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Posts posted by onlycw

  1. Hi All

    it happened upon arrival at the airport of a neighboring country. No more access. The usual rescue methods failed (cell phone, recovery e-mail "Talk 21" had been turned into a pay-for product by BT). And whenever I tried something, all I got was freaking (language of where I was staying)

    I haven't been able to log on again or access the cloud.

    Let me just say that due to stupidity, I have all my vital records up there.

    Over the months, I forgot the subjects of e-mails and names of folders. (Many times, I had passed the security hurdle only to be stopped by stuff in a language I don't speak).

    What now?

    What gives Micro$oft the right to safeguard its customers' free Hotmail accounts? Don't they get that people do travel now and then?!?

    Any suggestions what to do about this?


  2. Something really bad happened to kill healthy young women.

    And I doubt that the hotel wouldn't check the room for days. "Housekeeping", knock knock, then a discreet peek or more...

    As for the $ 20,000 payment, how many meetings and then signatures did it require to release the funds? As a former government employee, I wonder. ($ 100 for a Work Permit involved several people...)

    All I ever read about this case was here on TV. Wasn't there some industrial strength insecicide involved?

    Wish the family could find closure!

  3. I'm sick and tired of these announcements. They sure talk the talk!

    Take a close look at the drivers' permits and you will see these are often for someone else...

    A friend got ripped off by a rogue taxi at Suvarnabhumi which refused to turn on the meter. We got the car's number and - you guessed it - nothing, nada.

    The driver was a peculiar chap - very short etc.

    The same thing is's customary at schools. Long meetings, grand proclamations and then no action.

  4. Sure they can fire him. anyone can be fired - no reason needed. Instead, there is a certain protocol after an employee survived the first 120 days (probationary period).

    The termination has to coincide with the payment cycle. Depending on the length of service, this will be very expensive for the school indeed! TBH, I forgot the data, but it's 5 or 6 months' salary plus payment in lieu of notice period... Bet they haven't counted on him fighting back (or paying that much, if any).

    Private school => Labour court. It's free. and there is information on how this works.

    All he needs is show up with all the documents he has, maybe in duplicate or triplicate, with each page signed.

    They can't claim he had to be fired on the spot, can they?

    Labour court is free. They will set an arbitration hearing and the court appointed attorney will argue his case and try really hard to settle this at this stage.

    They can dismiss the guy - but it's gonna cost them dearly.

    For those who work at a government school, you need to take the school to Administrative Court. There is a 2% fee of what you are claiming payable upfront. and you have to get someone to write the complaint or writ in Thai

  5. I don't thing the new SR will sell a lot of bike in Thailand. There are so many older ones around for a fraction of the price. Granted, they don't have green books, but that's only a problem if you live in Bkk or Pattaya.

    Different story in the US and Europe (except Germany perhaps), where lots of people were 'starving'for SR. The old ones were very difficult to find in the US. I personally know of 5 people there who already bought one.

    An electric starter on the SR? Aaaarrrgghhh HERESY!!!!

    Seriously, no need for that.

    The SR has to stay the way it's always been. The FI is already a big concession to modern times imo.

    Yamaha could come up with another retro bike, though, maybe with a nice XS styled engine.

    If an Enfield Bullet can have an electric start - then why not an SR?

    I'd like to see them bring back the RD350LC (with FI and an electric startbiggrin.png )

    Why on earth? The RD 350 would be so easy to kick to life, hot or cold!

    I'vemade many people unhappy, 2-stroke smoke billowing out when started cold... I miss the Rd 350, too. Fireworks at 6,000 rpm thumbsup.gif

    • Like 2
  6. Well, they have decided not to collect any money from the foreigners. (Have you encountered schidzophrenic vascillations like this before? I sure have! Once I asked "is there a book I need to follow?" A: No book. A few weeks later, the HoD comes in and lambasts me for not using a book. You cannot make some things up.

    I was asking whom to pay - but they no longer wanted any payment. Utterly bizarre. But quite typical. We have had long meetings with grand proclamations and then? Nothing, nada!

  7. Hey, what'sup?

    Am feeling very foolish right now. A friend with a PhD returned to the U.S. with his family. He's retired and his 50% partner is some owner of many companies over here. Basically, we agreed that I would get their LLC for $ 500 each, which I paid.

    No contract. 2 years later, I wonder if they sold me "anice bridge", figuratively speaking. Doubt they even did any paperwork about changing ownership etc.

    Does anyone knows the law regarding change of ownership and reporting requirements?

    They say they spent some 300 k Baht on their import business. But without any documentation or contract, I feel like some wonnabe Romeo who sent $ 1,000 to some rager bride in Russia. Waiting for her to e-mail again and show up one day.

  8. That was my point not that he cannot get a job for the short term

    That's wrong! Why wouldn't someone who went to university for 5 years and has been working as a teacher and translator get 2 x 2 years' waivers?!? Lots of people do, even some do work here without a degree. Just saying.

  9. What is the FMV of land? I've noticed obscene prices in the last few years. Totally unrealistic IMHO.

    OTOH, there are people who turn to loan sharks demanding 5% a month. Years later,without loan repayment, they still owe 100% of the principle. That's crazy! They would fare better dumping the land for say 25% FMV than doing that... Try to find a motivated seller who needs cash pdq.

    Me, I would buy some REIT in the USA which's paying >8%. UMH maybe - operating mobile home parks. No way would i leave money here for the long term. YMMV, but I certainly would look at options outside of Thailand!

  10. How strange. Why can't the cops just show up with some search and arrest warrant and haul the honorable doctor in for extensive questioning?

    What is this pussyfooting around, with warnings and all? Remember the shocking case of the kidnappers who tortured the Karen girl, then the were allowed to leave "on bail" (low bail).

    People who kidnap and torture a child don't spend any jail time? Mmm, let me think. Apparently, yes.

    What is going on around here?!

  11. Quote: "Of course, the prices here in Thailand are way high, but here too the Bolt has the Sportster 883 beat by 120,000 Baht."

    Come on, let's talk again after 2 years riding both bikes. Depreciation will likely have eaten up the 120,000 Baht difference. Moreover, H-D's reliability has improved dramatically more than a decade ago.

    Ride both bikes for a decade and then you'd be lucky if you get 165,000 B for the Bolt. And parts prices are pretty reasonable when you order in the U.S.

    Ride on!

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