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Posts posted by Mattd

  1. 49 minutes ago, superal said:

    Or using an agency who will mostly guarantee a result at a price

    I have to admit that I do not understand how an agent can make any guarantees (mostly or not) when the applicant / sponsor are only going to provide the same amount of information as they would applying themselves, I do agree that there are inconsistencies in the way that visa applications are granted or denied, that is possibly due to the ECO at the time, different ECO's will define the guidelines differently? In most cases here in Thailand, the applicants would be in in a similar position to the OP, so trying to demonstrate a viable reason to return to Thailand is going to be difficult, if you use the logic that a 12,000 THB a month job can be dumped, most advise against using Children or Family as a reason, Land or property won't go away, so could also be dismissed as a reason by the ECO, in reality most things could be.

    I tend to agree with the other posters now, 2 months was too much to ask for initially and this is why they want to contact the employer, perhaps not so much as to verify the employment, more to verify the two months absence from work, as they will be wondering why she is employed at all if the employer can do without her for 2 months.

  2. She can apply for a UK visit visa in her own right, she should qualify if the application is done correctly.

    Getting a settlement (wife) visa would be a different ball game, not sure how this could be handled given the opposite to normal circumstances, there are members that will know though.

    Would she be able to earn this same money working from the UK?

  3. The thing that needs addressing by the looks of it is proving to the ECO that your girlfriend intends on returning back to Thailand at the end of the proposed visit, this is obviously what is causing the refusal, take a look at her situation and try to provide a meaningful reason why she would return.

    A job to return to is certainly one reason and should definitely be included, provide the mobile number of her employer for sure, did her employer state that this LOA was granted in the letter?

    Are the other reasons you can find, does she own any property, land etc.? The more the better.

    Most everything else you have clearly shown the ECO, i.e. proven relationship, enough funds available for the sponsorship for her holiday and so on, however, until she can show that she will return to the satisfaction of the ECO, then the refusals will keep on coming I'm afraid.

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  4. Having or not having an entry / exit stamp for another country isn't really that important, as it may be possible to use an e-gate at the other country, a Singaporean (or a Singapore PR) doing a bounce run to Singapore as an example.

    The plain fact is that what was proposed is illegal and it would be extremely difficult to actually achieve, you physically cannot get from departures to arrivals in any Thai International airport that I am aware of, it used to be possible at Suvarnabhumi, that avenue is no longer available even if you wanted to.

    The whole exercise seems to me to be stupid in any case, why on earth would you go to all the trouble of purchasing a flight, checking in, going through immigration, then hang around in one of the worse places to wait at, waiting for the return aircraft to arrive and then nip back through immigration again, if going to all that trouble you might as just board the plane in the first place and save the hassle and possible arrest!

  5. The tax allowances for 2017 have increased from the link UJ provided, the progresive tax percentages remain the same up to the higher earning brackets, where you would be better off.

    Source: http://www.mazars.co.th/Home/Doing-Business-in-Thailand/Tax/New-Thai-personal-income-tax-structure


    Tax allowances shall be revised as follows:

    • The personal allowance will increase from 30,000 baht to 60,000 baht, and where the taxpayer and spouse both earn taxable income, the maximum deduction for both of them would be 120,000 baht.
    • The spouse allowance will increase from 30,000 baht to 60,000 baht.
    • The child allowance will increase from 15,000 baht per child (capped at 3 children) to 30,000 baht per child (uncapped).
    • The allowance for an estate would increase from 30,000 baht to 60,000 baht.
    • The allowance for a non-juristic partnership or a non-juristic body of persons would increase from 30,000 baht for each individual (capped at 60,000 baht) to 60,000 for each individual (capped at 120,000 baht).

