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Posts posted by theoldgit

  1. Looking forward to our flights to Krabi in September, 260 Baht each, and that includes the 100 Baht "Convenience fee" for using a credit card online - how else can you book online? and 150 Baht Airport Tax, oh and the other 10 Baht is VAT.

    OK we booked last November to travel in September, but if you are flexible and are prepared to book way in advance you can get some really good deals. Sure beats the bus, and it's cheaper.

  2. I would say any carrier with the exception of Thai, though they fly direct you specifically mentioned in-flight entertainment and Thai don't have seat back tv's, so you cannot while away the time watching a movie of your choice.

    I agree that Singapore takes some beating, or even Virgin via Hong Kong, though that adds to your journey time. If you are happy to go via the Gulf then Qatar, Emirates and Etihad are good bets. Eva are a pretty good direct carrier, especially in their premium economy class.

    So it really boils down to your class of travel and whether you want to fly direct.

  3. 7x7.................no criticism, but they have actually moved into the digital age in numerous ways, eg, those biometrics are checked in UK and returned to the Embassy within 24 hours ! If you were printed in the UK at any time ( and in some instances, elsewhere) then the result will be with the visa officer very quickly. The reason the visa section will not accept CDs, portable media, etc is because the FCO don't want their systems messed up by hackers and others who would enjoy putting a few viruses into the system.

    Do you mean that they check biometric details against fingerprint captures on Eurodac, the European system that records the fingerprint details of all asylum applications in the EU, or anybody who has had their fingerprints taken by the police?

  4. Seems to be some pretty good deals, and no, there doesn't have to be two people travelling, think the OP was just saying he booked for two people.


    If you can be flexible with Air Asia, and can book early enough you really can get some good deals. We are flying to Bali with AA next month, we booked in February, and it's costing the grand total of 800 Baht each (fare 0 Baht, tax 700 Baht, Credit Card fee 100 Baht) though we do have to pay the airport tax for the return journey, as everybody does.

    I stand corrected, but there are some good deals from Bangkok :D

  5. When I moved to Thailand I was told by long term expat, if you have a problem never go to the police, because they are the problem - in the years I have been here I have seen nothing to prove him wrong.

    I was the victim of a fraud, I went to a lawyer (who advertises on this forum) and was advised that whilst I had a clear cut case the police would not be interested unless I paid them a substantial amount of money, so it seems that lawyers are aware of the corrupt police but are unwilling or unable to do anything about it.

    I see the police regularly shaking down motorcyclists on Sukhumvit, I also see money being passed over and put in the Officers pocket, with no paper passing hands, how can that be anything other than corrupt.

    I personally think that the Police force is rotten to the core, and the government seem unwilling to address the issue - I speak with a background of 40 years of law enforcement.

  6. I donot see any probelm with the thai police. I find them to be very helpful. I meet them at social events all the time they give me their phone number,invite me to go socialize with them etc.

    I have only been stopped once on my motorcycle at a road check they were polite and they checked my drivers license and let me go. They offer to assist with anything and everything I do. I am a single guy and it appears they cannot do enough for me, which is great I will never need a thai wife do the things for me the police do. I think people who have problems with the police here will have problems everywhere they go. It isnot the police who are the problem.

    Well said officer.

  7. What nationality is your girlfriends husband, if he is from the UK or another western country has she visited his country? if so that will be on record, even if she submits a new passport.

    If she is still legally married she should say so in her application, she shouldn't leave out material facts otherwise she could be in trouble. I have known for UK Citizens who have previously taken their wives to the UK to advise UK Visas that the relationship is no more, this will be on file.

    So tell the truth and tread carefully.

  8. Thanks for sharing your experience, always useful to know nothing has changed over the years, apart from the fact that you were able to pick your letter up on the day.

    For clarification, the Embassy website doesn't say you need a bankers draft unless you are applying by post, you can pay cash or by Visa or MasterCard.

    Not bad is it, nearly fifty quid to print a standard letter from a template?

  9. The question begs Why are they aloud to be so close to the visa application centre, Maybe tea money crosses hands.?

    The trouble is Regent House is a public building and anybody can rent space or lurk about there, membership of Thai Visa ought to be a prerequisite of applying for a visa there.

  10. This might help http://www.seatcounter.com/

    A mate of mine who travels with Thai to and from the UK regular basis was told in their London office last week that flights from LHR-BKK are pretty empty over the coming couple of months. They believed that whilst people who had already booked were not cancelling in vast numbers, people are not booking.

    I don't know how accurate this information is, but he is normally right. Of course we don't know where your friend is hoping to travel from or what carrier.

  11. Thanks for that, OG; do you know when it changed? (Not that it matters really.)

    Not sure when it changed but it was certainly in place for last years campaign.

    I think cost certainly came into the equation, an experienced Immigration Officer would be selected to work as an ECO and would receive a number of allowances, including shift disturbance premium payments and overseas allowances etc. I think an experienced IO earns in the region of £27,000, though it's probably a lot more with all the extras. So you might say an IO could cost in the region of 175,000 Baht per month, and that's only an educated guess, don't forget you have to add on all the on costs. I only glanced at the advert, but as I recall they were offering in the region of 50/60,000 Baht per month, so that is a substantial saving in cost, very important in these austere times - though you might ask why the application fees are so high.

    It's not unusual for retired IO's to be locally employed as ECO's, there are a number in Thailand, including some active forum members, to supplement their pensions. IO's used to be able to register their interest to be employed as casual ECO's, though I'm not sure if that's still the case.

  12. just like to thank you all for your advice , its a stressful time right now and sometime you dont think straight , i will be posting the appeal by the end of the week along with a new letter from the sister in laws company in and translated to english and signed by both her bosses, also my account and a letter from the sister in law explaining that she was only try to do everthing correct.

    Good luck with the appeal, I suspect that it will go all the way, though I hope I'm wrong.

    I think that your sister in law will need to convince the adjudicator, whether it be the ECM or the tribunal that the bosses were confused by the call from the ECO or one of their locally employed Thai speaking staff.

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