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Posts posted by classix

  1. Are there any alternatives near the airport for the honda clientel

    :) ??????

    Elektrostarter 1800 baht i need free fliow of alk till the end.not only 2 hours and 50 min.sure its ok for what they deliver.but i bring my wife thai with me she needs kauniau./2x1800/So i looking for something in the pricerange lets say 300 baht and spirits seperat.Kauniau for my wife and no house or techno all the time.and possible i can park my bike in front of it.

  2. Informativ .i go shopping makro.i dont have to much knowledge about this sharkfin thing.what i see about in tv didnt look good.i try my besteat little meat same thing with meat production.i not sure what country makro is orig.if it would be from my homecountry its german i may would look discretly for somebody in charge.but sure were to start.hope its still ok drink 5 beers instead of a meal.

  3. Hi All,

    there are places near future Park Rangsit. How about some buffet and

    maybe a brewery can sponsor the liquid nurishment?

    My wife works for a brewery, I could ask...

    There is a more expensive solution if you like life music. "The Green",

    about 2.5 km from the old Don Muang airport. Sprawling outdoors settings and a large indoors place with stage and more tables. Sorry for the low

    quality photos. No affiliation - there are similar places, but they are more cramped.

    What would be the location / the budget / any special requests?


    Thanks for your reply something like you suggested we need in phuket,so who has a wife here works for a brewery.thinking for a dragrace at pha klok small airport before or after the drinking contest.

  4. Went to the ''new'' Macro this week after not going for a month or two...really a huge improvement with in house bakery and deli section..and best of all now fully airconditioned..great place for shopping although some products you have to buy 'multi pack''. But generally much better than Carrefour and Lotus etc..

    I did not know they now had a house bakery & deli. Need to check that out, thanks.

    Sharkfins too.

  5. Car or motorbike.How long.ACE CAFE at Airport comes

    ACE CAFE comes what?

    ..to mind?

    i mind.....if you want park for a couple of days a bigbike safely contact me.sooner or later we open small classic bike lovers cafe near airport.bikers welcome.

  6. I would like to look thai boxing regular 100 baht others 1000 baht ,i think better grab a beer.where i get overcharged nearly happens no more one time never again.market laws work everywhere also here.the world is the market.prost.San Miguel need competition 850 baht a case.need to go back to good old chang.

  7. Many farang living here try to dissuade others from coming. Not sure why exactly. Many seem to like the idea of being the only white face in the crowd.

    Beachchair prices climb and the slim girls nomore avaible .Anything else still fantastic look north of the island same kata or naiharn 10 years ago.Affordable,nature not to many beachchairs i would forbid them ugly plastic before the tsunami the wooden ones more nicely.I think Phuket is still sexy .Tourists come.

  8. second that.

    Could be fewer private cars due to increased price, but its gonna be full every day in a month.

    The motorbike parking is great though

    Motorbike parking should have a rain roof and security.

  9. While we deal with the subject lightheartedly on forum, may like to know guys that the law was nearly changed in 2001.

    The problem was: what would the cc limit be, and how could it be enforced - how would tollway staff be able to distinguish one bike from another?

    All very clear when you have a moped and a big Beem'r side by side, but lets say a cc limit was used - what would it be, and why? - a limit of 125cc, or say, 600cc (?)

    How could a 125cc bike be clearly seperated from a 150cc or 175cc bike, and how could a Gixer 600cc be defined from a Gixer 750cc - what would prevent bike owners from putting Gixer' 750cc fairings and graphics onto a 600cc Gixer' - guys who "know" bikes and keep up to date with with the subtle changes season to season, and bike to bike, may be able to tell, but how could tollway staff be trained to tell the difference in this case - and with the 4 or 5 other big Japanese names, never mind the European brands like Truimph, Ducati, KTM .......?

    A suggestion was that bikes could be presented for a "cc inspection" (if cc was to be used as the defining criteria) when been registered, at which point a holographic faring/windscreen sticker could be issued - for a fee of course! - something like a road tax disc - fine, but the issue then was: how would the authorities stop these been swoped from one bike to another(?)

    Could, or would tollway staff have the time during rush hour to stop and inspect each bike/sticker combination e.g. the holographic sticker has the bike reg on it and could be compared with the bike reg plates - then what would stop reg plates from been changed, or, stop the counterfeiters making holographic stickers - now staff have to be trained to spot dodgy index plates and/or dodgy holographic stickers (.... it wouldn't be long before counterfeit stickers were been knocked-up in some basement print shop).

