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Posts posted by puchooay

  1. They need a current address, so anything older than 1 year is unlikely to work.

    My point exactly.

    Also my wife has only had a Thai passport for 6 months. My daughter is a lot older than that. I can't prove we were in the same country at conception, although this is the first time I have heard of that requirement.

    As far as I can see the requirement is for proof of address in Thailand, marriage cert ( if child born before 2006), copies of birth certificates for child and both parents ( all in English). Copy of Father's British passport and copy of child's Thai passport if they have one.

  2. Why do some people just ask a question on this form, before they check there embassy website?

    The process for obtaining a British passport is not as simple as some countries.

    The stories I have heard recently about it vary in every way. From time scale to documents needed to methods of payment.

    I will soon be applying for a passport for my daughter and any first hand knowledge is invaluable.

    If my experience is anything to go by, it's quick and easy to do it from Thailand.

    But you used an agent.

    As we can see there are already 2 different lists of required documents.

    I have heard that proof of address can not be older than 1 year. To the poster who used yellow book and driving licence...how old were they at time of application?

  3. Why do some people just ask a question on this form, before they check there embassy website?

    The process for obtaining a British passport is not as simple as some countries.

    The stories I have heard recently about it vary in every way. From time scale to documents needed to methods of payment.

    I will soon be applying for a passport for my daughter and any first hand knowledge is invaluable.

  4. After you got your letter from transport office what other paper wok did you need for immigration?

    May I ask why you need it and where you are? I ask because , as an example, for a driving licence in Buriram you can get a residence letter from the police station.
    That is not an option in Surin province and never has been for many years.
    And that is why I asked. The OP did not state where he lives.

    He mentioned KapCheong. It is my belief that this immigration office serves Buriram and Surin. It was therefore possible that he could live in either province.

  5. After you got your letter from transport office what other paper wok did you need for immigration?

    May I ask why you need it and where you are? I ask because , as an example, for a driving licence in Buriram you can get a residence letter from the police station.

  6. I was under the impression that if you got a new passport only extensions had to be transferred and not entry stamps. I remember reading on here somewhere that borders and airports would re stamp an entry into the new passport before also stamping an exit stamp.

    I friend of mine went to ChongChom border last week. He has a tourist visa. He showed his old passport with the entry stamp.

    The officer at the border made him go back to immigration to have the stamp transferred to the new passport.

    Is this the correct procedure now?

  7. Sausages can be different. Please have a look at TGM's website. I love their products:


    Quite possibly the worst pretend sausages in Thailand.

    You have no idea what you're talking about. Have you ever tried the Nuernberger Bratwurst? Not much different to buying them in Germany.

    They have fantastic sausages and if you dislike them, you've got no idea what good food really is.

    Americans with their "white enriched bread", hot dogs, etc... then the Brits with their traditional and fatty Fish n' Chips, as their "National dish?

    TGM has a wide variety of great sausages and if you don't like the taste, you must be used to junk food.

    But me as German ( from lower Franconia, a real food paradise) guy discussing with an American/ Aussie/ Brit what good food should taste/look like, is pretty much insane.

    I've eaten food from all around the world and I think I can judge what's good and what's terrible. Just had a chat with a Filipino who praised their foods, god I can't eat any of their stuff.

    You're right, I'm wrong and that's fine.

    So just because someone disagrees with you they are wrong?

    I can't say that I have had many "fatty fish and chips". There are many many fine places that cook this great dish very well.

    There are a plethora of great dishes originating from Britain.

    Just because people have different tastes doesn't make them insane.

  8. I avoid driving through Korat as much as possible. They need ring roads, but maybe that concept is too difficult to grasp.

    What exactly do you mean by a ring road??
    If you mean by-pass then Korat has the main Northern by-pass where you miss Korat completely by going north of Joho, and if you are going to Ubon or that way then you take a completely different road (route 24) from the Korat road and can then use the zoo road to get up to the Buriram turn off if necessary. What more ring roads would you need?
    HL biggrin.png
    A ring road is a system of roads that avoids the city altogether. The zoo road is often heavily congested, and the only way to avoid Korat coming from Buriram intending to go north is via Phi Mai I believe, where you risk finding yourself stuck behind a truck or tractor.

    Yes I can see that, I was referring to the large amount of traffic traveling from Bangkok to the east or northeast that has been catered for. Surely there can't be that much traffic going from Buriram to Phi Mai every day to necessitate the expenditure of building a ring road....lol

    You could say the same thing about Buriram but we have excellent ring roads. My GPS has never yet, based on current traffic, sent me any other way than through Korat (past the Mall) when I make the mistake of trying to get to Buriram from Bangkok via Korat, even at high traffic density.

    Why are you going via Korat? Do you need to enter Korat to visit someone or somewhere? If so then you don't need a ring road as you are entering the town. If you do not need to go to Korat then just head straight down the 24.
  9. You make no claim that you weren't speeding so what's your beef...or are you just advising drivers to observe the posted speed limits?

    And if you plan to speed, just apply some strategic mud-spatter to the front license plate.

    I have reread both my post and the original post and I can't see any reference to complaints at all so why do you talk about beef???

    Simply passing on information so what's wrong with that?

    And your idea of deliberately covering up your number plate, although it is an interesting idea, is surely a whole lot worse than slipping over the speed limit......lol


    Maybe he was referring to the sentence "Apparently they found a way to make easy money;".

    That could be construed as a beef.

  10. ฿100 plus a can of beer? Oh dear.

    If only.

    In many places the chosen PuuYaiBan is funded by the local Kamnan or head of Tessaban. They get their cronies in all of the villages and then they can run the whole area, as every vote for future projects will be a resounding YES.

