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  1. Yes.. The BOI rules. Exactly. There are other methods also , but the criteria is not easily met.
  2. True. Leasehold is the option. Investment under the BOI rules or a company that is not owned directly through nominees. However amity treaty was used before for Americans but under the law now that does also not grant ownership as or the law.
  3. My first thought is that this is under the Thai quota. The first name is the project owner representative, The second foreign name is the foreigner staying there. He is allowed to stay there and it will show proof of address. However.. Maybe i misunderstood first post.
  4. That’s easy. But the worst is that it is required to transfer money from abroad in a thai account under your own name to buy a Condo. How can you do that when they will not let you open one in the first place. Same with the 800k requirement. It’s funny. Right hand does not know what laws left hand is imposing.
  5. What most people dont understand though is that is mostly beneficial to tax to Thailand since according to the specific Tax Treaty between the different countries mostly it is deducted in home country and on average the total tax will therefore be lower than just be taxed in home country. However. Its a paper mill of course.
  6. For some that is best. But every life is different.
  7. At the time when it was released it was suggested it was handed out for free in immigration at airport as compulsary reading!
  8. Aircons are correctly like you say installed directly to the main breaker. One for each. The eletricity calculation is from the app that belongs to the Airconditioner brand. most do this now. When it comes to other stuff you want to control Fridges.. hot water heaters.. Know the spec and install for example a 150 baht like you say zigbee or wifi outlet of 16 amps. That will cover up to 3680 watt or around that range. That give you hot water metering. There are other ways to do it also of course. You can do that with an old airconditioner too. If it has alot of BTU and requires alot of amps. Go for maybe a 20 amp wifi or zigbee or even passive outlet without any app control. Its worth mentioning not all people like to check any app so these meters comes with screen directly on them also. Worth adding that this gives you no more cheaper bills, but it makes you maybe understand what the culprits are.
  9. Most aircons today are controlled by app on your phone. There there is often electricity usage stats. And if you really want to know. Install a 150 baht zigbee or WiFi electric plug that it connects to. Same for water heaters. They show live usage. Daily weekly or monthly or yearly. In the app.
  10. Best to not have a wallet.. Did not have one for 20 years.
  11. Thanks for the clarification.. I might mix my home countrys law about 183 days. They reckon i have moved if more than 6 months outcountry which they say is 183 days or more.
  12. 0 – 150,000 Exempt 150,000 – 300,000 5% 300,000 – 500,000 10% 500,000 – 750,000 15% 750,000 – 1,000,000 20% 1,000,000 – 2,000,000 25% 2,000,000 – 5,000,000 30% Over 5,000,000 35%
  13. Lost all the time, but the thing is one has to bounce back now and then.. Does not matter where you live.. Home country or new country. Will be the same anyway.
  14. First of all its 183 days.. not 180. Further.. The tax kicks in on around 300 000 baht. Because you have to factor in deductables on the transferred cash. If taxable income after deductions are under 200k . there is no to little tax.. But im not 100% sure on that number..., but it is in that region.. Also.. if your country has a tax deal with Thailand its mostly beneficial to tax to two countries as its deductible in home country again. The tax in Thailand is step based. 5%, 10% , 15% and 20 and finally 25% depening on amount.
  15. I hear you. And know this can happen. however.. in my local KFC i have had some luck with it.. Its been reasonably fresh.
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