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Posts posted by puchooay

  1. The schools it seems lie to the M.of Education regarding the "NES" aspects, and of course to the parents who also pay in cases of MEP and EP programs. Budgets for such things as air conditioners and computer equipment are apparently done in advance but subject to additional requests. It depends again on how well the school is connected to the person handing out the money. My understanding is the school declares a certain number of hours taught by the foreigners and is given money based on this. Of course, days for visits the temple or sports days etc. are counted as being taught. It is never clear to anyone how the money could be skimmed off or put in someone's pocket. Too many checks and balances for that.

    The Directors make far more than 50,000.Baht a month, even in small schools. I've seen the teachers pay slips and many are over that so needless to say, the Director is going to get more than 100,000.Baht a month. I don't know about expense accounts.

    There are also fixed assets which need upgrades like sidewalks.

    As a foreigner, you are better off not concerning yourself with all this and just work directly for the school, do the job to the best of your ability and you will be paid as agreed. These stories of not donating to Social Security etc. are very rare and without merit. The school has too much face to lose cheating foreigners

    Average pay for Thai teachers in government schools is 15-18k a month. Easy to research...

    Yes, after a couple of years. Teachers that have more years have more salary.

    Non managerial graded teachers can be on 40000+ by time of retirement.

  2. I must admit that in the last 10 years I have taught here I was surprised how many directors were able to own a Benz. Even the schools accountant had a decent new car, I think they might of been in cahoots!

    With a director's salary in the region of 50000 baht a month and the teachers' bank offering loans at very low rates, it is not difficult to understand how they can buy nice cars.

    New Mercedes s-class starts at about 6 million baht. 10 years of that entire 50,000 baht salary with zero baht left over for food, housing, etc. That teacher's loan will pay for a normal car and maybe even a house, but it is not remotely sufficient for a Mercedes. People are getting money from elsewhere.

    Not sure who mentioned S class but there you go. You probably don't know how the loan system works. You are also assuming that this is a single person. You are also assuming that they don't own their own house.

  3. I must admit that in the last 10 years I have taught here I was surprised how many directors were able to own a Benz. Even the schools accountant had a decent new car, I think they might of been in cahoots!

    With a director's salary in the region of 50000 baht a month and the teachers' bank offering loans at very low rates, it is not difficult to understand how they can buy nice cars.

  4. First thought: “Run, buddy, run.” Second thought: “Use all your sick leave days, business days and see your embassy as often as possible…..

    It seems that your days are counted and you won’t be employed at this school next academic year.

    The problem is that when you sign it, you’re okay with not getting paid for April, nor for May because you’re not working there anymore. ( Sorry, I'm just assuming)

    But there's the Thai labor law. And a lot of more but's.......

    It seems that they have found a cheaper replacement or something bad about you was part of the weekly/daily gossip. I’d immediately start to look for a new job, but would never tell anybody about it. Think about all “your friends” first, please. Your best “mate” might get the position, soon?

    Your “legal status” is a very difficult one and would be worth to ask in the “ask the lawyer forum.”

    The biggest problem might be that the HoD can tell you anything that will happen next year, but spoken words mean nothing in this country.

    And she/he might not even know what's really going on.

    I really feel very sorry for you for being in such a situation. Please stay calm whatever will happen. Did you pay in the Thai social security for the whole time? Best of luck for you. wai2.gif

    I've been paying the tax yearly.

    ​Social security, I'm not too sure.

    If it is rolled in with the tax then, yes.

    Foreigners usually pay 750 baht per month, the employer as well. Nothing to do with the annual tax.

    Not just foreigners. Everyone pays the same. It is 5% of your salary. The cap is at 750.

  5. "There were times where you could choose two government hospitals, but I think it's only one for foreigners now. "

    You do not have to choose government hospitals, (I am registered at a private hospital), and foreigners have to choose 3 hospitals, and always have since I have lived here.

    The name of the hospital at which you are covered is written on the SS card. There is only one.

    If you are registered at a private hospital then you will not be covered for all expences.

    Yes I am, exactly the same as if I had chosen the local government hospital. The coverage is exactly the same !

