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Posts posted by LevelHead

  1. "hardcore red shirts declared to secede the country’s north and northeast regions to establish what they called “Isan-Lanna” state"

    Like I said in an earlier thread. A landlocked "Isan-Lanna" state bordering with the landlocked metropolis of the PDR Lao would be nothing short of a economical dust bowl. The north are kidding themselves if they think they can get by without commerce hub Bangkok, the resource rich southern provinces and those other provinces bordering the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman sea.

    Why would it be landlocked ? Lots of access to the sea from Chonburi all the way to the Cambodian border.

    The north and central provinces generate pretty much most of Thailands GDP.

    The north generates pretty much all of Thailands electrical power.

    The north controls all the water flows through the country.

    A seperated North/Central "Lanna/Isaan" block would have all the electrical power, all the labour, all the water and generate loads of money.

    Without the Central/North block Bangkok and the south would have NO water, NO electrical power, pretty much NO labour - and soon all the factories would move out of Bangkok/South.

    This is why Bangkok and the South get so upset about talk of a divide - they offer nothing and live of off the North/Central area's. power generation, water flows, crops, GDP generation etc...

    All in my opnion of course.

    They talk about Lanna plus Isan. Central Thailand is not a part of that. Neither is Chonburi. They would have no access to the sea, very little industry and the least productive agricultural areas.

    I think you are not on the ball here in regards to what has been discussed in many places.

    Take a look at the map on the link below :


    That map shows the often of late dsicussed split. A northern red coloured "Siam". A middle bit Bangkok and the South being "Thailand" and then the problem area in the south.

    From that you can see the North/Central area has all the power generation, all the agri-land, all the GDP generation, all the water and all the labour.

    Bangkok and the South would be pretty much useless, just some Palm Oil and Rubber sold to Bangkok traders to sell on - if they had an electricity and of course any water and indeed any labour ?

    Of course this is being discussed purely as a discussion point, nobody is saying it will happen or has to happen.

    All of course is just opinon and discussion.

  2. I notice that there are no photo's with this news story, that probably says it all really.

    I expect the fleet of brand new shiny red tractors and people in brand new first time ever worn farmers clothes decided not to go near a small group of red shirts.............

    Perhaps they might have been scared their southern dialect would have been picked up quite quickly ?

    In my opinion of course.


    Photo of 2 people and lots of empty seats........

  3. PTP consistently loose court cases and consistently break the law thus proving PTP need better quality legal advice

    The thing with the law is "precedent".

    All sorts of precedents are being set at the moment by the courts, and these precedents will be brought up and used against Abhisit and Suthep and the Democrats in future.

    Whilst it may seem silly to the average person to pursue certain cases, the precedents being set in the rulings now are all for future reference.

    One thing the lawyers aligned with PTP are doing is reporting all evidence and rulings and demonstrations and violence to the ICC (International Criminal Court)

    Tonights kidnapping of the deputy government spokesperson by the PDRC has already been reported to the ICC according to a certain Mr Amsterdam.

    A massive list of complaints against many people is lodged with the ICC, and these will come back to haunt people in the future, just like the precedents being set with every court ruling.

    All in my opinion of course.

    • Like 2
  4. If they wanted PTP they would have voted for them.


    Care to show me where 48% wanted Yingluck? A vote for PTP was a vote for Thaksin in the mind of many of you poor red shirts.

    Care to show me where 48% is a vote for not against.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifgiggle.gifclap2.gif

    Care to show me why the country needs to bow to the will of Suthep and Abhisit, who got 35% in the last election?

    She is doing the right thing.

    The elite are trying to make her step down - as this serves their ends and needs.

    If they have to resort to a judicial ruling or a military coup then there will be uproar and potential civil war.

    Which is why they continue to lay more and more threats on Yingluck, trying to pressure her into giving up. But she knows that will let them win.

    So rightly she says she will stay until the judicial/military coup happens - which she knows they do not want to do as they know the potential consequences.

    This is why at the moment there is stalemate.

    All in my opinion of course.

    • Like 1
  5. I notice that there are no photo's with this news story, that probably says it all really.

