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About lor

  • Birthday 07/15/1954

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    Pattaya, Thailand

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  1. Easy, Just live in the Philippines for 6 months 1 day of the year and Thailand for the other 6 months and not only will he get the cost of living increase to his pension but he will also not have to pay Thai Income Tax!
  2. The British Foreign office have updated their Thailand page saying visa free if now 60 days from 1st June. So even the British government have no idea what Thailand is really doing.
  3. That was for normal travel insurance. It is true it can be a lot cheaper if pre-existing conditions are not included but I have so many pre-existing that it would mean I would have no cover health cover whatsoever and I am sure they would even try to not pay out on accident causing medical treatment. I have found it is better to pay myself. Spent 4 nights in Queen Sirikit hospital with all the care. Lots of daily tests and X-Rays, medication and private room. The doctors were first class. My heart was checked by one of Thailand's top heart specialists who happened to be at the hospital at the time. The whole cost came to less than the insurance excess which was £500. Always avoid the private hospital rip offs in Thailand.
  4. I wish I could get travel insurance. Being 70 years young with stage 4 kidney disease, heart failure, very high blood pressure and a stay in Intensive Care within the last 9 months no company will insure me without paying thousands of pounds! Glad the Thai government are now going to cover the cost for me!
  5. I like the bit from the report that says "Over 20 fire trucks rushed to the scene" From what people who live near there tell me the first Fire Truck took over 2 hours to arrive even though the fire station was just a little down the road.
  6. A few years ago Facebook could not be connected to from Thailand for about 25 minutes. People went crazy! I dread to think what would happen if it was permanent. Then the government will really see what it is to have the population turn against you.
  7. I presume this is sarcasm? I really cannot believe that you have been here 20 years and never been scammed.
  8. As with most crime the answer is to follow the money.
  9. I use Bolt all the time. Arrives within 2 to 3 minutes and much cheaper than all other alternatives. The driver has always known how to get to where I want to go. Maybe I have just been lucky but all my Thai friends use Bolt as well.
  10. I remember Thaksin decided to close all petrol stations through the night. Said it would save lots of electricity. He forgot that the trucks carry the food through the night! Everywhere ended up without any food deliveries. The decision was soon reversed.
  11. In other words, he wants to increase his prices but knows he will lose business to his competitors. So, force everyone to increase the price by the same amount. Keep the business and make more money. Dual pricing is never acceptable. I will be boycotting all his hotels from now on.
  12. Don't believe anything until it is officially denied by the government.
  13. During the Covid times I was in Thailand and Qatar cancelled my flight several times! Each time they cancelled I had to phone and they gave me another flight which was then cancelled a few days before each flight. In the end I bought a return ticket with Emirates. Flew to the UK, 6 months later back to Thailand. I then called Qatar to remind them about the ticket I had bought about 18 months before and they cancelled the return flight. At the time I was not expecting much after such a long gap but they promptly issued me with a free replacement ticket back to the UK! Great service.
  14. When I first started coming to Thailand the bars were open 24 hours! At 9am when Marine Disco was closing it was off to the disco's that were just opening! If I remember right things were much more relaxed, people were not drinking fast to get as many drinks as possible before the bars closed their doors and kicked you out. I also believe there were a lot less road deaths then.
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