    The progressive tax rates shall be revised as follows:

    Current tax rates New tax rates

    Taxable income

    (in Thai baht)


    Taxable income

    (in Thai baht)

    First 150,000 0% First 150,000 0%
    150,001 – 300,000 5% 150,001 – 300,000 5%
    300,001 – 500,000 10% 300,001 – 500,000 10%
    500,001 – 750,000 15% 500,001 – 750,000 15%
    750,000 – 1,000,000 20% 750,000 – 1,000,000 20%
    1,000,001 – 2,000,000 25% 1,000,001 – 2,000,000 25%
    2,000,001 – 4,000,000 30% 2,000,001 – 5,000,000 30%
    Over 4,000,000 35% Over 5,000,000 35%
  6. 2 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

    IMHO hydrochloric acid is a bad idea

    TBH I really do not know if it was hydrochloric acid or what it was, it just smelt a bit like this, whatever it is it did work.

    The water I use in my house is from a deep bore and is not really nice to glass, I had two additional bedrooms with ensuite built a couple of years back, the showers are glass enclosures, they are almost impossible to keep clean.

    By EDTA then do you mean Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid? Can this be purchased in Thailand?

  7. Just now, transam said:

    A stat is fitted to a road car engine set at a temp that ride needs to operate at optimum performance and protection, that's why rides can have a different stat temp...YOU stated don't need a a stat in LOS cos it's warm which is total misinformation..

    We will have to agree to disagree, the engine coolant temperature can and often will be hotter than the stat opening temperature, as once open it can do no more, it's job is done, the rest is up to the exchange of heat, i.e. airflow and coolant flow.

    In Thailand the engine would get up to operating temperature quite quickly without a stat, I am certainly not saying you should operate without one, just that you could, try it in a cold climate and that would cause issues due to operating temperature possibly being too low in circumstances, that ain't happening here.

    The protection of the engine temperature wise is the PRV to the expansion tank and the the operator monitoring the temperature gauge. Trust me, if the airflow or coolant flow is restricted in anyway, then the engine will overheat with or without the stat.

  8. 1 hour ago, transam said:

    I don't think you understand what a stat does in relation to an engines  temp requirement or the cooling system installed...

    Tell me why different engines have different running temps controlled by a stat which open and shut at that engines temp requirement...?

    I fully understand what a stat does, 100%, I am a fully qualified marine engineer, so do have some background!

    Different engines will have different optimal temperatures, hence the need for differing stat opening temperatures, this will be determined by the manufacturer of the engine, the whole reason that engines are built with 'loose' tolerances when cold is that when the engine reaches the optimal temperature these tolerances are now correct, hence why there are tappet clearances on an OHV type engine, or cam to bucket clearances, piston ring gags, big end bearings have a clearance etc. etc. if they were a close fit to start with, then the engine would seize when at temperature.

    In a cold climate then yes, I would agree that the stat has a big part to play in the coolant (and therefore engine) temperature regulation, if it was in Siberia, then it would be critical, otherwise the engine could not get to the correct temperature, we are not in a cool climate, so the game changes quite a lot. 

    When I was offshore, we used to operate a lot in SE Asia and removed the Amot valves (stats) to improve the cooling water flow, along with increasing the size of the plate coolers for the heat exchange, this was the ONLY way to keep the temperatures down, another vessel had keel coolers, which work fine in cooler sea water temperatures and when the vessel was moving, not so when the sea temperatures increased and / or the vessel was stationary, as the heat exchange could not happen and therefore overheating would occur, nothing to do with any stats, only do with an exchange of heat to dissipate the heat built up in the cooling water.

    Whilst, conversely, in cold sea water areas, the Amot valves were critical and we would even partially close valves to keep the temperatures.


    The cooling of an engine is all about the flow of a cool liquid around the engine, if the engine temperature increases, then the causes can be no or slower flow of the coolant, so the water pump deficient, a blockage in the water jacket, radiator or hoses, a failed closed stat (that should not happen with a wax type), or the exchange of heat is not correct, so in the case of a water cooled car engine the flow of air over the radiator.

    It is unlikely that the stat would be causing this in this instance, given the fan issue prior.

    Once running, it would be extremely rare for an engine to be operating at a lower than optimal temperature in this climate.

