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Posts posted by Mattd

  1. 3 minutes ago, ScotBkk said:

    Seems this has hit a chord with you.


    3 minutes ago, ScotBkk said:

    he world has been exposed to more violent overstayers who don't give a flying F3ck about paperwork yet you find this mere trivial offense hacking away at you so personally.

    Not at all bothered in that respect and sleep perfectly well at night thanks, at the end of the day it is entirely up to him if he wants to waste 6,000 THB on a completely avoidable overstay, I just cannot believe that he, or anyone, could then even think that they have been hard done by because they think that paying the overstay resets the clock, that is just plain illogical, as I stated before, he has got his 1,900 THB worth of extension, the rest is som nom na.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, alex8912 said:

    He made a small mistake. Give it a rest. Came on here for a question he thought was legitimate and gets grief by many. I know you are perfect but no one else is. 

    I am sorry, he did not make a mistake and knew full well that he was on overstay, this is obvious by the way he first wrote, he was fully aware that he needed to extend prior to the 13th and just made excuses as to why he couldn't.

    I am far from perfect, humans tend not to be, however, with something as important as your immigration status, then I do think I would make the effort to make sure that I was as clean as is possible.

    Plus I certainly would not expect to get a full 30 day extension that only starts on the day that I report my overstay.

    If that was the case, immigration would be rammed with folks overstaying by up to 2 months, 3 weeks and 6 days, popping in & paying a quick 20k, then expecting to get a 30 day extension on their original 30 day VE entry.

    • Like 2
  3. Had you have gone before 13th October, then you would have saved yourself 6,000 THB and avoided the very real chance of getting caught with the prerequisite ban that would have followed.

    The only public holiday that affected extending was 13th October, so really, you had no excuse whatsoever to have not extended in time.

    I'm amazed that you think you are hard done by, the extension was exactly as it should have been, the only reason you think you have paid for practically nothing is because you did not act prior, illness is not really an excuse, a lot of people still manage to do what is required of them, immigration have been known to do extensions without the presence of the person extending or they have gone to the home / hospital if the circumstances are such and it is properly supported by a letter / certificate issued by a licensed doctor.

    • Like 2
  4. It does outwardly seem that the authorities are being reasonably sensible, as it stands now, there doesn't appear to be a legal ban on the sale of alcohol..................yet.

    Entertainment venues countrywide have been asked to show their respect and close / tone things down and most, sensibly, will do this, if they don't, then they really are fools.

    Tomorrow I'll be amazed if any night entertainment venues, anywhere in the country, open at all, it would be extremely disrespectful to do so IMHO.

    Shops that sell alcohol will self regulate, Seven and Tesco are closing for the 26th afternoon, so no sales there, Tops Market (at least in All Seasons Place) were not selling alcohol from yesterday so I believe, the mom and pop shops will probably do what they always do.

    To sum it up, it looks like you can buy and drink alcohol for most of the period, just not in a bar / club environment, which again IMHO is being fair, they do not want folks to be openly enjoying themselves in the face of what, to the Thai people, is a very sad occasion, this is even more to the point in Bangkok, where it is closer to the event.

    I have to say that after a lot of years living here, I'm more than (pleasantly) surprised that this much is being allowed.

  5. 8 minutes ago, NE1 said:

    Somebody else will be able to correct me if I am wrong , but on your approved section , isn't there a " print next 90 day report " slip . that you print out and attach into your passport.

    OK thanks, I just worked out what was wrong when I was hitting The Next Appointment (PRINT) button at the below of the approval, had to allow popups for the site, many thanks for the advice / help, next report date is 22nd January 2018, so it does go from the date you make the report, which is logical I suppose.

  6. First time online 90 day report for me yesterday and I have to say that I'm quite impressed, nice and straight forward to use, so long as in IE and was approved within 1.5 hours, perfect!

    Now I am sure the answer is in here somewhere, but when is the next 90 day due, this report was due on 6th November 2018, so did within the allowable 8 day window for online reporting, I am now assuming that the next report will be due 90 days after and including 24th October 2017?

  7. 3 hours ago, pearciderman said:


    It would also be impossible as there is no such thing as a "30 day tourist visa".

    Yes, however, for whatever reason, the OP's friend seems to think there is and that is what he also thinks he may have been given, which we all know as being incorrect, so the point being, even if such an animal existed, then why, as a Brit would you pay money for something that is no better than a visa exempt entry!

  8. 5 hours ago, ferguston said:



    A "service charge" is a polite way of saying pay a bribe or tea money.

    Paying it will allow the practise to continue.

