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  1. If you are not "Gaming" then I like the NUC as a recommendation. Can be a bit pricy, but the small footprint and even portability aspect is good. Example: Bring PC with you Home to Office, just have the keyboard/mouse/monitor on both sides. Same thing on a trip. Can HDMI into Hotel TV, buy a KB/Mouse local.
  2. I sometimes watch the flights to/from BKK airport on FlightRadar24 or RadarBox, pretty cool sites. If you are up early (5-7am or so), you can see the Thair Airways flights coming in. They come from various places, but are lined up back to back (synchronized) coming in. Obviously I cant speak for the Profitability and Airline business, but to me, thats a good sign that its not just random Thai Airways flights coming in. That has to be a purposely thought out scheduling. So that to me shows TA is doing something to keep costs down. Obviously to have Check-in, welcome Gate, Baggage people all working continously and not stop-start (inefficient). So to hear them making money, is just reward for being pro-active and working to optimize Flights. Its a different world now with the technology out there. There are even specialized Apps of the ones we use, like Waze, TomTom and such.. that UPS and Delivery Companies are using tweaking delivery drops to where fewer Left/Right turns (depending on Country) are done. Also, many top routes of BKK are Domestic, so TA will benefit as those tend to be pretty profitable for a lot of Airlines. https://www.flightradar24.com/data/airports/bkk Wish them continued success.
  3. This is actually a genious idea. In theory, every member can claim X Virtual $$ or "Points" on the forum weekly/monthly. So makes them check in and "Bank" Points. Then use $$ for Topics and Comments, and maybe Likes or positive emoji's can refund their points spent. Rewarding good Topics/Replies. Reddit abandoned their coins thing, but I think it can be a decent idea overall.
  4. I wish Ubon Joe was around to chime in on this topic <3. That said, Kaeng Krachan sticks out for me on the list -- can be pretty decent. Bring some of that Citronella or other anti-Mosquito spray if you go.
  5. #10 is #1 for me ! Have one around Soi Arab area in Bangkok if you can !
  6. Hi, I recommend you go through the Appeal Process. https://www.binance.com/en-IN/blog/p2p/all-you-need-to-know-about-the-binance-p2p-appeals-process-421499824684901493 Also in future if anyone needs P2P, I can probably help you ond not scam. Hope this helps.
  7. Mid-Nov. 2022 used Thai lane without being Married :)
  8. Check this thread. Big fish vase with plants, and they eat the mosquito eggs.
  9. I can tell you that a lot of Chinese, including Hong Kong'ers etc.. have been couped up for nearly 3 years. So they will be ready to Travel come Chinese New Year and beyond. Question is, will they pick Thailand ? Probably spread the tourist bucks around, I'm sure some will choose other nearby places. Could be anywhere from Korea, Japan, to Bali, Malaysia, Vietnam and others. But surely Thailand will get a boost for Chinese NY, thats what I'm getting from my sources.
  10. Check out NaturalNews.com for Cholesterol or any ailment, just search at top. For example: https://www.naturalnews.com/search.asp?query=High+Cholesterol Its showing a few articles that Cholesterol is not necessarily a bad thing. That said, as some other posters wrote, healthier food in gets you on the right track. Cheers to a good & healthy 2023 !
  11. Its a real shame this has gone downhill so much. For a Decade been getting STV + METV's (when it started to be available) from Toronto Consulate. Handed in Documents + Fee in person, Visa was ready sometimes the next day, if not 2 days at most. Picture, 1-Way Ticket, maybe a Copy of Passport, and was good. Now the requirements have really added up, to what end ? Its pretty insane. And now we go from 2 days to 15-20 Day processing ? I highly doubt Applications have gone up 10x to justify this. And if so, then put another body in. Also the Application on ThaiEVisa site seems to be flawed, where can only upload 1 attachment per requirement. So for Bank Statements that they want 6 Months, only able to upload 1 PDF, despite trying to drag in a 2nd. All I can say, is atleast we have 45 day Exempt we can rely on. Best of luck to all.
  12. Something like this ? https://property.kkpfg.com/products/6e26df2d-7428-42c8-8c70-51048f325471 This one been collecting dust for a long time now. Not sure on structural safety but can try/ask.
  13. Fazwaz and Lazudi both do a decent job, especially Faz with the map function. Just look around and use it to locate Moo Baan's worth going around in person, then go take a tour in person. Most times the security guard will let you through if you say "just looking for buy/rent". Then for the areas you like, re-look them up on the sites or call the numbers you took down when you were visiting. (You did take pictures and phone numbers right?) As there will be some that are not on site listing, but have signs out front on door/gate. Good luck.
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