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Posts posted by Mattd

  1. 4 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    How are you going to meet the financial requirements when it's time to renew the visa in one year?

    Actually, if the OP plays his cards right and takes a trip out of Thailand just prior to the visa's use by date, then he will not have to renew anything for near on 2 years, by which time hopefully he will have everything needed in place to make an extension of stay, based on retirement, at immigration in Thailand and avoid a repeat of getting the O-A visa.

    At some point during the tenure of the visa the OP needs to open a Thai bank account and transfer sufficient funds to it, or have sufficient monthly income and the income certificate from the Aussie Embassy in preparation for the extension.

  2. 51 minutes ago, Becker said:

    Well, it seems the mystery is solved. It turns out that the tank I had them put underground in my garden a couple of years ago has sprung a leak

    Glad to hear that you seem to have found the problem, as I said before, this is a problem with underground tanks, personally known a lot of people that have had problems with one and ended up costing a lot of money in water and to fix. Honestly, you are much better off with a tank above ground, yes they do not particularly look nice, if you are lucky, then it can be tucked away hidden somewhere unobtrusive.

    Yes, get the meter checked out, best to be safe than sorry.

  3. 15 hours ago, Becker said:

    It's about 4 meters below ground. The thing is even with a broken pipe it's probably not possible to run up such a bill since the pressure in the water pipe is so low it's only a trickle at the best of times.

    I assume that you mean that the distance between the meter and the tank is about 4 metres and the pipe is buried below ground?

    Is the tank above or below ground?

    Below ground tanks can consume huge amounts of water if the valve is not shutting the water off and the water leaks away, I would be checking this, as well as any broken pipe between the meter and the tank, is it garden or concrete that the pipe / tank are under?

    If it is garden, then there would normally be quite visible signs of the ground being water logged.

    Personally, I would replace any underground tank with one above ground, they are are far more accessible to maintain not to mention that the below ground ones tend to be a nice habitat for all things nasty as well!

  4. 2 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

    They might have made a couple of mistakes at the airport but ultimately it is his own fault.

    You shouldn't get on a plane without having being stamped out by immigration.

    This was his first visit to Thailand it is entirely possible that in the circumstances that prevailed he could have assumed, or just not thought, that outward immigration was necessary. As stated in this topic several times, a lot of countries do not require immigration clearance upon departure.

    I do agree that given the fact there is a departure card, then the inference is that you would pass through immigration upon departure and that there are several ways of seeing this information online, through sites like TV, however, mistakes can be made on both sides.

    If I were the Thai authorities, then I'd be far more concerned about how the securities procedures at the airport allowed him to transfer without any immigration, than trying to prosecute him for illegal departure, this was quite a serious breach of the security.

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  5. I think that so long as the OP can prove that he did leave Thailand on the date of his flight and that he can demonstrate that he arrived in to BKK airport on a domestic flight and made an international transit within the airport, then he should be OK, he must be polite and patient at all times, apologising profusely that he was not aware of the need to get the exit stamp, especially considering the transit through the airport.

    It is clearly a breakdown of security that this could happen in the first place, I do understand that the OP has some culpability, however, to cut some slack, he did say it was his first visit to Thailand and given the fact that he was allowed to make the transfer domestic / international without further checks is amazing really.

    Best for the OP to not push the issue of the why it was allowed though, that could cause a loss of face that would backfire.

    • Like 1
  6. I would assume that the OP means that he will extend his permission to stay based on Marriage, using the employment he has in Thailand as the proof of income to meet the 40,000 THB requirement?

    or foreign husband working in Thailand

    • Work Permit
    • Letter from his employer verified employment and salary in details.(monthly salary must not be less than 40,000 Baht)
    • Evidences of  payment of annual income tax with receipt (Por Ngor Dor 1 of latest three months and Por Ngor Dor 91 of the previous year)
    • Like 1
  7. 12 hours ago, petgunya said:

    wasn't at all confused. I was simply under the impression (as I believe many people who read these threads on Savannakhet visa trips are also), that it was possible to get a marriage visa (not a Non-Imm 'O') from Savannakhet without showing any proof of funds and which permitted one to stay in Thailand for 12 months without the need to do 90-day border crosses.

