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Posts posted by theoldgit

  1. My guess is that Abhisit needs all of his resources to suppress the red menace and prevent any more full scale riots. Other important improvements things will have to take a backseat for now.

    I agree, but I think the corruption within the police is one of his major problems and one his government really needs to address. The poorer Thai people are a prime target group for these people masquerading as a police force, and whilst a number of posters have indicated that it's easier to had over a small amount, even when they have done nothing wrong, so they can put the inconvenience behind them, to the majority of the people stopped this extortion actually hurts. It's these people that give the red shirt leaders their support - wasn't there a demo by some people just before the recent events complaining about police corruption?

    All that said, I suspect you are correct in saying this will take a backseat for now.

  2. Yes you can, this is from the Skywards FAQ page

    Q - Can I use my Skywards Miles to book a reward ticket for friends and family?

    A - Yes, you can redeem your Skywards Miles for Emirates tickets for anyone.

  3. Somebody once suggested that as they were aware that the US Embassy only asked their nationals to swear that they had the required income rather than seeking proof as other embassies, such as the UK Embassy, require, that they saught to satisfy themselves that the applicant did in fact have the required income.

    I obviously don't know if this is the case, I suspect it is more likely that they are making the requirements up as they go along.

  4. Or, at IHOP, for $5.99 (about 190 baht), they were offering two eggs fixed as you like, hash browns, two bacon or sausage, and two or three (I can't recall which) pancakes topped with your choice of fruit compote.

    I remember on my first trip to the US was driving up the I-5 and we stopped at a IHop for breakfast, ordered Pigs in the blanket and smothered them with maple syrup, I didn't know they had sausages inside - still eat them though.

    We were staying with friends in a town in Oregon, where they filmed Kindergarten Cop, we went to church with our hosts and they told us that the priest would invite us to stay back for coffee, but we were to decline. We were indeed invited for coffee and we did decline, the reason soon became obvious, there was a mad charge for the only decent restaurant serving breakfast, with the priest leading the charge, if we had stayed for coffee we would have missed breakfast as there were not enough seats.

  5. It is an iniquity, but I doubt it is going to change.

    By living overseas we save the government money on the NHS.

    However if this rule has to stand, it should be applied to ALL pensioners,

    including teachers and civil servants, who live overseas....... :D

    The rule already applies to all UK pensioners who live overseas, including the state pensions of teachers and civil servants. However the job related pensions of civil servants are index linked wherever you live in the world, and of course are fully taxed in the UK, I believe this applies to most, if not all, job related pensions.

    Somebody pointed that you need to understand the rules, the rules are very clear, if you don't live in the UK, the EU or a few other countries like the Philippines and the US, your pension is frozen at the rate you first receive it, this is enshrined in pension laws. Likewise the index linking and full worldwide payment at the full rate is enshrined in civil service pension legislation.

    Civil Servants get a lot of stick over their pensions, though they did not get stick over the years when their salary was abated to fund their pensions, and of course civil servants pay various contributions. The fact that successive governments have not used the funds saved by this abatement or the contributions to actually fund the pensions is not the fault of the civil servants. Don't imagine that all Civil Servants were high flying Whitehall Mandarins drawing massive pensions, many earn pensions a lot lower than the current state pensions. Action has already been taken to reduce the pension rights of civil servants and I suspect there is more to come.

    Going back to the OP, I wish you well but I suspect you already realise that you are on hiding to nothing.

  6. The more that people accept the paying of small amounts of money to a frankly corrupt police force the longer it will continue, the government really don't care.

    Whist the handing over of small amounts of cash by foreigners might be the easiest option to get us on our way, for a Thai person, and the majority stopped are Thai, it might be a days pay.

  7. My taxi was stopped on Saturday night / Sunday morning going into Sukhumvit Road; first time ever I've encountered the Police in 15 years coming here. After having a number of torches shone into the car at me, one Policeman asked me to step out and produce my passport, which I never carry. <div><br></div><div>Very polite and smiling he asked how long I was here for and explained he was going to search me; I asked him why - just out of interest - and he said "drugs". He put his hands in my pockets pulling at money, which disconcerted me a little, but other than that it was very cursory. </div><div><br></div><div>Again smiling, he advised I carry a copy of my passport and wished me a good night. Taking the need for the stop and searches at face value, it was carried out in a friendly manner, with no hint at tea money, and I came away with a favourable view of this policeman at least. </div>

    Stop and search is very common in many countries and despite your reasonable experience I would like the officer to show me the palms of his hands before he delved into my pockets. I accept I maybe paranoid and that such a request might inflame the situation - but if we both had nothing to hide?

  8. Edited, as links went bonkers.

    Basically what I said was that I don't think it would be any quicker applying in Bangkok as all they do is forward the application for a replacement passport directly to Hong Kong, and it would be probably just as quick to do it yourself, they certainly don't offer a fast track service.

    Hong Kong say that they process in order of receipt, and whilst they will consider an urgent application this is for urgent travel such as a death in the family and not in the circumstances you describe.

  9. Last week,out of the blue,I had a call from American Express Thailand promoting their tie up with Thai Airways as I am a member of their frequent flier program.

    I told the rep that I only have a Retirement Visa,no problem sir she replied so I may pursue this avenue further.

    That's the line I went down, retired so no work and no work permit, given card with a 310,000 limit and no mention of a deposit.

    Didn't think I really needed a Thai credit card, until I didn't have have one.

  10. Whilst a divorce in Thailand is easy and very cheap it can only be done if both parties are actually in Thailand and agree to the process.

    A divorce in the UK can be a long and drawn out process especially if one of the parties contests the action or simply will not play ball, and if lawyers are involved then it becomes an expensive process and I suspect your wife's friend will not have that sort of money. She might want to try the Citizens Advice Bureau.

  11. The "checker" at VFS only commented on one aspect of the application and that was to ask my partner if she knew that I had been married before, pulling out the copy of the divorce absolute and showing her the date - a peculiarly Thai female trait wanting to share some potentially contentious information with the another - if you were thinking of trying to hide that fact lads, forget it. But it's interesting to note that the Embassy allows the Applicant to hide information from the Sponsor, on request!

    That is dreadful and I think worthy of a complaint, if you were so minded.

  12. Contact the person who guaranteed her VISA, they will have promised to provide a ticket home.

    Legally binding.

    What law would that be then?

    I think you will find that the Sponsorship Undertaking Form, if that's what you are referring to, doesn't apply to Spouses.

    Does she really want to go back to Thailand, if there is proven physical abuse she can stay in the UK, but bear in mind this is an often abused process.

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