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About Xonax

  • Birthday 09/11/1954

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  1. What an incredible success story! So this huge increase in Chinese tourists in January could not have anything to do with, that this year Chinese new year is in January, while last year it was 2 weeks later In February???
  2. Assets is not worth anything, if you are not able to enjoy them!!
  3. Maybe next time she will opt to buy a non-flammable shading net. The lantern alone would probably not have been able to set the car on fire, but the flaming shading net did.
  4. I would would rather chop off the head of the kid that used the knife and one hand of all accomplices!
  5. The muggers could have gotten angry and killed him, if they had only found 200 Baht on him.
  6. And if your dad had worn a condom, we would not have to read your utter rubbish comment!!
  7. Who have this kind of money laying around in their hotel room, to which they are inviting hookers? Why not do a daily withdrawal in the ATM like most people do? It was most likely ill-gotten money and we all know, that easy comes easy goes ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  8. So you stopped drinking for good and never watched any news about the tsunami?
  9. That's if you drink it slowly. Who knows what happens to the body, when you drink that amount in 10 seconds? I feel sad for this guy, who obviously wasn't gifted with a normally developed brain.
  10. Australians would never call that a knife!
  11. The guy in the white tshirt seems to be very popular.
  12. How about providing helmets, that doesn't smell like old ass, together with the rental bikes. The rental helmets are never being cleaned properly and are full of bacterias.
  13. I have never paid to have sex with a hooker. But I always have to pay her to leave and get out of my life.
  14. Come on! It is not that hard to guess the name of the pizza-chain. There is only one well-known pizza restaurant chain in Thailand, which is commonly found in shopping malls.

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