    There is no such visa as a 'marriage' visa, the embassy will issue a non-o SE or ME visa based on Marriage, which is what you applied for and received, what you describe regarding no need to to 90 day border crossings, is an extension of stay based on marriage, which can only be obtained from an immigration office in Thailand with the financial proof etc. requirements.

    All types of non immigrant visas need to have a basis for issue, i.e. marriage, dependant children, work and so on and most can be extended based on the same reason for the original visa application.

    Almost certainly the guy that was making the fuss was applying for a tourist visa and didn't have the proof of finances as per the consulate's requirements.

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  8. I would just take it on the chin and make a new application, read the refusal notice very carefully, noting the reason(s) stated by the ECO for the refusal and provide as much evidence as possible to counteract the reason(s).

    Understand and agree with the frustration that you are feeling, however, I suspect trying to complain will only result in more frustration and the end result may be the same.

  9. I have to say, how amazingly complicated this extension got really only due to the OP's wife providing the wrong paperwork.

    If she is proud to be American and wishes to stay in her native country as an American, having entered Thailand on her US passport, then why on earth did she complicate matters from day one by providing her Thai ID card.

    She is seemingly making an extension of stay based on her being a dependant of the OP using her US passport and the OP's extension of stay based on retirement, so why even provide the Thai ID card, she had no need to in the circumstances provided, her proof of identity in this case is her US passport, as that is what she entered in to Thailand on and wishes to remain here with.

    I'd understand it if she was applying for the extension of stay based on her being a Thai citizen.


    Thinking about it, the only other possible reason that I can fathom for producing the Thai ID card is that they are both residing in the house in which she is registered in the Tabien Baan with her maiden name and immigration needed to see this as proof of residence and the name on the Tabien Baan / Thai ID card doesn't tally with the name on the passport, in which case, immigration have every right to ask her to change the name on her Thai ID card / Tabien Baan, the rest regarding embassy visits etc. is BS, must admit, don't really understand why she just doesn't revert to being a Thai citizen here, less hassle and after all they both live here, so can't dislike it that much.

    As per another poster, in 1988 it was a requirement to change the surname for a Thai lady marrying a foreigner, so that mistake was made 29 years ago and they are unfortunately paying the price now!

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, synchronise said:

    Pee paub - Thanks for that. The only problem with a retirement visa is that it does not allow me to work.

    Mattd - thanks for that. My daughter will be with me in the UK and I have her birth certificate. I will be going to the Glasgow Consulate. - I suspect that you can only apply in London, but can be done by post.

    I think I will go for the multiple entry at pop out every 90 days.


    Just these questions need clarified

    Do I have to leave the country every 90 days and re-enter only. No applications at an embassy required. - No embassy interaction required, just leave and come back.

    Do I have to apply for the multi entry O visa at my home country or any country with an embassy? Do I have to have my daughter there with me with photos in a home situation (even though we are in the UK) when applying? - Pretty sure it has to be in the UK as it will be based on your daughter and no photos required.

    Will the visa state 1 year? - Maestro has answered this.

    In bold, others will correct me if I am wrong.

  11. Your child would not have to be present at the Thai Embassy in London to apply for either a SE or ME non-o visa.

    You would need to provide a copy of her Thai birth certificate showing you as the Father.

    UJ will know a lot more about the specific requirements.

    A ME non-o would have a validity of 1 year from issue and allow you 90 days per time in Thailand, then you would have to depart to another country, if timed right you would get a total of nearly 15 months off the visa.

  12. If the OP is going to work in Thailand and wishes to stay in Thailand without having to leave every 90 days, then so long as his work qualifies, an option would be to request a SE non-o visa based on his daughter, then extend this for one year based on work, the only risk would be if he lost the job, so the extension would be cancelled, if that happened then could revert to the ME non-o plan.

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