    Exactly my point. Coverage is the same, so some expences that are incurred at private hospitals but not at government hospitals are not covered. Such as accomodation.

  6. Technically any work is deemed as such and a work permit is needed.

    In reality, helping at home and on your wife's land is extremely unlikely to ruffle any feathers.

    In the past, I have even been asked at a Labour office if I could teach the staff English. Joked for quite a while about needing a work permit. Finally they got the chicken and somtam out and we sat having lunch in the office and they started learning English.

    If any problems did occur with locals, it is unlikely that any Thai people in a remote village would even be aware of such legislation anyway.

  7. "There were times where you could choose two government hospitals, but I think it's only one for foreigners now. "

    You do not have to choose government hospitals, (I am registered at a private hospital), and foreigners have to choose 3 hospitals, and always have since I have lived here.

    The name of the hospital at which you are covered is written on the SS card. There is only one.

    If you are registered at a private hospital then you will not be covered for all expences.

  8. Sorry but I don't understand. What kind of school is it you are working for?

    I'm asking myself the same question every day. gigglem.gif

    It's a so-called "Anuban" from Kindergarten to M.3 in a small town.

    Even people in the provincial city, where I'm, actually living, use the phrase "Poo--O ghinn Tangh maak." "Director eats a lot off money."

    I hope now it's payback time.

    What I mean to say is are you teaching at a private or government school?

    "Anuban" schools, those with the name Anuban in them, only go up to grade 6.

    Fully fledged government teachers do not join the same SS scheme. Private schools do not have to join the SS scheme.

    That is why your post is confusing.

  9. If Rural Isaan is so conservative, why has every village an abundance of "Kareoke" type bars and (short time) motels ???

    That is nothing to do with Farang involvement/degradation either.

    Having read another thread connected to this on another forum I think it is important to highlight your glaring error.

    Towns and villages are not the same thing. Villages also carry a number and are preceded by the word "Moo" and sometimes "Mooban". A town is the most commercialised area of a particular district and are often called "Naimuang".

    Using the word "village" in this comment is misleading and clearly incorrect. If your were to say "every town" then that would be more accurate.

  10. So many bitter and twisted people on this thread.

    Why oh why do people rush into things when there is no trust?

    The comments about lying and having to lock up land papers and car log books is so sad that I laughed.

  11. That is interesting as you can not buy land in your wife's name - she can only buy land if the funds are hers alone as foreigners are not allowed to own land so any documents saying otherwise would put land purchase in question I suspect - and could be used against the foreigner as proof of intent to circumvent Thai land ownership laws. You may more on your plate than you know - and it may be good judge did not pay attention to that paperwork.

    Dear member, I think there is al litle misunderstanding here...any farang can give money to any woman to purchase land...

    That is technically true Jan, and happens all the time. However when registering the land at the land Office, and obtaining a chanote, the Thai and farang have to both sign documents, effectively stating the land was bought by the Thai with her own money, and the farang has no interest whatsoever in the land. In that respect the land is hers. However if you have receipts/documents etc showing you paid for the house construction, you could argue the house was yours. The land registration book (the blue book) does not convey ownership of the house or the land.

    Unless the land is purchased under the " sin smorot" agreement.

  12. This sounds strange. My experiences of the family court in Buriram is that the judge is very fair. As it seems that Jan does not have a lawyer I wonder who told him about the sentencing. Unless Jan speaks good Thai then I would suggest that the story may have been exaggerated. Time to get legal advice.

  13. This is not an old thing, as one poster has said. It is relatively new. Amongst other things, one of the reasons is that word gets around of all of the scams. One other reason, as someone had mentioned, is cost. Why would tourist come to Thailand and pay as much for a restaurant meal and a beer as they would at home?
    where do u live, need to visit your country, as now way can i buy a meal in Oz as cheap as in Thailand.... Europeans arent traveling due to one thing, economic issues, like most of the world...
    I'm from England. Last time I was in Bangkok I paid more for a beer than my local in England. The food was also way expensive.
    Your local is not really a benchmark against dining out in a cosmopolitan city, or is your local in soho?
    Not too many pubs still open in UK ( as at 2015)unless it was a Weatherspoons. Maybe it was years ago??????

