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Posts posted by Mattd

  1. 2 minutes ago, bbi1 said:

    I wouldn't classify a watch as an investment.

    Then you obviously don't know much then!!

    Try Googling Comex Rolex Sea-Dweller as just one of hundreds of examples, I have at least two watches that are worth far more now than when purchased, even taking in to account the rise in the cost of living etc.

    A proper watch purchased for the right price can appreciate in value, no doubts!

  2. You do not have to do the wedding party part, I certainly didn't, registering the marriage at the Amphur is sufficient, although it may deprive your future wife of her big day and the family their big party!

    You can be registered as the Father on the Thai birth certificate even if you are not married and as and when you marry this then legitimises the child in the eyes of Thai immigration etc.

  3. 17 hours ago, bbi1 said:

    What I do in this digital age is look at my mobile phone if I need to know the time. What's the use of a watch? There's really no need for watches & one day they will become obsolete.

    Unlike a mobile phone, a nice mechanical watch can be an investment that can be passed on for generations.

  4. Very similar circumstances to the OP, was married, lived and worked here for a very long time, 2 children with Thai & British passports.

    When I applied for my now ex. wife's 5 year visa, I explained to them in the sponsor letter that I had ageing parents and wanted to have the freedom of movement for her to be able to fly to the UK with myself and the children if required, no problem to get it, though she had previously had 2 x 6 month and 2 year.

    So long as she has a good travel record and with your roots in Thailand, then there really should not be any grounds for a refusal, especially as your Child is British, to deny the mother to travel with the child would be ridiculous.

    Maybe go for the 2 year one first, then the 5 year, you are almost guaranteed to be OK.

    • Like 2
  5. 5 hours ago, giddyup said:

    Watches aren't particularly cheap in Thailand, so don't expect to find any bargains.

    Actually I used to think this as well, however, about 15 months or so ago I was in Central Embassy in Bangkok and asked about the price of a Hublot Classic Fusion watch, which was the same model that I had purchased in Abu Dhabi airport duty free a couple of months prior, initial price was far more expensive, then the counter offer came and it was a LOT cheaper then I had paid :sad:

    3 years ago, asked about a Rolex Explorer 2 at the Rolex shop in BKK airport and that was far more expensive than buying it in the UK at full retail price and including 20% VAT.

    Moral, shop around!!!

  6. 5 minutes ago, pumpjack said:

    why dont you just apply for a double entry visa now in  london ?????????????


    13 hours ago, Davster123 said:

    Do you think this plan is OK or do I need to get the 60 day VISA for Thailand before I travel?


    If so then how do I get this - we currently live in Javea, Spain and we won't be in UK long enough to get this sorted out there?


  7. If he is indeed entered on a non-b VISA and not an extension of stay, then he needs to cancel the old work permit, as that was issued to teach at a different school and apply for a new work permit for the new school.

    This process needs to be completed prior to the expiry of his admitted to date in his passport, which should be 90 days from his arrival in to Thailand if it is indeed a visa.

    Once (if) the work permit has been granted, then he can go to immigration and request a one year extension of stay based on teaching, preferably a few days before his permission to stay expires.

    The critical part is that it is a non-b visa, if it isn't and it is already an extension of stay, then the above doesn't apply and the procedure differs.


    There is a very similar thread currently being discussed here as well.

  8. 23 minutes ago, Manikanta said:

    yesterday, i did my 90 days reporting anyhow thanks for your  information.

    I will just clarify, I am not saying that you are on overstay, in fact, as stated in previous posts, so long as your previous work permit has not been cancelled, then you are not, the fact you did a 90 day report does confirm that you are on an extension of stay and not a visa.


    However, as a word of warning to all, a 90 day report may not necessarily pick up an overstay, so do not rely on that as evidence of not being on overstay.

    I know a guy (well) that was on a 12 month retirement extension, who, stupidly,  went out of the country without a re-entry permit, when he re-entered he was correctly stamped in for 30 days, except he did not bother to check this, he then went on to do THREE further 90 day reports in person with no mention whatsoever of any overstay, of course when he came to renew his extension again it was discovered, a 20,000 Baht fine and start again was the penalty then, now he would have been banned to enter for a considerable time, which would have caused a lot of problems for him.


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  9. On 2017-6-12 at 5:21 PM, jankan88 said:

    I believe I read it somewhere in this thread but now I can't find it so I'll ask again.

