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Posts posted by asia_pilot

  1. Hello,

    we are off to the extended family tomorrow. I thought we could use the time for some fishing, as there is a pretty big lake (dam) near the Boarder to Laos. having only fished on in the colorado river for trout, I would like to get some tiips for fishing here in NE Thailand.

    What kind of bait are u using. Lure and hooks ? What kind of fish to expect when fishing from shore ? Is a lisence requiered ?

    Thanks for all ya help.

  2. Hello,

    we are planing to drive up to Chiang Mai this weekend ( FRI-SUN ) for a weekend. Since I have never been to this part of Thailand, neighter has my wife, we are looking for some tips on wehere to stay ( no budget traveller ) what to see and do, etc. I am sure here alot of folks who can give some tips for a small family with a 2 Year old Child. One things we would like to see are the village people with the long necks ( rings arround their necks ).

  3. Hello,

    my wife would like to apply for an EAA Family Permit ( I am German Citizen ). The checklist is asking for a certificate from an International Organization of Migration ( IOM ) confirming my wife is free of infectious tuberculosis. Where can this be done in Bangkok ? For some reason I can't find any info on that.

    Also, has anyone any experiance with the EAA Family Permit application here in BKK ?


  4. I have found that shipping anything from USA involves shipping costs that can be more than the value of the goods. US mail is usualy cheaoest but many suppliers will not use them.
    Not just from the USA. Also from Europe......and like I said in earlier posts, it's because of the $20.00 value of the goods. :)
  5. [Decide whether you are talking in the second person or the third person and try this again. Then it might make sense. Don't you have some Jumbos or Airbuses to land somewhere?

    As an english teacher you should be able to read the FAQ's, dont you ? I am sorry that english is not my mother language. :)

    The 1,200THB FedEx is asking for are neighter 'tea money' nor Tax'n'duties. It's seems that you just don't know what you are writing. This is a fee for FedEx Thailand to get a customs clearance. This does not mean you have to pay tax. But it still has to be checked and go through customs.

    You pay the $30.00 to FedEx, UPS etc in every country for their customs clearance.

    Again, if you feel you can do this on your own, just let FedEx know that you are clearing the item yourself and you don't have to pay it. But be aware with stuff like food and drugs I am pretty sure it's not simple one form.

    No need to insult others.

  6. I constantly read on Thai Visa about members being frustrated with roadside tickets costing a few hundred baht all designed to get revenue from the unsuspecting. This week I made a rolling right turn in my Western hometown and received a ticket in the mail in the amount of $440. Yes that is right $440. At 200 baht payoff per ticket that would equate to approximately 75 tickets in Thailand. Has anyone on this board received this kind of blackmail in all their days in Thailand via road tickets? Plus here in Los Angeles there is an additional $70 payment for traffic school or the insurance rates go up. I am sure many Europeans are suffering the same fate with these easy grabs by their local governments who have mispent and are looking for further revenue. And it is only going to get worse.

    Ironically one half of the ticket price goes to the lovely Lockhead military company who are quietly putting these money machines at intersections across the city. The good company urged the city to start fining rolling right turns as well as direct runs through a red light. Doing this triples their revenue. And to boot they changed the fine from 250 in the past to 440.

    At least in Thailand it goes into the pocket of the cop who is likely only earning 300 dollars per month. Here it is feeding a greedy military industrial company and an incompetent and corrupt city government.

    Things may not be so bad in Thailand after all? :D

    If you fight it, you might end up with a $30.00 parking violation and no insurance increase or traffic school. :) I never paid any traffic tickets in full in the US.

  7. i would like to add that many vendors will not ship out of their comfort zone due to customer reactions exactly like this. it is not feasible to for a seller to understand the vagaries of each and every country they may have to ship to.

    every seller makes the same disclaimer.

    Don't be ridiculous. Swanson's is a huge operation shipping their products worldwide every day. Their "comfort zone" is bringing in revenue from the four corners of the earth. They know exactly what's what. If they don't then they shouldn't be in the business.

    you are correct, i am being ridiculous. i am sure that swanson's do a booming export business to thailand.

    i will now make way in favour of people who tell you what you want to hear.

    All about a THB1,200 Service charge for a service he will be given. :) ( getting his drugs through customs ). As suggest earlier, refuse to pay and clear it on your own. You have placed an international order - not domestic. In this case YOU are the importer. Swansons has nothing to do with your import. FedEx is trying to help you with the import but you are complaining and complaing just because you have realised after your order that your drugs are now more expensive.

    Yes - Dont accept the package, file a charge back with your credit card and be happy with your decission. Make others loose money because of your mistakes. Oh I forgot Swansons makes hudge money, they can eat the loss. Poeple like you are the reason why my company in the USA don't ship internationally anymore. :D

    I suggest to the OP to do his shopping in retail stores and not online. Blaming FedEx for his unknown and no reading before ordering is ridiculous. :D

  8. Here in TanyaBuri it is much easier. I needed:

    • Passport
    • Wife's ID Card
    • Blue House registration
    • Names and DOB of my parents
    • 2 Fotos

    And of course a copy of all above. Nothing had to be translated or certified by any agency. My wife was questioned about my job for about 5 minutes. The whole process took 2 weeks, because the stuff was lazy :) At the ned it was free and no tea money.

    I can recomend the Amphoe here at Klong 6.

    • The goods did not arrive within 2-3 days as you suggest. The order was placed on 3rd October and the email from FedEx arrived yesterday, the 21st October, making it more like 3 weeks.

    Check the tracking # and you see when it was shipped. How do you expect that Swansos knows every countries import laws ? You are the importer.

    Are you now complaining about FedEx, Swansons or yourself because you did not make your homework before ? The clearance fee is just a big part of the total because of the peanuts you have ordered. If you would have had an order for example $3,000, it would just be 1% of it :D

    And here from Swansons website:

    Please be advised that Swanson Health Products is not responsible for taxes and/or duties or any brokerage and/or delivery fees applied to international shipments. Also, we kindly request that you contact your customs office to thoroughly inquire about import regulations before placing your order, as we will not be liable for packages refused or held for delivery.

    As much for, they didnt tell you. Scandalous..... :)

  9. There always additional fees when ordering internationally. I don not think its the shippers job to check on them. Also, you complain about the shipping charges. Yes - you paid $25.99 - but you also got it within 2-3 days ( correct ). Additionally, try to send the same package by FedEx on your own, I am sure the shipping cost is 3 times that much, if not more. So the shipper applied even the discount to you.

    Many stores offer different shipping options, I guess you have choosen FedEx because it was the fastest ?

    Ordering stuff for a few bucks from overseas is never worth it due to the high international shipping cost. If you want to make it worth oder 10-20 times the amount. As far for the claearance fee. Feel free to save that and get it yourself through customs. It might takes some additional time and paperwork, but they do give you the option, or simply look for another brooker for the customs clearance.

    Sorry but i dont see any fault from FedEx here. :)

  10. The customer service isn't the best at Carrefour. I was disappointed when I wanted to get my TV repaired as wel. :D

    I simply don't get it. Neighter Carrefour nor Big C or Tesco are any repair centers. After your sale, you have to contact the manufacturer or the authorized service center to get your item repaired. This is not any different in the USA. I am not a friend of the non existend customer service here in Thailand, but why would you bring a repair back to Big C ? :)

    On a side note. I have received the best customer service from LG here in Thailand. Fridge broke after 1 year. The so called 'technician' stopped by within 48hrs and wasnt able to fix it. LG promissied an exchange for the same model. After 7 days LG has contacted us, that they dont have this model in their warehouse and refunded the full sales price within 5 days. Outstanding !

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