    So you call Weatherspoons a pub. I disagree.

    No, my local is a free house. Great place, often with guest ales. Price comparison as of April 2015

  14. I'm from England. Last time I was in Bangkok I paid more for a beer than my local in England. The food was also way expensive.

    I'm from England too,

    Last time I was in Bangkok, I scored a 26 year old that weighed 47Kg ....... didn't care about the price of beer or dinner.

    Last time I was in Exeter, I scored a 60 year old that weighed 110Kg ....... but to be fair, she did cook me a very nice Xmas dinner free of charge.

    Depends where your priorities lie really, and your age.

    In another 10 years I expect I will value food above sex.

    Quite possibly the saddest post I have ever seen on TV.

    BTW..you didn't "score" that young lady in Bangkok. You are even sadder than your post if you think you did.

  15. This is not an old thing, as one poster has said. It is relatively new. Amongst other things, one of the reasons is that word gets around of all of the scams. One other reason, as someone had mentioned, is cost. Why would tourist come to Thailand and pay as much for a restaurant meal and a beer as they would at home?

    where do u live, need to visit your country, as now way can i buy a meal in Oz as cheap as in Thailand.... Europeans arent traveling due to one thing, economic issues, like most of the world...

    I'm from England. Last time I was in Bangkok I paid more for a beer than my local in England. The food was also way expensive.

  16. I asked because Vientiane does not do any multiple entry visas. If you want a multiple entry visa you will have to go to Savannakhet. They do not ask for financial proof.

    Confirm still to be the case as of 11th October. You also need original marriage cert and copy of Laos visa page. Wife to sign documents referring to her. You sign yours. We both signed copy of marriage cert. Wife's passport not needed.
  17. Why would tourist come to Thailand and pay as much for a restaurant meal and a beer as they would at home?

    Because the Issan hooker (from the OP) he takes home, after dinner and the beer, costs 1/10 the price of a western girl and is 10x more attractive (not to mention 1/2 the age and 1/2 the weight).

    Does it have to be an Issan hooker? I think not. Your fractions also seem to be out.

    Most tourists don't come here for food and beer? Really?

    The reason the ladies have no work is simply cost. What can be had else where is becoming cheaper and safer from scams.

    I don't frequent such areas but hear what goes on from some that do.

  18. This is not an old thing, as one poster has said. It is relatively new. Amongst other things, one of the reasons is that word gets around of all of the scams. One other reason, as someone had mentioned, is cost. Why would tourist come to Thailand and pay as much for a restaurant meal and a beer as they would at home?

  19. As far as I know, any form of Euthanasia is against the law in Thailand. So, keeping a patient alive 24/7 on life support is a MUST for any hospital.

    And not to forget: It's far more lucrative for a hospital to keep a guy on life support for months, than allowing for a "quick exit".

    Let's be honest. Every Farang living in the "sticks" would rather drop death on the spot, instead of undergoing a lengthy treatment in a provincial hospital.

    Having no functioning medical Air-Evac system in place, this is usually the time when people realize, how far away Bangkok's hospitals are.


    Why would you need to worry about how far away Bangkok hospitals are? There are many very good hospitals around. People come on here with one example of an error in a hospital and every one goes mad. Just think about it. If Doctors outside of Bangkok were that bad then the locals would be dropping like flies. There must be thousands of people who walk out of hospital in great health for every one that doesn't make it.

  20. Does anyone know if a Krungthai bank visa debit card,would be acceptable as payment to the HMPO to renew a British passport


    Very much doubt it - have one myself, it doesn't have one's name/and card number in raised letters, which seem to be the mark of the 'gold standard' for internationally functioning debit cards.

    We know that the Kasikorn K Web Shopping Card has worked with HMPO, (obtainable only with a Kasikorn Saving Account plus Internet banking), but that the SCB Virtual Credit Card doesn't (or didn't when I last checked with them a few months ago).

    I used mine when the applications had to be sent to Hong Kong.

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