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Posts posted by theoldgit

  1. So, probably a silly question, but i am leaving the country at the end of the month. Can i go to Makasan with all my luggage and use it?

    You could go to Makasan with your luggage, but you wouldn't be able to get on the train as they are only providing a non stopping trial service from Phayathai.

    Sorry, couldn't resist, but a number of posters have already said it's a non stopping trial service :)

  2. David Cameron has already warned the great British public that the cuts required to address the massive budget deficit, they claim to have inherited from the previous government, will effect everyone in the UK and cause great pain. There are a lot of UK nationals living throughout the world, many living in Thailand, some relying on pensions, state and private, could these be vulnerable?

    I suppose state pensions could be reduced or even stopped for those no longer in the UK, but what else do people think could be in the pipeline?

    I suppose that if people who rely on state pensions and are seriously effected could up sticks and return to the UK and throw themselves at the mercy of the welfare state, and of course cost the country more money.

    As I say, David Cameron has warned that everyone will feel pain and I doubt that the great British public will have little sympathy for expats who they may believe are living in luxurious surroundings throughout the world.

    So what do people think?

    Can I respectfully request no flaming posts please

  3. Eff1n2ret

    Thanks for that response, it's very helpful.

    The only time my gf has been asked for her return ticket was during a visit to the UK last year, we both sailed through border control at Terminal 3 with my girlfriend be admitted by a very pleasant young IO who even took the trouble to wish her a pleasant trip.

    However on our return from a short side trip to Paris the IO at the Eurostar Terminal at Gare du Nord asked her when she was returning back to Thailand and when she told him that we were returning in three days he asked her for her return ticket, as her English is pretty poor she ushered me forward and I explained that we had e tickets but that I hadn't printed but I confirmed our flight a three days. He said that he needed to see the tickets adding that I was cleared and I had to leave whilst he dealt with "this girl". Now clearly I didn't want to antagonise him by hanging around, he was already being pretty obnoxious, but neither was I going to simply abandon her. I stayed well away from his desk but close enough for her to see me, she was pretty scared. Seeing I was still in the vicinity he told me to leave but I told him in a quiet and polite manner that we were travelling home in three days and said that I was not going to abandon her, anyway he interrogated her a bit more and then admitted her, adding that in future she must carry her return tickets with her all the time. I was pretty sure that her visa would have given her admittance, unless it was obtained fraudulently or her circumstances had changed, but I wasn't sure of my facts enough to say so, he was already being pretty obnoxious so I doubt if I would have said anything anyway. I am sure that any decision to refuse entry would have needed to have been approved by a CIO, but I have to say I was pretty worried.

  4. An IO at the point of entry can ask for a return ticket and without one could theoretically refuse entry, though my partner has only been asked once.

    If your girlfriend has sufficient funds to buy a ticket in the UK and explains that she will be buying a ticket in the UK as they are substantially cheaper she might, if asked, get away with it, though cheaper tickets only apply in the case of return tickets.

    A little concerned in the comment you make about not knowing the return date, now that could cause a problem if she is challenged.

  5. sorry, no car loans for farangs. you need to pay full amount of car price. TIT.

    Not true, I am retired so don't need a work permit, I applied to Tisco Bank and the loan was approved in about a week.

    Edit - I had been living in Thailand, on a retirement visa, for 13 months.

  6. Your girlfriend will need a visa for the UK and one Schengen Visa which will cover her for France, Germany and most other countries in Europe.

    I personally would advise her to get the UK visa first, and then apply for her Schengen Visa, which should really be for the first country in the Schengen Area you want to visit.

    Have a read through the threads and come back with any specific questions, but basically she needs to prove that the trip is affordable, either by her or you, and that she would return home at the end of the trip.

    Good luck

  7. I think what True needs to realise is that whilst Thai is the national language and therefore it's appropriate that they should broadcast in Thai, Thai language speakers are in the minority worldwide and in Thailand there are nationalities from around the world who do not speak Thai.

