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Posts posted by onlycw

  1. Back in 2004, I had to fight to bring the rate a bit down: from 10 B to 8 B per kw/h.


    Many LLs have unashamedly cheated me over the years. Ficticious reading and all. A common trick is never to record the starting reading upon moving in.


    Presently, I'm hit with a 100 B flat-rate fee for water. And the LL invented non specified "service charges" which amount to several hundred a month. By keeping it vague on the receipt, what can I do?


    Wonna live or wonna fight? 


    One condotel was the pits. Small brand new Samsung aircon and a modern refrigerator. I was working full time. And the kw/h use was  d o u b l e  of that of my much bigger, older aircon at my condo (with me being there all the time as I wasn't working when I was there).


    Go figure. 


    Many LLs love to grab a few hundred extra. It's more like 'for fun'? 

  2. Oh, ahh. A boy fainted during the morning ceremony in direct sun. Go figure! He hadn't eaten breakfast either...


    In Vietnam, a young kid hadn't gotten any and I noticed her staring at a raw carrot (I was munching as part of a diet). Yes, she wanted it. She was HUNGRY. That kinda shocked me... As this was an expensive language school.

    • Like 1
  3. Was told to "wait 2 months" before being allowed to contribute 750 B a month, which needs to be matched by the school.


    TBH, there has been a lot of disappointment over the years:


    • a technical college never bothered, saving the 750 B alltogether.
    • in Isaan, the Finance Dept. habitually collected the contributions in cash. (When I tried to benefit, the local hospital never got a single Baht)


    Q: is there really a legal hurdle preventing an otherwise willing school to start insuring foreigners with annual contracts? Just wondering!

  4. 18 hours ago, Justfine said:

    Have a protein shake before and after.

    That shake you had the day before might matter, TBH. No way will protein get absorbed within minutes... 


    It's none of my business, but it frustrates me seeing a female friend spend hours doing cardio and running weekly half-marathons without getting rid of some annoying body fat on the butt and thighs. Wish she would get serious about resistance training.


    Muscles help burn fat. 


    Rant over. - The old Romans had a saying "half of any task is done once you have actually started" (Dimidium facti, qui coepit habet: saper aude, incipe)!

  5. http://ananmoney.com/suzuki-gd-110-price-spec/ 


    I like its looks and the riding position. Who owns one and can share the experience? Japanese Quality Control and a simple, tried & tested design does appeal to me as an alternative to a step-through.


    Years ago, I bought a Kawasaki 1000 for that price and it was a money pit. New & with warranty appeals to me now, although it will be a weak engine. 

    • Like 1
  6. Can someone recommend such a shop in town and give an address or describe the location?


    Today I stumbled upon such a shop in a much smaller town 105 km away from Chiang Mai. Most of the stuff was horrible. But there were good shirts & jackets, too. Apparently, brand names have no meaning to the proprietor. Picked up some luxury brands ?

  7. I've posted in the Banking & Jobs forum about a Thai friend's plight. Drowning in debt, getting sued by a car finance company. 


    - 102% of his 20 k salary does to debt service. Credit cards, mortgage and the car finance blew up and now he is being sued for 248 k with an instant demand of 108 k.


    Q: is there a negotiator or BK attorney in town?


    What about personal bankruptcy?


    What would be the "protected amount" creditors couldn't grab? 


    Hope that he can get some advice (perhaps even at the court??). 

  8. Married with a daughter, 34, earns 20 k and his liabilities are >20 k. His wife stopped working due to some health issue. 

    Now the finance company is suing over his 2549 D-Max truck bought 2 years ago for 260 k. In court, they want 248 k. 108 k instantly? Why can't he just surrender the truck?


    I have many other questions, including


    1. is there personal bankruptcy?
    2. Who could help someone who is clearly out of his depth?
    3. What would be the protected amount a debtor may earn without creditors being able to grab?
    4. Unless there was fraud, how on earth can responsible lenders allow someone to pledge 100% of his total income?!?


    Elsewhere, I have noticed shocking stupidity & recklessness when it comes to spending on debt. New cars (for the daughter in Bangkok, with its good public transport), Iphones, Ipads etc. Buy anything on some 30-months-finance plan.



    My friend contemplated suicide. 


    Surely, there must be ways to handle this better? 


    My dream is to negotiate some settlements and perhaps advancing what's needed to  c l o s e  the credit cards etc. 


    What kind of experiences can you share about someone like him? Are there BK lawyers? (He lives near Chiang Mai).


    Say he cannot pay what the court demands. Will his home get auctioned off next? 


    Closing, Google Translate has its issues. We haven't been able to communicate in English...


    Thank you in advance for sharing true stories and giving tips. (I fear he has been ignoring the debt monster far too long).

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    • Haha 1
  9. The availability of food outside meals at all times is the key issue, IMHO. People do like to eat because i. they may be thirsty and ii. despite not really being hungry.


    One day, I was schlepping about 15 kg in 2 groceries bag. This made me think: "what if I lost that much weight, how would I feel? Not to carry that lard ass around would mean higher energy, more attractiveness and a feeling of self-worth. 


    Does ketchup require >20% sugar? Try dropping those sugary drinks all together was a  good move. OP, thanks for your rant. We need to put children's needs first! (In Vietnam, I was written up for taking breaks. Kindergarten class. There are truly insane managers out there who want to punish kids. I've got news for you:


    they cannot learn when they are tired!!! 



  10. I hear you, brd! 


    At a private Prathom school, the shut off the water to save $$$s. I walked around, using a small bucket to flush the urinals whenever I visited that horrible place. 


    Broken toilets and other abysmal bathrooms here / new high end big screen TVs there (to blast Thai programs for hours into the English Dept.'s room). 


    PCs being equipped with only 256 MB RAM. Surprise! They wouldn't run. And the school's IT guy removed the new Crucial RAM bought for hundreds of Dollars from my notebooks. Yeah, are you surprised?

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