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Posts posted by Mattd

  1. 26 minutes ago, Langsuan Man said:

    Because you can't see the need that means nothing


    To even get a Certificate of Residency one of the pieces of paper needed by Immigration is a utility bill of some sort,  most people get a Internet Cable Bill in their name and use that for everything else. Guess you don't remember the days when you had to bring in a utility bill to do your 90 day report.  And most people I know have a pre-paid mobile account which has no bill that you could show


    As far as the difficulty it all depends upon where your are located and what the "status" of the house


    Pattaya Water Authority will require an update of your company registration if the house is in a company name to get the water in your name period, no exceptions.  Good luck getting them to put it in your name if the house is in your wife's name 


    Electric Company is much easier, they just want the form from your bank for auto debit so the name will be the same as on your bank account.  They don't much care,  since unlike the water company,  residential electric rates are the same,  water on the other hand has higher rate and minimum usage  for a house in a company name  

    Immigration will issue a residency certificate using anything billed by a Thai company with your name and address on it, as I said, a mobile phone bill for example.

    My point is more that there are easier bills to get in your own name than the normal utility bills, for a house these are nearly always get billed to the housemaster named on the Tabien Baan and it is not easy to change that.

    Luckily I've have had a work permit for a lot of years, so for 90 day reports have never needed anything like this.

    The electricity bill for the house has been on a direct debit with PEA Banglamung since 2000 (even before they actually did automated direct debits, PEA sent the bill directly to SCB, who opened it and then paid the bill from the account, used to have to go to SCB to get the bills!!) and is in my ex. wife's name, even though the account it comes out if is a joint account.

  2. 10 minutes ago, illy said:

    I have my own company [self employed] in Thailand and the extension of a single entry WP  requires a exhaustive list of company details, documents,accounting fees etc etc..in the long run i believe it's MUCH cheaper [even though its gone up $60au since last time] to get a ME visa than keep re applying every three months it seems.

    It is most definitely not cheaper to use a ME non b as opposed to an extension, it might be, or appear to be, easier to get the ME non b, rather than collate the documentation, in reality, so long as the company has the documentation and the rest of the requirements are met, then it is by far cheaper than going out of the country every 90 days. The only exception would be if a person travels a lot and can use the ME visa in that way.

  3. I'm afraid that in Thailand the fact that the car is bigger than the motorbike seems to overrule any road laws, no matter how innocent the car driver is, they will nearly always be coerced into paying something.

    Happened to a work colleague a few years back, where a motorbike hit him, completely not his fault and turned out the rider was 13 years old, so obviously no license, insurance etc. and should not have been on the road, police demanded that the colleague pay for the damage to the motorbike, hospital bills and even for a school bus to take the boy to school until he had healed and could get the motorbike back!

    When asked why he must pay, police reply was 'you bigger than him, he no money and needs to go school'!

    Insurance was left to sort it out.

  4. Having posted just 1 hour earlier saying that the pages were loading sort of OK, I wrote too soon, within this last hour it has gone terribly slow for me and I do mean slow, I managed to load and read 3 news reports on BBC.com in between one page trying to load on TVF and notifications I've given up on, they do not load after 3 or 4 minutes!

  5. 6 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    You have to the report at the office where your extension of stay was issued.

    The address you use is not that important when on applying on line. When you complete the online application the office it is sent to for approval is based upon the province and district you select using dropdown menus.

    Apparently the address you would use is the one for the condo in Bangkok.

    Thanks, I thought as much, will give it a go next week.

  6. I very rarely need to make a 90 day report due to travelling within the periods, however, it is looking increasingly likely that I will have to do one this time around, as it stands now it is due on 6th November 2017 (I last entered Thailand on 9th August 2017).

    I intend on trying to make the report online between 23rd October and 30th October, most likely 24th.

    The problem is I'm not 100% sure which office I should address the report to, I think that it should be CW, as this is the office that issues my non b extensions based on work and re-entry permit etc.

    I have absolutely no idea what address CW have on file for me, if any, as an agent handles the paperwork on behalf of the company, if it is as per the work permit, then this is not the correct address, this was temporary address that was given when the work permit was first applied for, as I was changing work locations from Chonburi to Bangkok and at the time had no firm address sorted in Bangkok, so if it is CW, then I will have to use the rental condo address that I use Mon - Fri.

    My normal place of residence (and weekends) is just outside of Pattaya and this is the address that I always put on the TM.6 upon arrival.

    I've never submitted a TM30 to either CW or Jomtien.


    So CW or Jomtien?

  7. It certainly isn't that fast right now, though nowhere near as slow as it was a week ago, since the 'upgrade' notifications are slow, I took Ubonjoe's advice yesterday and cleared my notifications yesterday and it made no difference at all.

    BTW TD, that is some impressive reputation you have, nearly 2,150,000......... amazing!