    Last year the going rate for the vote in the village where I live was anything from 2500 to 3500 baht.

  11. Strongly recommend you avoid Buriram. It's a sh*t hole. Why? It's a small town that thinks it's a big one, with many falang who fall into the same description. And I knoe as I lived there but saw the light and got out before it ruined my sanity.

    Surin is much better but very quiet also.

    Unfair of me to agree with you on the basis of my only visiting Buriram for one night (whereas I live near Sisaket and visited Surin for a couple of weekends).

    But I do agree with you - wholeheartedly (though can't comment on the local expat's assessment, as I never found any in a town that seemed to have pulled up the pavements at 6pm!

    I'd better not go back eh?


    Forgot - it does of course have the most successful football team, so maybe I will go back one day!

    You should have stuck with your own advice in your first paragraph.

  12. Strongly recommend you avoid Buriram. It's a sh*t hole. Why? It's a small town that thinks it's a big one, with many falang who fall into the same description. And I knoe as I lived there but saw the light and got out before it ruined my sanity.

    Surin is much better but very quiet also.

    Chudless, when did you leave Buriram as it's changed beyond belief in the last 2 years. Lots of pubs, clubs, restaurants, good hotels etc.

    Don't worry about Chudless. He still comes to Buriram for visits, from somewhere out in the boonies where he now lives.

  13. I am surprised you haven't learned by now that farang's teaching English are not looked about very highly by any level of Thai society.

    Quite the opposite.

    One of the very first things to learn and understand in Thailand. Money and power, which a farang teacher has neither.

    Thai's aspire and worship money and power.

    A farang teacher making 30,000 baht a month to them is considered a failure.

    Why in the world would Thai's respect that?

    Build a 30,000,000 baht house in the village.

    Cruise into school in a 6,000,000 Benz.

    Then you will get the respect you seek.

    Short of that, the truth is, farang's that move to Thailand to teach for 30,000 a month are considered the very lower rung of society.

    Thai's have no respect for anything except money and power.

    That is the way of Thai's.

    Do not take it personally, you can never change the facts.

    To Thai people you are a farang, you are not someone to look up to because you have not achieved money or power.

    This post is a bigger insult to Thai people than it is to English teachers.

    What Thailand are you living in?

    In a country where parents still sell their own kids into prostitution, it is all about the money.

    Thai's give respect to people that have money, whether they are corrupt, gangsters or whatever.

    That is the way the country works.

    It is all about the money and power.

    Farang school teachers are nobodies and no one respects them and never will.

    Never mind the fact 95% of the Thai people would rather not have farangs in the country at all.

    Farang teachers will always be dead last on the respect list.

    Don't forget that those in control of the schools know exactly how little baht farang teachers make, therefore they have no power or respect.

    Like it or not, that is the way the real world works.

    The biggest load of twaddle I have ever heard. It sounds like there is only really one person with a problem here.

  14. one needs to keep a cool head and things in perspective. the society is not progressive nor is the education. it is a country of peasant culture. you need to feel confident within yourself most importantly then things wont upset that much.

    i encountered the things that upset the OP while teaching temp at a rural school. i really dont care and not phased. even had some sympathy for those people. have also lectured at abac and mahidol where i wish it would be less formal in addressing people.

    take a deep breath and relax.

    Seems putting people down is a two way thing.

  15. I did not mention the average salaries. That was someone else. Why quote me?

    Where did I mention that the payslips were together?

    The family member I mentioned, not friend, did most definately see those payslips. As you no nothing about their position how would youe be able to make, yet another, unsubstantiated comment?

    I have never mentioned merit. I did mention time. As teachers receive yearly pay rises it makes sense that longer serving teachers would have higher salaries.

    No managerial means exactly that.

    Don't get upset...It's Christmas and you asked what my point was. I gave a detailed reply, nothing more. I seriously doubt the family member would know the Director's compensation package, but go ahead and think he/she does. I don't care. You are again not being clear what you mean by "non/no managerial" positions. Again, I don't care. I know what the other teachers earn not counting extra benefits such as matching contributions to retirement, Credit Union benefits, and health care(which isn't the same as foreigners are on i.e. "Social").

    Don't go much on Christmas. I'm not upset either Mr Mangosteen. Just pointing things out for those that are interested.

    Just a hint......those that administer the teachers' bank would know exactly what teachers' renumeration packages are.

    If you don't understand what a non managerial position is then...well.

  16. I did not mention the average salaries. That was someone else. Why quote me?

    Where did I mention that the payslips were together?

    The family member I mentioned, not friend, did most definately see those payslips. As you no nothing about their position how would youe be able to make, yet another, unsubstantiated comment?

    I have never mentioned merit. I did mention time. As teachers receive yearly pay rises it makes sense that longer serving teachers would have higher salaries.

    No managerial means exactly that.

  17. Average pay for Thai teachers in government schools is 15-18k a month. Easy to research...

    Yes, after a couple of years. Teachers that have more years have more salary.

    Non managerial graded teachers can be on 40000+ by time of retirement.

    As I said, I've seen the pay slips. Not all of then, not every month, but enough random observations to come to a different conclusion. There doesn't seem to be any concern from privacy other than at the Director and Department Head levels. The Teachers pay slips are routinely laid out for same to pick up each payday. You can clearly see the gross salary and the usual set of deductions which while in Thai I assume some are to their version of a Government Credit Union" as oddball figures.

    Back again, to the topic, it's easier to just do your best and know you will be paid as agreed. Don't like the salary or conditions, find another occupation or school. Cheers mate.

    And your point is?

    A member of my family happened to work in a position where they did see all of the payslips all of the time.

    They never saw a director on 100000. They saw some teachers on 15000 and other non managerial teachers on different amounts rising to 40000+.

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