    Since TE basically is a tourist visa, do we qualify for VAT refund at the airport? If so, for how long after the purchase can you wait to fly out (collect the VAT) and still be eligible for the refund?

    This maybe correct, although technically, regardless of the visa type, if you are resident in Thailand for longer than 183 days in a calendar year, then you are deemed tax resident, so therefore would be treated as a Thai in the case of VAT refunds, however this may not be strictly applied by the VAT refund folks at the airports, not sure it is worth it though, unless you purchase something of a high value.

  10. 7 minutes ago, meatboy said:

    incompetance comes to mind,why did you leave it till the last moment?uk passports can be renewed 9months before it expires.

    To be fair to the OP, he did say that he has just had serious eye issues, which required surgery, he may not have been able to go to immigration to do the extension at that point and depending on where the office is, then possibly immigration would not do the extension until 30 days before, so a close run thing.

    And he has not mentioned where he comes from, so renewal options for the passport are unknown!


    1 hour ago, YetAnother said:

    i wonder what the reason was for getting the new passport; if it was about to expire or was full, then would immigration here even use it for the extension ?


    9 hours ago, yimlitnoy said:

    passport will expire on 3 August 2017


  11. 5 minutes ago, howard ashoul said:

    "Proof of residence if not living where your wife's house book is for."


    Is that a certificate of residence? But that doesn't make a sense. Since this certificate is issued by immigration. They would be issuing certificate for themselfs.

    Simple, if you are not living where your wife is registered in the Tabien Bahn, then you would need to provide a rental contract for where you are living at.

  12. But cars do stop...................... usually right on the crossing blocking your path, so then you must go around them only to nearly be killed by the motorbikes going on the inside and outside!!

    The reason that they do not stop is because the thought does not even enter their head.

    Same as when they walk through a door in a public place and never look around to see if anybody is following, or walk around whilst doing the oh so important line chat on their mobile, look, why do that, everybody can move for me............ spacial awareness is virtually zero............ sorry, rant over!!!

  13. Just now, alocacoc said:

    The Bus from Mukdahan brings you to the Busstation Savannakhet. There are waiting Tuk Tuks. In case the Bus is not waiting for you while you applying for your visa on arrival at the Laos Border, you could take also a Tuk Tuk from there, or wait for the next bus.



    The point was that the OP mentioned getting a Tuk Tuk AFTER the border and the comment later was that the Tuk Tuk's cannot cross the border............

  14. 29 minutes ago, bangkokairportlink said:

    So, after I take a 50 baht bus from Mukdahan there should be (I assume) tuktuks to drive me directly to consulate after I cross the border? 


    30 minutes ago, bangkokairportlink said:

    No, tuktuk won't cross the order, you must find a travel agency or pay the casino van to cross the border.


  15. 3 minutes ago, MikeyIdea said:

    My experience is with children involved, it took a month to get the divorce certificate, this happened a couple of times 6-7 years ago


    A rule is not a rule is not a rule perhaps :) I don't know, perhaps they only send over cases where there is doubt regarding legality or if the agreement is good for the child 

    It is probably based on the circumstances of the divorce etc. and possibly on the age of the children at that time perhaps, mine were 13 & 16 at that time.

  16. 12 hours ago, 1SteveC said:

    I stand by my comment that the OP should be ready for a possible overstay fine.

    He very well maybe working illegally, however that is assuming that he is actually attending the new school and teaching of course.

    Overstay is not applicable for one of two possible reasons, first one is as Joe has pointed out, the previous school has not yet cancelled his work permit, the second one is that although the OP is more than likely on an extension of stay based on work, he doesn't state that, there is a (albeit very slight) possibility that he does indeed have a valid non-b visa and not an extension of stay.

    Regardless, he needs to get this sorted.

  17. On 2017-5-23 at 5:30 PM, MikeyIdea said:

    There is a delay between when a mutual divorce at the amphur is "registered" (= all documentation is completed) and when it formally takes effect (not divorced as of date but effective as of date). This is simply because the amphur divorce is ratified by Family court by a process behind the scene


    I am not so sure about this part, when I divorced it was amicable and at the Amphur office with an agreement signed by both parties, the custody of the children and financial settlement etc. in this agreement, the Amphur office issued the divorce certificate to both of us and signed / stamped 3 copies of the agreement, one for each of us and one for filing at the Amphur office, the divorce was full and final on the same day.

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