  8. 9 minutes ago, aslimversgwm said:

    Usual negative comments from the same same contributors. 

    Although some comments may appear to be negative, some are being realistic.

    In reality, what would the point of building a HST rail link between BKK airport and Pattaya, even with no stops, the distance is far too short for this to be of any advantage.

    As pointed out by a poster already, if the Government wishes to spend money on an infrastructure project such as this, then the money would be far more wisely spent on a normal railway, as opposed to high speed.

    Given the short distance, the difference in journey time would be a matter of minutes, the difference in the cost and usability is huge.

    You have to also factor in how many people would actually travel on this if it is intended as they suggest, so, with let's say an hourly service between 06.00hrs to Midnight, that really is one heck of lot of seats to fill on a daily basis, even if it is connected to Metropolitan Bangkok and beyond.


    The airport link no longer has the express service due to the lack of maintenance on the locomotives, I shudder to think of the implications with a HST system after a couple of years in service.


  9. 2 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

    In Nov 2015, the system completely changed so whatever visa he got from the London Embassy before Nov 2015 is irrelevant to what he must do now.

    On 17/10/2017 at 1:30 PM, Guderian said:

    He was here from November 2016 until April 2017 using that route and also from May 2017 until September 2017

    From the above dates, then it appears that in the recent past he has applied for at least one METV under the new rules, so should have been well aware on what was required to apply for it.

  10. 1 minute ago, sanemax said:

    It does make it a lot quicker , the IO just sits there and stamps the PP without studying them

    It sure would do, I was not aware that they have the egates at land borders, still a bit strange why they need to stamp them, unless it is to do with the immigration procedures for the bordering country, wonder, do they stamp them out and in, or just out (or in)?

  11. 25 minutes ago, glider said:

    Yes, been doing that for about 5 years. A misunderstanding resulted in my mistake. So far a friend has told me I need to go to out of country embassy to get the non imm O visa, or someone at local immigration has told me they can do for 5000 baht.

    Thanks for your help!


    Happened to a friend of mine a few years back and he did manage to get it sorted by a 'friendly' official via Jomtien Immigration office, however, was considerably more than 5,000 (20k if my memory serves me right) and he did have to go to the Cambodian border and hop across and back in again to activate.

    Reckon you are best to do the right thing and start the process again, these backdoor ways are not only illegal, there is a chance that they backfire if it is discovered by a higher up official and you could end up getting blacklisted, just not worth it IMO.

  12. Just now, sanemax said:

    They do also get a stamp at egates .

    I saw them at Nong Khai yesterday .

    They put their PP on a scanner , the doors open and close behind them

    They put their fingerprint on another scanner and the door opens

    And theres an IO there to put a stamp in the PP

    I don't think that is normal practice, there are several reports of PR holders having to get proof of entry / exit after the event.

    It also defeats the purpose of egates.

  13. 4 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

    I have to wonder if the "consultants" are not creating more issues - though I could very well be wrong.


    What would happen if the OP simply flew out with his Non-B paperwork, obtained a new 90-Day Non-B at a consulate nearby, returned on that, obtained new work-permit, then went to immigration in the last 30-days of that entry with that new work-permit? 


    I suspect he would be asked to provide a letter of his "leave-date" to officially-cancel his last extension.  So he provides a letter dated the day he flew out.  At that point, they would officially-cancel his last extension, and issue the new one. 


    Would they ask to see his old, expired work-permit, and then count-days to generate an overstay-fine for his previous stay?

    I am wondering what would happen if they just renew the existing work permit without renewing anything WRT the extension of stay etc.

    The only possible issue with this could be that an IO notices the discrepancy during the next extension of stay application in May next year.

  14. 33 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    When they do the one year extension stamp don't forget you will need to apply for a re-entry permit to keep you extension valid when you leave the country.

    And also if you intend on going out during the under consideration if you are able to change the holiday dates to suit the return to immigration, gentle reminder that 5th December is a public holiday and immigration likely to be closed.

  15. 1 hour ago, wgdanson said:

    Just one more point regarding the Consular Letter. You can now send all Bank Statements ( in my case 36) and forms by email. However, the man at the consulate said 'please send individual sheets' and not in a zipped file, and did not know whether pdf or jpg was better.

    PDF should be a lot smaller in file size.

  16. 3 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

    I also got it for first time this morning (early about 0500 so obviously nonsense).  It was also on notifications (which has been a bit shaky - often spinning circle until try again - last several days).

    Yes, the pages in general are opening up reasonably fast, whereas notifications can be painfully slow opening.

  17. Just now, steve187 said:

    To applicants aged 50 and over who wish to stay in Thailand for an extended period without the intention of working.


    is that not the definition of retired

    Yes, totally agree, to us it is, I was just being pedantic really, as for whatever reason, it is not officially called a retirement visa, in fact they seem to go out of their way not to call it that.

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