    True advertise their products in English speaking newspapers in Thailand and I would have thought it would be appropriate for them to mention the fact that whilst they advertise the service in English language newspapers they fail to mention the fact that they are not providing an English soundtrack, after all they mention just about every thing else in the ads terms and conditions.

    Whether True like it or not English is an international language and most people around the world, where English is not the first Language, use English as their second language. True offer dual a language facility on many of their out dated movies but not on a world wide event such as The Football Worl Cup.

    True have already shown their contempt by the cancellation of BBC Entertainment and do not seem bothered by the ensuing cancellations of premium subscribers. I think I have to accept that True are not interested in any customers other than Thai customers and despite the fact that they do actually employ expat staff they have no interest in becoming a truly international company.

  8. She will legally be able to drive with a Thai licence or an IDP but, as Davee58 has suggested, the problem could well be with the car hire company.

    When I have used my Thai licence or even my UK licence with a Thai credit card and address, the quoted price more than doubled, think you might need to shop around.

  9. A client came into my office to go through the documents with me when I showed her the sponsors letter she pulled a face saying she could do better ?

    I advised her is that correct after 2 failed visa applications you did yourself you are no expert, she got her visa issued some two weeks later .

    I hope I have misunderstood you TVE, you're not saying you wrote the sponsors letter are you?

  10. Sadly, for anything fair dinkum to happen about this, the BIB needs to be overhauled and the chances of that are? :) All other talk is pointless.

    That's absolutely tight ND, but it will never happen in our lifetime.

    The police here are a national joke and an absolute disgrace, the majority have no desire to set a good example or properly enforce laws, they will only "fine" people if there is quick money in it for them.

    When I first came to Thailand I was advised by an expat who has been here for 20+ years that the police are at the root of most of the crimes here, I am at a loss to understand why successive governments don't, or cannot address the issue.

  11. I don't what you regard as loads of dosh but if you found to be carrying excess amounts of cash, I think it's about £2,000 and they have detector dogs at many UK airports, HMR&C can ask you why you are carrying the cash and where you got it from. They can, and do, seize cash if they are not satisfied with your response.

  12. Yes the live updates were essential reading throughout the recent troubles and it was the only safe way to keep abreast of events as they rolled out.

    A very big thank you to everyone involved, I realise it was a monumental task.

  13. This was around 7 years ago so maybe they've lightened up in the meantime.

    Hopefully they have at least improved their interpersonal skills, maybe you were just unlucky with the IO's you had to deal with.

    Obviously it's better if you are able to clear the border together in case of any queries.

  14. My local Pub 'The Crossbar' in Bangkok has got a slingbox installed from the UK for the world cup with BBC or ITV commentary so i'll be heading down there for the England games.

    Do you know if they will be open for the early morning England games?

  15. Sorry to disillusion you, but I stay in Thailand on an Extension based on Retirement, and, as such, cannot have a work permit. However, this did not stop Amex pestering me for months to take an AMEX Platinum Card with well over 100k credit.

    I eventually gave in to them and still enjoy the benefits. I must confess to thinking that there must be a lot of people who have done the same and ended up with problems re-payin them.

    Likewise, as per my previous post, I was offered one as a Thai Airways Gold Card holder, only applied out of devilment as I live here on a retirement pension. Surprised to receive the card a couple of weeks later, with a 310,000 Baht credit limit, though I only use it within my means as I appreciate the dangers of building up debt.

    I suspect I fell through the net as a friend who has lived here for about 10 years had his application declined.

  16. Correct If I am wrong, but a AMEX card needs to have its full balance paid at the end of every month ??...if so not really a credit card then...

    AMEX also do a credit card which I was also offered with just my retirement pension, we could go on for ages about the advantages and disadvantages of a credit card as well as the risks of running up debt, but they are really convienient.

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