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Posts posted by theoldgit

  1. We flew down from Chiang Mai last Friday only to find out from a colleague phoning them directly during the taxi journey to their office that they were shut. We had booked an application time for a tourist visa for my wife but they didn't bother to inform us they were closed. We wasted 2 round-trip tickets and a whole day. Now they are saying they are not sure if they will be open or not so how can we plan another trip from Chiang Mai? My mother is seriously ill and she wants to see her granddaughter before it's too late.

    The demonstrations or the fall out from them are going to be there a while so why isn't there a contingency plan?

    Of course they should have a contingency plan, and I said so yesterday.

    They are opening on an ad-hoc basis and have been taking applications on a walk in basis and returning passports to people who have checked they are available, they have been updating their website with information, though you couldn't have checked this on your flight, or answered the phone. Of course it would be ideal if they contacted everybody but I really don't know how practical that is, though I agree it should be, I cannot remember if they asked for contact details. Clearly this is a very difficult situation for applicants and the people working in VFS, but to be fair it's not of their making is it?

    I don't suppose the demonstrators really care whose lives they are disrupting.

  2. When using UKNOVA I never notice my stats, also if I download something I keep my computer on all night but the UKNOVA

    tracker seems to find others or just stop trying to download from me, therefore my ratio (If I ever find where it is located) is

    not very good.

    See where your user name is in the top right hand corner, hit the drop down box to the right of your user name and it shows your score.

    My score is well in the red and despite leaving it connected for hours on end it hardly ever budges, for some reason it just seems reluctant to upload.

  3. Based on Flash Gordon's comments about the lady in Wigan, think this gives us great insight into what the "ruling classes" think of the common UK born citizen/subject... :D ....." I apologised profusely in person, as there was a misunderstanding".....<deleted> Gordon, start packing your bags now... :)

    Summed up nicely, the boy is still trying to wriggle himself out of that stupid remark as I speak.

  4. The Embassy has certainly not been closed for two days, though the VFS office has been closed on and off for a number days.

    I don't think it's unreasonable to close if there are concerns for the safety of their staff and visitors.

    Of course it's a major inconvenience to people waiting to collect passports and submit applications but this is yet another fallout from the reds demonstration, and is up there with the thousands of Thais who have lost their jobs or the people who have gone out business as a result.

    It seems that the demonstrators are not too concerned about the havoc they are causing their fellow countrymen, and whilst I'm not a particular fan of the VFS operation, I think they have no choice.

    I would hope that Visa Section has some sort of contingency plans to deal with this disruption if it goes on too long.

  5. We went last year, four nights, we stayed at Sanur, nice hotel on the beach (Mercure), very laid back resort with plenty of nice restaurants though not too many bars. Picked Sanur partly for it's ease of travel to the airport.

    Went to Kuta one evening, really glad we didn't stay there for the duration.

    Didn't bother renting a car as you can get a car and driver very reasonably, and you can discuss your own itinerary.

    We are going back in August, good old Air Asia - 700 Baht return, and whilst we enjoyed Sanur very much we will probably try somewhere else, only because we like to try somewhere new.

    Last year I got a visa on arrival for US$10 as I was going for less that 7 days, they have now done away with this short term visa and you now have to pay US$25 for a 30 day visa,Thai nationals can enter visa free

  6. Or that the UK has not supplied the normal letter asking for information to be transferred?

    Is that a requirement or something done at the whim of the IO?

    I was thinking of renewing my passport in the UK, where it is considerably cheaper, using my re-entry permit in my full passport to return and then get the extension and re-entry permit transferred, do you think that I am I setting myself up for problems?

  7. Thanks, but if I send it, then I need a Credit Card, which I do not have, live here and have a yellow book, but not allowed to have a Credit Card. A bankers draft in HK Dollars might be impossible to get in the countryside, so for many a trip to the Embassy will still be required.

    A fair point, but I suppose it's what's more convienient, a visit to Bangkok or a visit to a bank that can give you a draft in HK Dollars.

    I think they call it progress.

  8. The person wanting a New passport does not send the documents to Hong Kong, they go to the Embassy in Bangkok, who will check it and then send it to Hong Kong for the passport holder.

    You can do either, you can send the application form with a photocopy of the passport directly to Hong Kong yourself or you can take the application to the Embassy in Bangkok, they will check and send it on your behalf. Either way you still have to pay for the form to be couriered to Hong Kong and the new passport to be couriered back.

  9. In which case then the OP's wife CANNOT driver here until she gets a UK provisional licence.

    Once she does, she must be accompanied at all times by someone at least 21 yrs old & who has held a full licence for that class of vehicle for at least 3 years. She may not drive on motorways and must display L plates.

    Not quite, yes she must apply for a provisional UK licence, but the requirement to be accompanied by a full licence holder, the display of L plates and the restriction on motorway driving do not apply, though the tests must be passed within 12 months.


  10. ^^^^

    For the avoidance of doubt the OP was asking about the Consular Section at the British Embassy which remains open, but will no doubt be subject to numerous short term closures between now and the date he is concerned about. The Visa Section at the Embassy is still operating and will continue to process applications, but applications are subject to delay.

    What is closed is the Visa Application Centre operated by VFS at Regent House, and it is this closure will give a number of people some concern.