    Tollway staff could be linked to the vechicle reg [plate] database - wouldn't stop counterfeit sticker/bike combinations, but could perhaps stop multiple bikes from using the details of one genuine bike. Now the reg plate records have to be "on-line" realtime at the booths - so a whole new computer system has to be got up and running (problems, problems, problems ......... that you can be sure of - it'll work some days, others days it will not - what then?

    In principal the authorities were not against allowing bikes of a certain size and upwards been allowed into the tollways - the problem was always going to be 2 fold:

    - what criteria to use to qualify bikes - size?, if so from what size upwards?

    - enforcement - how could the system be relaibly enforced?

    One of the concerns that was with out doubt going to fast turn into a problem, was that of youngsters on their sooped up mopeds, using quiet pay roads (been as nice as they are) as late night speedways - sneek up long side a truck or bus then race through the plaza ... now the cops have a whole new class of offenders to have to deal with - they'll be spending all day (night) dealing with kids who turn up at the tollway to sneak through, or saying " Sorry - have no Satang". Now what? - tell them to turn round and go back, take their bike away from them?

    ...... nice idea, no practical way to decide on which bikes would be entitled, and which would not, and no practical way to enforce it (.... and thats ignoring the boys in brown who will quickly see all sorts of "oppurtunities").

    Anyone have any realistic and usable ideas how qualifying bikes could be seperated from unqualifying bikes (whatever the criteria was going to be), and how the system could be enforced - never know, may be able to get the authorities to rethink the 2001 decision.

    Qualified response.They should start open the road for big bikes at pattaya bike week.Going with 40 bikes through the city coming from phuket took as a hel_l of a day.tried Ride Thailand magazine get this up but the guys all take the pick ups.Also i think they know this would be another fight against windmills.Book now air asia hkt bkk 290 baht 12 feb in pattaya.is there any other country where bikes can not go.The realistic answer is the licence plate big bikes small plates under 80 kmh or 125cc or less smaller moped plates.

  10. Sell your bike, then start afresh with a new bike with green book and license plate.

    They sell the Kawa Er6 starting at 225,000 Baht. New.

    Ducatis and other import bikes are more expensive.

    I made such a mistake shipping a big bike from Germany to CA.

    $ XXXX later I learned that it needs a crash test and will never be

    permitted more than 1 year.

    It was lunacy - don't make the same mistake!

    As a biker, I'm always fantasizing about other bikes. Get a new one, or buy the same over here.

    Just do not embark on this adventure, unless you want to start a sociology research project.


    Easy from California to Germany 22 percent custom tax about 5000 baht for the European book.We learned administration offices that they work for us and we pay their saleries.took 20 years.

  11. Update is that i pulled out of buying the steed .I am going to keep my Phantom ,and buy another new small bike for fun .When the deal is done on the brand new bike i shall reveal what it is .Hint its a bit out of the ordinary and not your run of the mill . :)


    You still can cut the muffler get a HD keyhanger and look movie Wild Hogs brother.


  12. Sad that the toyota fortuner crew ride against this nice uniqe thaistyle bikes.i dont like this new zoghurt ninjas .thailand land of the free why not leave like it is.why not just can import a bike from any country.who gets hurt.always some rules can not take care for some important issues sunpowerstations bicycle rails kindergardens windrails.phuketbikeweek lives from this kind free style.with the boats zears ago was the same thing 200 percent importtax then changed better lobby.i forgett to mention airpolution traffic a railway connect airport beaches big c.this are the future for phuket not some old bikes and old bikers like me.i wait for the tatoo hunt.alcohol bann somgkran.let poeple free as long they leave others free.lets enjoy the sundown on this paradise island.carabaow help

    hear hear..

    That was some of the best 'old timey gibberish' I have heard in these parts for many a year :D

    "...sunpowerstations bicycle rails kindergardens windrails."

    :) That's the hardest I think I have ever laughed reading a Thaivisa post!!!!

    yepp, :D:D

    but still understand what classix is saying.

    There is no problem having a unique bike/thai style bike in LOS as long as its imported properly (as a bike, not scrap) or build here, taxes payed and logged in page 18, and emission qualify. Basicly the rest is up to owner

