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Posts posted by classix

  1. Great idea, we could help out.

    Unfortunately I have no much time for this, as my schedule is pretty busy at the moment. If some of you guys could arrange it, we would be happy to help you with the marketing bit, and try to get some sponsors.

    One important point is that we normally do not engage in charity events, but if we can be 100% assured that the funds will reach its destination without too much "administration costs" I am willing to consider it.

    Ok guys, where do we go from here?

    Phuket Bike week at Patong beach 12 april by Heroes End MC ,sponsor welcome,administration cost some licquer,we charity and jok [email protected]

  2. I've got a set of spoked wheels for a 600cc Steed. 19" front, 15" rear. The rubber on them needs replacing, but otherwise they're fine.

    I'm looking for any Yamaha XS650s. Running, dead, junked, etc. I haven't seen any for sale in my 2 years here, so maybe I'll build one!

    i got one in phuket runs make an offer 085 7959160

  3. Sent mail to 3 other clubs, just 1 replied and oh boy am I glad I spoke to him. Friendly, lots of knowledge and most important not wannabe tough guy biker gang member (1%er) as often seen around. No politics, just rides and kick ass bike fleet. Told him I ride HD without mentioning my gixxer and he said I would be 1st harley in the group. All other bikes are adventure or sport, nevertheless they took me into their fold. No membership fees either, even though I'd pay gladly if asked. Gave me beautiful t-shirt, patches, logos etc - all for free. Their members are from 6-7 different countries and all get along unlike some other groups based on nationality or type of ride.

    I have pretty much good idea who these guys are. Yes, very cool group. No club officers, ranks and similar crap.

    Will be joining them shortly. See you soon arthur :o

    Well what options to join a club are here in phuket

  4. U guys are no fun......

    For the record, Team 27 in Singapore is part of the organising committee for 3NCR.

    Various smaller groups of just groups of riders will piggyback on team27 on the 3NCR events.

    Team 27 is the go to people regards to handling accidents be it fatal or not or information about any Singaporean bikers fatality in Malaysia and Thailand.

    They are also the 1st to disseminate information to the rest of the Singapore Bike Groups in the events of Singapore Bikers death and serious accidents in Malaysia and Thailand.

    they are the bearer of bad news, but news we need to know of our fella bikers.

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