  9. 10 minutes ago, transam said:



    And why do you say that? A cooling system thermostat in a cold country makes perfect sense, however here once the coolant is at operating temperature then it will be fully open and therefore cannot regulate the temperature anymore, in Thailand the ambient temperatures mean that the engine or coolant never really get that cold, making the thermostat pretty much redundant after a few minutes.

    The airflow over the radiator is the only way of keeping the temperature of the water consistently cool (regulated), cooling fans today are thermostatically controlled to give better cooling regulation, so would not be perhaps running when the car is blatting down the motorway, but would be full blast when the car is going slowly etc.

    As the coolant expands due to the heat, so does the pressure in the system, hence the expansion tanks now seen.

    The increase in temperature could only be caused by a difference in airflow across the cooling radiator, or a change in the ignition timing etc. (which is near impossible nowadays).


  10. 8 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    72 or 79, both seem to be on the cool side.

    I'd say very much so, the whole purpose of having a pressurised cooling system is to allow the temperature to be hot, the hotter the better up to a point, obviously too hot is detrimental, but so is too cold, by pressurising the system the water can go to over 100 degrees C.

    The thermostat is only there to allow the engine to warm up quickly, it is not there to regulate the temperature, all it does is stop the flow of water until the coolant reaches the set point temperature of the thermostat.

    The whole design criteria of the engine will be based around an optimal running temperature to allow the differing metals to get to the correct clearances.

    In Thailand there isn't a great deal of advantage in having a Thermostat, as the ambient temperature is never that cold and it is one more bit to fail.

  11. 2 hours ago, bangkokairportlink said:


    Everywhere online it is written that vinegar is even used by pro car detailing.

    So I am sorry but I do not believe your story.



    If it is written online then it must be true...............

    I can 100% guarantee that the vinegar solutions do not remove these hard spots from auto glass once they are ingrained in to the glass, I spent hours upon hours trying to remove some extremely annoying and stubborn ones from all of the glass on my car, not a hope, I had blisters from trying!

    I even tried ceramic hob cleaner, as that can remove some spots on glass.

    Ended up buying some special stuff from Lazada, was imported from Malaysia, sorry, not sure of the exact name as not home at the moment.

    This stuff came in a small plastic bottle with a sponge, when applied it did remove the spots relatively easily, there are no ingredients written on the bottle, but I suspect that it may be a very weak solution of hydrochloric acid, as it has that distinctive smell to it. I tested it carefully prior to using it, including on paint, seemed to be no issues.

    I reckon it depends on how long you leave the spots for before trying to remove them as to how easily they come off.


    Oh, tried the clay bar route, no expert on these, but as the glass has some very small pits in places, then that did not work out well at all!

  12. 5 minutes ago, Sydebolle said:

    Well, then you might have the wrong information. Money not "earned" is not taxable, i.e. non-salary payments resulting from court rulings (severance, unfair dismissal etc.) or gains on stock exchange (likewise losses cannot be written off in eventual books). 


    Totally incorrect, Severance pay in Thailand IS subject to taxation, the amount taxed is dependant on certain factors, in the case of the OP, then she is entitled to severance pay in accordance with the Labour law, as her 4 yearly contracts were unbroken, so would be considered continuous service.

    She would get 180 days severance pay (in reality, 6 months), of which the first 300,000 THB would be tax free, the rest is taxed at the prevailing rates.

    Had she been there for longer than 5 years, then she would have had a bigger tax break, as there a bigger allowances, 7,000 Baht per year of service and then only taxed on 50% of the total.

    The table below illustrates the rates applied, although this maybe a little out of date, as the Income tax allowances have been revised for 2017.

    One-time payment due to termination of employment (Baht) Tax Rate
    0 – 300,000 5%
    300,001 – 500,000 10%
    500,001 – 750,000 15%
    750,001 – 1,000,000 20%
    1,000,001 – 2,000,000 25%
    2,000,001 – 4,000,000 30%
    4,000,001 up 35%
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