    I expect the fleet of brand new shiny red tractors and people in brand new first time ever worn farmers clothes decided not to go near a small group of red shirts.............

    Perhaps they might have been scared their southern dialect would have been picked up quite quickly ?

    In my opinion of course.

  6. The report that indicated the suspect threw a device just as he "parked his car" sounds very doubtful to me. There is nowhere to park there. It is not possible and particularly not without the special pass given by security PDRC. It doesn't sound right, not that it is any less sad

    Read my earlier post, looks like it was a 40mm grenade fired from an M79.

    Could have be fired from anywhere in the vicinity.

  7. Yingluck was in Rayong today, at the funeral of the policeman killed it seems from all evidence by PDRC armed thugs at Phan Fa.


    So she is not in a safe house.

    Yet another ultra-biased anti-government nonsense propaganda story blown away..................

    When will these PDRC supporters stop writing such lies and nonsense in their papers...... ?

    All in my opinion of course.

    and yet no time to comment on yesterdays tragic terrorist bombing and murder of children or did I miss it?

    Could be a long wait.

    I am still waiting for Abhisit and Suthep to apologise over the killing of innocent red shirts and bystanders in 2010 - 4 years and counting.

    In my opinion of course.

  8. check out the video on richard's twitter of the kids being loaded into ambulances after being hit by the bomb at Big C.

    Not a bomb as such it seems.

    Initial reports say its a 40mm grenade launched from an M79 somewhere in the vicinity..


    Often used by NAVY SEALS...............

    The tuk-tuk driver has been released and the army and police appear to have no idea who did this. I bet the people whose photos have been posted around everywhere accusing them of being the bomber will perhaps now be taking legal action against the people posting those photos on various places around the internet.

    All in my opinion of course.

    • Like 1
  9. The red shirts have never said they will target any protestors with violence - please show me your links where it explicitly says violence will be used against protesters by red shirts.

    RT@veen_NT: 5.25pm Nattawut: We are fir all-out battle although we don't have our stage in Bangkok yet. It will be our greatest fight.

    RT@waanspeaking RT @nikhon_: (A) red shirt leader said on stage in Korat he/she was gratified by attack at PDRC Trat stage. Tida had to stop him/her.

    Looks like their battle has started.

    So yes, you have no links to any red shirts saying they will use violence against protestors.

    Just as I thought you would not.

    • Like 1
  10. Yingluck was in Rayong today, at the funeral of the policeman killed it seems from all evidence by PDRC armed thugs at Phan Fa.


    So she is not in a safe house.

    Yet another ultra-biased anti-government nonsense propaganda story blown away..................

    When will these PDRC supporters stop writing such lies and nonsense in their papers...... ?

    All in my opinion of course.

  11. Why are people taking children to these protests? I have a five year old daughter and therefore those pictures of her in the hospital hit me pretty hard. I remember in 2010, people holding screaming babies above barricades in Bangkok. Leave the kids at home!

    She was eating at the noodle stall in the maRKET not protesting

    And even if she was at the Protest site, She didn't deserve to be shot!

    It appears she was hit by shrapnel from grenade thrown at PDRC guards eating at the noodle stall.

    She was not shot.

    Although I understand for those trying to spin this for their gain saying she was shot sounds more dramatic. if the headline were that she was an innocent bystander hit by shrapnel from a grenade thrown at PDRC guards eating at the stall where she was by unknown attackers - its less helpful to the PDRC cause perhaps................

    Its terrible she was killed and all violence needs to be condemend.

    All in my opinion of course.

  12. The major aspect of this article revolves around the word "BELIEVED".

    A biased newspaper prints a story saying it thinks, perhaps, could be, maybe she is at a safe house.

    They have no proof, they have no evidence and their whole story is based on their "belief" she is. This again shows the very worst of the bias in certain media outlets who print headline stores based on rumour with no evidence of it being correct or not

    All in my opinion of course.

    Is it unreasonable to speculate when the PM disappears for 4 days during a political crisis? At least when she is publicly lying we know there is some faint semblance of leadership.

    In 2010 PM Abhisit disappeared for 2 weeks !!!!!!!! Not seen in public for 2 whole weeks.

