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About theoldgit

  • Birthday 03/22/1947

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    Hua Hin

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  1. As far as l’m aware UK Pensions are taxed at source in the UK. I’m not aware of a 25% tax free rule, but you still get the Personal Allowance of £12,570, which means you are taxed at anything over that at 20 or 40%. If you receive a State Pension, that is not taxed at source but your Personal Allowance by that amount and the reduced allowance is applied to any private pension you might have. My lump sum was paid without any deduction of tax. My State and Private Pensions are paid into my Santander Account in the IoM and l transfer what l need via Wise.
  2. The linked newspaper story from the Daily Mail confirms that the lad had no travel insurance.
  3. You may find this helpful https://home-affairs.ec.europa.eu/policies/schengen-borders-and-visa/border-crossing/short-stay-visa-calculator_en
  4. Most, if not all, UK banks do an identity check via Credit Reference Agencies these days to check you are actually a UK resident, would you have passed these checks? l note that one of the requirements of this account is having a Starling Current Account, do you have one, or would you satisfy the identity check to open one?
  5. She was just interviewed on the BBC Breakfast show, l have to say she is really good for a hundred year old lady. Sadly the DWP rolled out their usual misleading quotation for the piece, l honestly don’t think it will ever change, Governments of all colours rely on the fact that most Brits don’t even believe that expats should be receiving a pension.
  6. I'm not from the US, and I received the same email four hours ago. I don't recall being asked my nationality whenever I've opened my accounts, but of course they have a room full of my passport copies, not sure that they're joined up though.
  7. Maybe l could also add my ha’penny worth, based on personal experience. l had a failed marriage in Thailand and obtained a divorce some years later via a Thai Court, retrieving my assets in the process. The divorce wasn’t registered in the UK, in fact I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t have been possible anyway, maybe you could enlighten me as to which UK authorities you refer to. I met someone else and we’re in our 18th year together, as girlfriend and spouse, during which time she successfully applied for numerous visas to the UK, as my girlfriend when l was still married to the previous lass, and as my wife following our marriage, there was never a problem due to me still being married to someone else, for visit visas and ultimately, some years after our marriage, a settlement visa. For her settlement visa l, as her sponsor, submitted a copy of the court order in respect of my divorce along with a translation, her visa was issued without further question. So in my experience the lack of a divorce being registered in the UK, to whoever, didn’t make anny applications “non-starters”.
  8. An American passport holder can visit the Schengen Area for up to 90 days in a 180 day period, a visa is not required.
  9. That’s what l used last year.
  10. When leaving Thailand she should check in with her UK passport, otherwise they’ll be insisting on a UK Visa. Clear Thai Immigration using the passport she entered with, and present her UK Passport on arrival at the UK Border, she could even use an expired UK Passport at the UK Border. The advice to renew her UK Passport during her stay is sound, providing she has sufficient.
  11. You have a multi entry visa, this allows you to stay for up to 90 days in a 180 day period, so you can enter again during the validity of your visa but must leave the Schengen Area by 6 March 2025. The Immigration Officer will still ask how long to intend to say and the purpose of your visit.
  12. Well in theory yes, but as l pointed out earlier doing so may well, and in all probability would, lead to in depth questioning by the Border Force Officer on her return, who will need to be satisfied that she isn’t misusing her Entry Clearance as a visitor. It’s not common for genuine visitors to have holidays of 180 days, and certainly not back to back ones, there’s no such thing as “Visa runs”.
  13. There’s no such rule as 180 days in a twelve month period, that’s a pretty common misconception, visits are calculated individually. Her visa actually allows 180 days per visit, though on each occasion visitors may be asked to prove that they’re a genuine visitor, and not using a visit visa to effectively live in the UK through “frequent and successive visits”, not many visitors visit that often. So she shouldn’t encounter any problems on return providing she can satisfy a Border Force Officer that she remains a genuine visitor.
  14. Post flaming another member and making unsubstantiated allegations removed.

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