  11. My wife and I bought 8 bottles of red from Perth through BKK last Xmas. Four packed securely in each suitcase without any drama.

    As has been said earlier, it's the luck of the draw.

    You might be told to put your suitcase through the x-ray machine or you might not, the operator might be looking at the screen or they might not, if they spot you are over the top they might stop or they might not, if they stop you for being over the top they might confiscate the excess, they might fine you, they might do both or they might do nothing.

    You and your wife had three times the allowance and, thankfully, got away with it, others have not been so lucky.

  12. OK, so maybe Elliot was wrong and maybe Air Asia was wrong, but that doesn't answer the question about international regulations and safety standards.

    Just how did AA, on this occasion, comply with the requirement that emergency exit seats were occupied by a fit person who fully understood their responsibilities in the case of an incident? I know that if I have been in these seats on major carriers I have had my obligation full explained.

  13. I went to the CW office last week and whilst mine was an extension based on retirement, which I understand is less complicated, it was the best experience to date, I was in and out in less than an hour and that included a 90 day report.

    I arrived at a little after 09.30, my number was called at 10.00, the IO was a very pleasant older lady, though still younger than me, she looked at all my papers chatting as she worked, the only question was the figure for my income on the letter from my Embassy, more expensive method but I cannot really be bothered with the bank route, she asked what rate I used for conversion, we agreed on 49 Baht to the GBP, and she was content.

    The conversation then got interesting, she asked me how much I thought she earned, I said about 25-30,000 baht, she told me that she earned 15,000 Baht a month adding that she was a widow and was trying to put her son through school. So I can understand why some IO's get a bit tetchy when they see applicants hour after hour, who providing evidence of 40 or 65,000 Baht a month, and if they are a bit stroppy or dress inappropriately I can understand whilst there is a reaction, though I am not suggesting this was the case with the OP, perhaps the IO was having a bad hair day, we all have them.

  14. One litre I'm afraid, and that includes all your wines and spirits. I'm pretty sure you cannot even bring in excess and pay the tax, one of the perks of living in Thailand.

    Edit, after reading the previous post, a mate of mine brought in 12 bottles from Australia, they let him keep 2 and they kept the rest, but at least they didn't fine him.

    It's the luck of the draw.

  15. ^^^

    Well as a married couple I am suprised they didn't take your advice and appeal, or at least ask the ECM to review the decision, which is what I presume you did following the second refusal.

    I realise you have, understandably, only given the bare facts regarding the application but just because the husband fully owns the condo it doesn't mean the wife lives there or in fact, despite the trips together and the fact they have a marriage certificate, that there is a subsisting relationship and a good reason to return.

    I think what you have highlighted, and you're the expert not me, is two things, it is essential that all the dots are crossed by ensuring there is evidence to support all of the claims, ie if the husband owns a condo then she lives there as well, what are his ties to Thailand apart from the condo etc etc. the second point is that if it was a robust an application as you indicate then ECO made a mistake, and I'm sure that can happen, and that's why the appeal and review procedures are in place.

  16. I really wish people would stop making nonsensical posts, people come on this site for some advice and they are subject to scaremongering.

    It's really quite simple, a person makes an application for a visa and if they are able to convince an ECO that the proposed trip is reasonable, affordable and on the balance of probabilities the applicant will return to their home country at the conclusion of the trip then a visa will be issued, if not then a visa will be declined.

    ECO's are only human and of course they can make mistakes that's why there are procedures built in to check their work. Decisions can be reviewed by an ECM, some refusals have the right of of appeal, and the visa section is subject to scrutiny by the UKBA Independent Monitor, who when carrying out an inspection will examine a selection of applications.

    Let's make it clear, there are no systems in place to deny first time applicants to see how serious they are, there are no procedures to deny applications to increase revenue. ECO's work to standard guidlines to ensure that immigration laws as defined in the various Immigration Acts are vigerously and fairly applied.

    Can I respectfully request that posters stick to the facts and not relay what a mate might have told you in a bar somewhere, and lets continue to offer people some support on this forum.

  17. I on the other hand think you would have a reasonable chance. Don't worry about asking questions, if people don't want to answer they will not.

    You have already answered one of the points in TVE's questions, she goes to Uni. That probably means she doesn't have a job but providing she can get proof from the Uni that she is studying and her studies are scheduled, and paid, to continue then that may give a reason to return. Obviously she would be looking to make a trip during Uni holidays, if she was taking an extended trip during term time they would understandably be suspicious.

    You have already mentioned your travels throughout Asia, if you can supply details of your trips together, ie photos, tickets and corresponding passport stamps, then that may help prove your relationship coupled with communication records, somebody will advise how to print Skype records.

    You will need to write a letter of sponsorship explaining your relationship, previous travels and how, and why, you are going to finance the trip, she should also do a letter outlining the same and her plans, in Thailand, for the future. Don't worry about not having wedges of money in the bank, you just need to prove you can afford to pay for trip.

    People have their own views about using agents and as TVE rightly says "we have done lots of successful applications" I personally don't think you need one, but if she does use one she should used an agent who has OISC certification, and TVE does.

    Good luck to you both.

    Edit - I really must learn to type faster.

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