    Speculation in some areas was the military had killed him, military arrested him, he had run away to a foreign country and other such nonsense.

    My question would be why do you beleive the nonsense put out by the biased media in Thailand - the terrible partisan bias of certain sections of the medai adds to the problems with their propaganda and nonsense stories.

  13. The major aspect of this article revolves around the word "BELIEVED".

    A biased newspaper prints a story saying it thinks, perhaps, could be, maybe she is at a safe house.

    They have no proof, they have no evidence and their whole story is based on their "belief" she is. This again shows the very worst of the bias in certain media outlets who print headline stores based on rumour with no evidence of it being correct or not

    All in my opinion of course.

  14. All violence must be condemned.

    From this common point we can look back at events leading up to this and some common things.

    Firstly, children should not be anywhere near to political protests, and protest leaders should discourange parents taking children to politicial protests. Sadly protest leaders see children and old people and monks as their "human shields" and so do not discourage irresponsible parents from taking children. They then milk the media should a child get hurt or worst still killed.

    Secondly, it is disgraceful for Suthep and the PDRC to be mocking the police and government claiming they have popcorn warriers defending them who will kill and shoot police. This outrageous behaviour will stop many police from being too close to and therefore protecting protestors and protests. This outrageous behaviour will incite violence from a core element of Thai society that is violent. We all know that some police are linked with criminals, as are the Army as are the Elite of Bangkok as are politicians of all parties (just like the PDRC have thier popcorn warriers). They all have the power to put their criminal friends into gear to go out and shoot and kill for them - the outrageous mocking and batiing by Suthep has perhaps (and maybe not) led to this attack. Everyone should hang their heads in shame, the person who should do so the most is Suthep, his speeches of the last days have led to this.

    Thirdly, its is disgraceful to read people accuse red shirts of doing this. Without a single shred of evidence they feel they can justify their own hate by blaiming the people they hate for doing something like this. Many people have been wronged by the PDRC and their protests. The police, the government, many business owners, many companies, many powerful politicians, many individuals, many voters or would be voters expressing their desire for democracy - there is a very long list of millions of people who feel they have been wronged by the PDRC's antics.

    Fourthly there is always the potential for people who want military intervention to do false flag attacks to support this.

    Nobody knows the truth as it stands and nobody knows who is to blame, but everyone has to condemn violence and condemn those who openly speak of supporting violence or having armed people in thier midst ready to shoot and kill.

    In my opinion all of that, of course.

    Firstly: Go have a look at the place where this happened. It was in the middle of a village with many roadside stalls where people normally go and have a noodle soup. How do you know that this mother actually attended the rally and did not just happen to be there? (Nobody knows the truth.... blablabla, but ready to blame.)

    Secondly: Mocking the police? Give me a break! What police? They haven't done anything in this whole demonstration season except mock themselves.

    Thirdly : Trat people have a long history of being Democrats and voting for the Dems. They have come "en masse" to Bangkok to protest against the Shinawatra government. Nobody in Trat has been wronged by Suthep.

    Fourthly: It takes quite a sick mind to blame the protesters for this attack. Don't the Red Shirts have a history of brutal violence all around the country? (Remember 2010!) As they say in USA: If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, chances are it IS a duck.

    Firstly, my original post said ANYWHERE NEAR......

    if the PDRC set up a protest site near me, I would go away, I would avoid it. I certainly would not allow my kids to be anywhere near it.

    It is said the PDRC guards (maybe some popcorn warriers) were eating noodles at the shop, which is why it was targetted. Would you allow your children to be near to PDRC guards ?

    Secondly, the police are doing their job with the constraints they have. They have been told by the Army repeatedly to not use force, not use tear gas. They have the courts holding their hands behind their backs. What do you expect the police to do when they are not allowed to be police by the other forces that control Thailand ?

    Thirdly, not everyone in Trat supports the PDRC or Democrats. Why was their only 500 people at the protest and not tens of thousands. Tens of millions of people have been wronged by the PDRC in some way, shape or form.

    Fourthly, the cycle of violence was started in 2008 by the PAD/Yellow shirts. They used violence as a means back then, which has started this cycle of violence and protests.

    All in my opinion of course.

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