point of my comment was to state that if entering Thailand as a tourist and it is at a point that the IO wants proof of funds producing, then he is already suspicious of the intentions, showing a Thai bank book would not IMO dispel those suspicions, in fact it may even increase them, normal tourists do not open bank accounts in the country of destination, granted we are not discussing normal tourists in that sense.

    Tourism is important to Thailand, no doubt about that, the only reason being foreign revenue, so money from outside Thailand being spent in Thailand, hence why showing a Thai account isn't really strengthening the position.

    I am in no way saying that there is an official limit to the amount of times a tourist can visit Thailand, or what folks do in that way is wrong, in the late eighties and most of the nineties I did exactly this, worked 6 weeks offshore and then entered here as a tourist for the time off.

    What I am saying is that times have changed and so has the attitude of immigration regarding long term tourists.

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  2. 13 hours ago, Barefoot said:

    Baan and Beyond is a "home improvement center" that appears to be very similar to Homeworks

    And judging by their website is also owned by Central Group, so same same, different name!

  3. AS ubonjoe states, your easiest and cheapest option would be to purchase a cheap one way ticket departing Thailand within 30 days of your Emirates flight arrival in to Thailand, via one of the low cost airline websites, then use this to show Emirates upon boarding.

    Enter Thailand on the 30 day visa exempt entry, extend this entry by a further 30 days at the immigration office local to where you will be staying in Thailand, then proceed as you planned for Penang.


  4. I tend to agree that showing a Thai bank account, if asked about cash, to an IO upon arrival as a tourist isn't a great idea, to their mind, why would a genuine tourist have, or even need, a Thai bank account. It would be extremely difficult to show deposits have come from overseas whilst at a booth in immigration.

    I wonder if it possible to withdraw cash from a Thai account using the Visa or Mastercard part of the debit card from that account at an exchange booth prior to immigration, certainly possible with a foreign issued debit card?

  5. 7 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Birth certificates are given to all Children born in Thailand, regardless of where the Parents come from .

        If the Child isnt Thai , its written on the B/C "Non Thai Citizen" .

    Not sure whether having the B/C when leaving Thailand will be that important , as you have to obtain a Court order allowing him/her to leave

    I understand that part, I was just wondering if the fact that the OP's partner is technically stateless had any effect on the issuing of the birth certificate.


    I didn't realise that a court order would be needed to allow the child to leave, my understanding that a child born to non Thai parents and holding a foreign passport needed to show the Thai BC upon departure, to prove that the child was born in Thailand, hence why there is no record of entry in the immigration system or passport.

  6. 9 minutes ago, AlQaholic said:

    And every time you need to travel abroad, you need to make an application to do so, there are no multiple entry thingies either.

    Not correct, a PR that needs to travel has to obtain a reentry permit (Non-Quota Immigrant Visa) that is valid for one year from immigration, this can be used multiple times in the year.

    The main reason for this requirement is to ensure that the PR doesn't spend more than 365 days outside of Thailand in one go, if that happens, they lose the PR status.

    Cost would depend on the marriage status of the applicant, if married to a Thai it is around 97k.

  7. 16 hours ago, emilymat said:

    However, I now notice a 'diversion' around the first bridge on the lake road is being constructed. It looks like a pretty hazardous diversion, particularly as its right after the bend off SCC road. Why oh why didn't they replace this bridge at the same time as when they did the other two earlier this year???

    @emilymat is this the last / first bridge by the crossroads at the Seven Eleven (By the big house) ? 

    I noticed at the weekend that there was some excavation equipment lakeside of this bridge and wondered if this meant replacement.

    I'm not there weekdays so not seen what went on, my house is just 400m from this bridge :(

  8. 23 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    I haven't had problems at Friendship but often at Tops.

    A marked promotion doesn't get rung up.

    I shop at Tops a lot during the week in Bangkok, I'm not a One Card holder, I also noticed that these promotion prices are sometimes not passed on, until it was pointed out that the promotion prices are only for One Card holders, to be fair, they often enter in a card number (probably their own) and I then get the discount and if it is their card number, they get the points, so a fair exchange as far as I'm concerned :smile:

  9. 30 minutes ago, Jools said:

    How on earth would anyone know if you were out of town for ANY length of time? There are no stamps in passports for going from Pattaya to Hua Hin ( or anywhere else in the country). The requirement is not enforceable.A farang who volunteers at IO told me that the college-age girls at the desk know almost nothing and (like most Thais) will give you any answer rather than admit they don't know.


    I suppose that this would depend on where you stayed when absent from your home, if in a hotel, then they should report that you are staying there via the TM30 online reporting system available to businesses, so therefore a trace is there to be found, however, if you stayed in a private residence or a small hotel / guesthouse and they did not report that you stayed there, then in theory immigration in your area would not know that you had been away.

    I have no idea if the TM30 online database is such that immigration in one area can see a report made by a hotel in another area, though I do imagine so by name / passport number.

  10. The job description for the work permit would need to be creative, that is the key part to getting the actual work permit to suit the position and it would need to include the wording that allows him to prepare specialist food.

    Is the friend a qualified chef with the certification to back it up? This would almost certainly be needed to support the WP application.

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  11. 50 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Incorrect. I got a car and motorbike licence and only one original res cert and one copy required. The problem is people like yourself keep regurgitating this myth 



    Then you got away lightly, it is not a myth, it is fact, one original per license is actually required to the letter of the law, same as registering a vehicle.

    Try getting a residency certificate from your embassy and then use a copy.

    The residency certificate would also normally indicate what purpose it is required for.

    Like most things here, it is dependant on the DLT office and who you deal with at that time.

  12. 1 minute ago, elviajero said:

    They might stamp your passport with an overstay stamp

    They almost certainly will put an overstay stamp in his passport if clearing immigration after midnight, as he is then on overstay, even if it is only a few minutes / hours, agree no fine will be applied, if he can go through before midnight and doesn't have too long to wait for his flight, then agree, better doing that, keeps the passport clean.

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