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Posts posted by puchooay

  1. Faz,

    I worked for a company that actually processed CRB checks ( now DBS).

    Firstly there is no such thing as a 'civil misdemeanour' in UK law, which is why I thought you were not from the UK.

    Secondly there is not a separate section for cautions on a DBS check is is just one section covering "summary of convictions and reprimands / warnings / cautions / impending prosecutions"

    But you are correct it will be annotated as a caution.

    You are also correct that a caution is not a criminal conviction however it is issued by the Police for a criminal offence.

    For a job working with children (or vulnerable adults) either paid or unpaid a caution will be shown on a DBS check.

    I received a caution a few years back. I have since had a police clearance notice from the police in UK. Clear, nothing , zilch.

  2. Driving a Fortuner on a Teacher's salary?? That should raise some questions on it's own.

    Have you not heard about the scandalous government loans that they all get?

    There is a teachers' bank set up by teachers for teachers. There is nothing scandalous about it and the government gain and lose nothing.

    Basically it is set up like a cooperative. Some teachers invest and some borrow. The rates for investment are very good. That ensures that the bank stays in the black.

    Anyone can invest in this enterprise. You need to be introduced by a teacher.

    It is a no lose situation for investors. Loan payments are taken at source, from the teachers' salary. It is impossible to default. Therefore the bank runs smoothly and teachers have access to low interest loans.

  3. Okay, many a man has been dumped once she's secure in her new country.

    You sure assume a lot, you even know the ages of these people, but it's me who comes off as a cvnt.

    Look, if y'all are happy with your illusions of Thailand, go for it.

    I just Wikied Thai Internet censorship. Have a look! Now there's a progressive nation (kingdom)! cheesy.gif Want to know what's censored here? Nothing!

    There are two activities I as a foreigner can't participate in; I can't vote or run for political office. How about you? Is everything you own in your wife's name? biggrin.png

    Sadly you give yourself away. If you were half as educated as you make out, you would realise that the title "third world" is severly outdated and indeed no longer vald.

    Feel free to have a go at something that has obviously got you in the past. Got bitten did you?

    Your last question also shows you up. Read up on ownership rules before you gob off.

    From reading a previous post I can only assume you are living, maybe partly, in America. No censorship in the gold ole US of A eh?????????

  4. I personally find the Ayam brand too sweet. Brooks is better but still a bit sweet. I did find one brand at TescoLotus quite some time ago which was not too bad. I think it was UFC brand but not sure.

    Many of the brands taste sweet. I tend to add some pepper and vinegar or Worcester sauce while cooking. Maybe some paprika or chilli.

  5. If he's at tech college, that means he failed the high school for whatever reason.

    (Naughty children, stupid children and problem children are all told to leave government high school at age 15+, after M3)

    Best not to get involved, you're clearly not helping his education.

    What complete rubbish.. Technical college is technical college. It is to learn a technical trade. They have a bad name generally because of Thailand's enfercise on degrees. But you as a student are certainly not forced to go there.

    Maybe the post was a bit strong but, generally, it is the weaker students that give up school at 15 and go to Tech College.

  6. I don't understand how this guy is selling Yum woonsen either. For sure he doesn't have 2 thai employees (except his wife) and I don't believe he paid up 2 million baht as registered capital

    A month ago I saw him at the same spot again, he gave up selling his yum moonsen and is now selling selfie stcks to tourists !

    You don't need to pay up 2million. There are other ways to do it and perfectly legal.

  7. "Just came back from my director's office, where I had to see two Immigration officers. Of course did I not have my passport and work permit, but they knew me and were also aware that I have both in order."

    Back page of the work permit quite clearly states " A work permit holder shall carry the permit with himself/herself, or keep it at the place of work while working, ready at all times, for presenting to the competent official or the registrar. Any permit holder who violates or fails to comply with the foregoing shall be liable to a fine of not exceeding ten thousand Baht."

    So I can't see why you say "Of course I did not have,,,,,,," , by law you should have had it with you.

    As for your passport, you should have either had that on your person or as the Police General said a few months ago, at least a copy of your details page, your last visa/extension page.

    I beg your pardon. It was more a sort of sarcasm as I had all, including my drivers' licenses in my gloves department for months now and just took it out three days before the Immigration showed up.Took all out and left it at home after renewing my DL.

    I know what's written on a work permit and I'm also aware of the rule that a foreigner should always have at least a copy of the passport.

    Before asking "the lawyer", I'd kindly like to inform you that I know most of the Immigration officers in 13 years of living in this area, so they might know more about me than my wife and I do....facepalm.gif

    Also most cops from my province where I'm residing know me, as well as the police officers in the town where I'm working.

    But thank you very much for the laws in Thailand lesson, really deeply appreciated, will never happen again. I apologize for breaking several laws. wai2.gif

    You know all of these special people and still cannot get social security??? 5555

  8. KhunBENQ I am married to a Thai and we had to take two witnesses when I did mine at Korat land office.

    It all depends on who you see and what side of the bed they got out of as with everything here....lol

    By the way the witnesses had to be official people as well so we took a lawyer and a neighbor who works for a different government office.


    Land office? Isn't it done at your local district administration office?

  9. Probably going to be NackornChaiAir bus company. They are the best. They also have their own bus terminal near to MorChit.

    The cost would work out about 275 baht for the largest size foam box. NCA have a limit of 20kgs per box. You will need to factor in the cost of the box as it will likely cost more to get it back than it is worth.

    Dry ice is also expensive. To transport 30kgs I would estimate 1000 baht. Your customer then has to get the box from MorChit.

  10. Nice to see all the ex accident investigators are out again.

    Nice to see the usual inane comment from those who fail to recognise what a discussion on an internet forum is all about.

    Well no, its not nice, its boring... if you don't expect to see comments, read the news !...

    You are quite correct about inane comments. Most of the comments on this thread are inane, due to the lack of that little thing called evidence.

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