    Classic bikes lets say pre 1980.big bike.at that time here in thail. nobody knew about this laws also nobody cares.police checked the bike ....and it was ok you had phuketplates and legal bz police here.that was the usuual way.now after more then 15 years it starts complaining about this books.there are only a handfull kickstartbikes here as many others the cc mostly wrong inside the book for bigger bikes they just put 750 inside the book.even it was only a 600. there should be a chance to make a book here in phuket for a reasonable price.this bkk adventure is unrealistic. also i see no reason for not allowing buying a bike somewhere in the world by ebay and riding and registering it here.also as i saw here at the end it always comes out here fair they just do it here there way so i am sure sooner it will possible to import a classic car or bike or whatelse poeple want.we were riding our bikes through thailand and getting checked some didnt had any papers some had blue books from cars we get as group 40 bikes 2000 baht charged everbody friendly nobody lost face what more do we want.I made the mistake import a classicbike 5 years ago throu a mover intl.company the bike was worth 600 us dollars shipping another 600 us dollars then i need to sent 1200 dollors to customs then i get a invoice which wasnt accepted by phuket DMV.its the only one in thailand clasicbikemagazine thailand featured it soon i nail em to my other 2 kickstart bikes on the wall in my leavingroom anyway its may time ride honda dream and get a policehaircut.See you at phuketbikeweek at the beeroutlet sure we will see thaibikes freestyle


  13. I just went through this brain numbing process with a bike in similar condition. This thread will undoubtedly get filled with responses from this persons claiming you can do this or that and then other claiming a completely different story, as has happened in so many other threads like this one. There can be so many problems with books in Thailand that they are two numerous to list, and the rules vary wildly by province, and are constantly changing, even in the last 6 months, as I found out. It is getting much harder to find an official that you can bribe to make a new book or transfer title for a bent book, but it's all who you know. Something that was no problem with a 14k backhander 6 months ago is now met with a "can not." by my fixer. Everytime I thought I was past a hurdle, another was placed in front of me. And this was trying at multiple land transport departments using multiple and very good Thai fixers. And now it's getting much tougher as the rules continue to change. The government is getting pressured to rid Thai roads these old pseudo-legally imported "grey bikes" due to a deal struck with the major manufacturer's of Jap big bikes which are now being made in Thailand. There is only two ways to buy a used big bike in Thailand now. To ensure there are no problems, you must take the current legal owner, the book and bike, to the land transport dept. with you with the understanding that if the bike can't be moved to your province and put in your name, you will not buy it. Period.

    The other option is to keep it in the old province under the old owners name, which many people do. Just keep a copy of the book with you and keep the tax disk current and displayed on the bike. As of now you can still get tax disks for the dodgy bikes and books but who knows for how long. Bikes are usually discounted 20-50% when there green books are in this condition. So far at police checkpoints they are not checking quality of books and who's name are on them. However, if you leave your bike in big bike shop overnight and it gets raided, you may loose your bike if you can't prove beyond a doubt that the bike is yours and legal, which is really up to the police to determine what "legal" means. Many people have lost their bikes this way, only to later see police riding around on them later.

    Edit: I didn't want to go into that much detail, but LivinLOS comments reflect what happened to me concerning just one of the issues on my bike, the page 18. When I traveled outside Phuket to register the bike, I was faced with another slew of issues, but Page 18 import duties was not one of them. My CBR 400's book claimed it was a 1 cylinder, and according to the land transport departments records, there was a problem with the serial numbers as well. The odd thing was, they simply would not accept any money to overlook the issues, so it wasn't liek they were trying to extort me. Same thing with Phuket. I was simply told at both places. "can not," so i had to sell it at a discount as is.

    Best advice, avoid the hassle of buying a used big bike in Thailand, unless it is less than a few years old and papers are in order. So many new bikes are available at much more reasonable prices now, with more coming soon. It's a tough pill to swallow since this was the purpose of all these changes, but it makes economic sense.

    Sad that the toyota fortuner crew ride against this nice uniqe thaistyle bikes.i dont like this new zoghurt ninjas .thailand land of the free why not leave like it is.why not just can import a bike from any country.who gets hurt.always some rules can not take care for some important issues sunpowerstations bicycle rails kindergardens windrails.phuketbikeweek lives from this kind free style.with the boats zears ago was the same thing 200 percent importtax then changed better lobby.i forgett to mention airpolution traffic a railway connect airport beaches big c.this are the future for phuket not some old bikes and old bikers like me.i wait for the tatoo hunt.alcohol bann somgkran.let poeple free as long they leave others free.lets enjoy the sundown on this paradise island.carabaow help


  14. Here's a question for the forum. Has Phuket ever had an independence movement or talk of becoming its own nation? I am not advocating this but wonder if it has ever been discussed. Phuket is rather unique in Thailand (both good and bad) and suffers unfairly from a lot of the fallout from the political crisis in other parts of the nation.

    Better create a asian comunity like the american states and the european comunity and then finaly a worldsociety one passport EARTH.

  15. I know the team who is building the catamaran which will be used for the ferry service.

    They have tested on the seas where it became apparent that the boat didn't perform as specified due to unauthorized modifications made to the hull shape.

    It is out of the water now and the proper modification are going to be done soon, they are pushing for completion before the high season starts (halfway November)...

    i hope this service come to work.

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