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  1. The exchange rates are pretty nad when using bangkok bank international transfers.
  2. Did you copy and paste into the form, or type it? It sounds like its only detecting numbers in the email field.
  3. I opened my account using Thai details. This was 2 years ago, I think I used letter from Citi Credit card as proof of address, but cant be sure.
  4. That's what an agency is. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/agency
  5. Great thanks. Did you supply Mother's Birth Certificate? I think parents Birth Certificate may only be needed for the British parent/s, but not sure. Did you provide anything that had your name and your address, or anything that proves your residence status in Thailand?
  6. What are you wanting to do? It's not clear from your post.
  7. Thanks, but their search doesn't return the correct types. I've searched though about 20 pages of the results and the relevant category page bit can't find these specific types.
  8. Has any one seen box bottom or expanding hanging file folders to purchase in Thailand? Something like: https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-Hanging-File-Bottom-Expansion/dp/B07TJK1LK3/ref=sr_1_1_ffob_sspa?sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY and: https://www.amazon.com/Pendaflex-SureHook-Reinforced-Capacity-Standard/dp/B005ZSLKA6/ref=sr_1_7?sr=8-7 Searched on Officemate Lazada, Shoppe and AliExpress but can only find the standard thin hanging files.
  9. I'm in the process of applying for my daughters 1st British passport from overseas and i wanted to double check the documents needed as there are quite a few different tables to cross check in the requirements doc: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/62d961378fa8f50bfcd3f592/OS_Guidance_G2_07.22.pdf Some Info: Child: Born 2022 Father (me): British by birth, born before 1st Jan 1983 Mother: Thai, born 1986 Applying from Thailand Documents needed (all originals unless stated otherwise): 2 x recent passport photos of Child Child's Birth Certificate Child's Birth Certificate translation Copy of Child's Thai Passport Father's passport Father's Birth Certificate Mothers Thai ID Card Mother's Thai ID Card translation Mother's Birth Certificate Mother's Birth Certificate translation Document showing a link to the parent applying and show that the child and parent are resident where they are applying from. Accepted are: Parent's ID Cards Childs school records Medical/hospital records (birth records) Mother's antenatal records Not needed: Parents marriage certificate. In table C it states (this does not apply for those born on or after 1 July 2006) Grandparents’ documents. In table E, for First Time Applicants, it states: If your parents were born on or after 1 January 1983: evidence of your grandparents’ claim to British nationality by providing their birth certificates and, in the case of grandfathers, the marriage certificate to your grandmother. However, I was born before 1983 so not applicable. Do these look like all the correct documents needed? Only bit I'm having trouble with is 11, as I cant find anything that has both child's and mothers/my name on, and our current address (we moved after she was born).
  10. I use Interactive Brookers to invest in Stocks and bonds funds. I applied with Thailand address, no issues. When you sign up there is a list of evaluation questions such as how much experience to you have with investing, how much money do you have in savings, etc. Based on results of your answering you may get declined. They want to ensure people signing up have the means and knowledge to use the platform. Even if you fail, you can take the question again. So answer the question as if you have a lot of experience in investing. If you don't, read these resources. Then you'll have a fine understanding. The SimplyFI Getting Started Guide Index Investing and Financial Independence for Expats: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-1a459_4_KbXYBa_Af4aM_BiaOVDKCst/view?usp=sharing The Bogleheads' Guide to Investing https://www.amazon.com/Bogleheads-Guide-Investing-Taylor-Larimore/dp/0470067365 Millionaire Expat: How to Build Wealth Living Overseas https://www.amazon.com/Millionaire-Expat-Wealth-Living-Overseas/dp/1119411890
  11. You think if someone is organised enough to book a hotel in case they miss thier flights, then the chances of them actually missing flight would be very slim!
  12. No. And that seems to go against your suggestion they would just tax it all remittances in thailand. It's the same in thailand as other counties, some remittances are liable for tax, others are not. https://www.rd.go.th/fileadmin/user_upload/lorkhor/newspr/2024/FOREIGNERS_PAY_TAX2024.pdf
  13. Depends where you have sent it to and from? You may have already paid tax on it, you may be liable to pay tax on it.
  14. Or how about the horses mouth? https://www.gov.uk/tax-foreign-income/residence "Residents normally pay UK tax on all their income, whether it’s from the UK or abroad. But there are special rules for UK residents whose permanent home (‘domicile’) is abroad."
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