    I am at loss for words, why would anybody expect to get this for free, you do not expect to get an extension of stay for free, or a reentry permit, yes, they do not advertise the cost, but surely you must understand there is a cost for them to do this, just in labour, paper, ink, electricity etc. etc. luckily for you I'm not in charge, otherwise it would be, yes sir, oh you want a residence certificate and you want for free, then please feel free to make your way to your embassy, coz you have no chance of getting here and if you ask why, then it is because I can, nose, spite and cut off springs to mind.

    • Like 1
  9. 23 minutes ago, ferguston said:

    OK. I stand corrected over the title of the document but it should be free.


    I personally don't see anything wrong with paying a relatively small fee for the document, after all it has cost them time and effort to do, the alternative is going to your Embassy, British Embassy charge around 2,500 THB for this and appointment needed, so no contest really.

    Must admit I don't see why it takes so long to issue at CW.

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, sandyf said:

    Possibly. She worked for Mermaid which was controlled by Danes but they had operations in Vietnam, Hong Kong and Singapore so there were a variety of nationalities in senior management. I trust you find the water a lot warmer here.

    Then I would definitely know her, as I worked there from 2004 until 2016 as a vessel manager, then latterly as Fleet Director, please tell her Matt says Hi!

  11. 1 hour ago, sandyf said:

    My wife used to work for a European company on the Pintong Industrial estate which comes under Sri Ratcha. Although she was finance manager rather than HR she handled all the affairs of the foreign nationals as they were all senior management. She always said that immigration was quite fair but stuck to the rules. I know in her day anyone that lost their job had to leave the country virtually straight away, they usually came back on a tourist visa to sort things out. She has been retired 5 years now so no recent experience from that perspective. In fact she retired some time before I ever did my first extension, I had done 6 years on a Non Imm O before I had any real dealings with immigration and life was certainly a lot easier. I was very tempted to go back to that this year but I am not so fit to travel as I was.

    Small life, the company I worked for was also based in Pinthong and one of the few there that employed expats, so likely I know your wife from this, I was one of the founding members of the women that swam in the sea in Denmark!

  12. Just for the record, I know of 4 people who fairly recently changed their reasons for extension of stay from employment to either retirement or marriage, all were extending for work from non b visas originally and all were working up until redundancy and for the naysayers, they all did this at Sriracha Immigration office.

    Admittedly this was done with the help of the company HR department, however, it just shows it can actually be done.

  13. On 10/20/2017 at 1:22 PM, jgarbo said:

    The law books aren't thrown away. Nor are they final arbiters. A very smart Thai told me long ago that farang come from legal societies, whereas Thais come from a civil society. He's was right. I've broken quite a few "laws" but never been jailed, because I understood & respected the others' feelings and position. While ever farang still believe they're in some tropical England or US, they'll be unhappy, because their expectations will not match reality.

    I tire of dealing with these people, who refused to admit reality. 

    Sorry, but what a complete and utter load of rubbish, if you truly believe that this Thai was smart, then I despair.

    This type of thinking is why the likes of Red Bull 'Boy' can get away with things and exactly why the average Thai doesn't even think and in a lot of cases know that he has done anything wrong, it is quite normal behavior for them.

    What this 'smart' Thai is saying in effect is that so long as you understand and respect (pay off) other peoples feelings, then it is perfectly OK to do whatever they want, IMHO that is a self centered way of looking at life.

    This in a country where they jail some poor nobody for 30+ years for liking the wrong post in Facebook, yet if you have money, then murder is OK.

  14. 1 minute ago, jgarbo said:

    All the farang are acting like ...farang. Insurance, law, etc are not as important as feelings. In any collision, both parties are considered at fault. The question is the "proportion" of blame. The kid is dead, she's not. He wins. She has a car, he had a bike. He wins. So attend the funeral, wai the parents and commiserate. Then get a third party to arrange compensation. Maybe Bt 100K. It's a life, remember. All forgiven, no police record.    

    I do see where you are coming from, but the issue with this is that so long as this is the accepted way, then it will continue forever and the law book may as well be thrown in the bin, sometimes, unfortunately, fatal accidents are unavoidable, especially when somebody is on a motorbike and intent on killing themselves by shear idiotic riding, the person they hit maybe completely innocent, wrong place wrong time.

  15. 3 minutes ago, alanrchase said:

    As far as I am aware they only post a bill to you if you pay by direct debit.

    Actually they post the receipt to you, as the bill is already paid, you should still get the print out from the meter reader.

  16. On 11/10/2017 at 1:17 AM, mike1983 said:

    I'm planning on getting married then returning home and applying for her to come to the UK to be with me as soon as possible after I'm home.

    I do hope that you have researched this part very very carefully, as this will be by far your biggest hurdle, there is the assumption that if married then the spouse is entitled to live in the UK and that is so very far from the reality nowadays, you will have lots of fiery hoops to jump through to achieve this part.


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