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Posts posted by innerspace

  1. My 12k acer laptop (price includes ssd and me opening it up and voiding warranty within hours of ownership) is close on several counts.

    Battery life (12 hrs plus) rivals or beats the air. Performance will rival or beat. Connectivity options wins hands down.

    Thickness and engineering quality, goes to the apple.

    Operating system... im biased on that front and both get a poor grade, but laptop shared with mrs and not switched her to nix yet!

    I have used many apples, owned a few and seen their quality control drop the last decade. Yes they fail, my old Mac pro cost a fortune in out of warrenty repairs! Yes they get viruses, admitedly less than doze but cant be denied (so does my prefered linux!).

    But respect to apple, their machines are brilliantly designed, engineered and built. Solid aluminium laptops, mac pro, even the mini... well made and look great.

    Priced to match though and there is the issue.... worth it or not is down to each individual. Never will have a definitive answer.

  2. Ok valid point(not checked, on phone)...if so something suspicious, but most of my last post still valid.

    Running a random server as primary dns and google as secondary, not heard of it but clever. Almost all routers send 2 dns for the reason of backups, try one if errors try the other.

    For the end user nothing noticed, all requests go through(2nd attempt via google but no errors shown).

    For the random linode server, see no traffic but see lots of site requests.

    My guess would be compromised routers, lots on default passwords here. Had issues with true fibre refusing to change pass before too.

  3. they have some serious questions to answer for. Since they are essentially sending customer browsing data to a third party.

    Got to laugh!

    1) If true were NOT sending customer browsing data to a 3rd party (or many) then I would complain... That they are doing their fundamental basic primary job as an internet service provider, sounds good to me!

    2) When did you last setup and maintain a DNS server (or servers) supporting millions of users? It takes a lot of resources, servers, staff and bandwidth.

    By using 3rd party dns they eliminate 2 of those. Many users may not tell the difference but a good percentage of Thai internet outages are not internet related but simply ISP dns server having issues (clue: if skype or torrents work but not web, likely dns)

    Fair play if true have done this, lets their engineers focus efforts better and improves service for customers. All my staff have been on google dns for years.

    3) If you have any concern about who provides your dns, you would run your own server or at least set your own config. You would not be using true dhcp provided settings. If you dont trust google dns, why on earth would you have trusted true?

  4. There are always physical limitations and that will be the reason.....

    Sure fibre can handle a load more than 50Mb (so can ethernet), but you are ignoring the upstream...

    Every fibre home connection is linked to a router box in the street, which in turn is linked to a regional office which is linked to head office which connects worldwide.

    Every step of those has limited capacity, high but limits.

    My bet is your limit is at street level, gigabit fibre street routers are cheaper than 10Gb and loads cheaper than 100Gb or tb... 30 users at 30Mb in one area passing through a 1Gb line and they cant support more (contention ratios aside).

    I know first hand that 100Mb fibre routers were common on the street 7 years ago (2Mb average then), they were easily upgradable units but probably still Gb or 10Gb i most roads.

    Congrats to 3bb though, many would sell what they know cant be delivered, they are being true and fair.

  5. Most modern connection will have fibre going to a junction box (aka router) down the street and then either a short fibre or coaxial/phone cable the last hundred meters/mile.

    If not properly water tight those boxes or the cable connections inside them have unreliable performance during rain.

  6. I can confirm these issues on 3bb and to be more specific it is affecting European sites.

    Singapore and US servers seem fine.

    Several European based servers I manage are unaccessible on 3bb but running fine and work on true/dtac.

    Some sites you would think are European (bbc, google.co.uk etc) actually have servers around the world so working ok.

    3bb support have said they are having issues and expect to be another couple of hours at least.

    Having said that, just switched back to 3bb and all working again - maybe my call told the engineers where to look for the problem so they could fix it!

  7. Can a foreigner own a minor share of a hospitality business? Yes.

    A minor share with majority voting rights? Yes.

    A majority share with boi approval? Yes.

    Work in certain roles, eg. Management or marketing? Yes.

    Work under a "hospitality" role (without prior mentioned or similar exemptions) (eg. waiter, reception, bellboy) without Thai citizenship? No, not even with boi or work permit.

    Work some restricted roles with creative title and work permit (international customer relations=reception. Restaurant coordinator=waiter). Yes.

    Most responses in this thread have been correct but focused on a single view not the full picture....

  8. From your given scenario.... neither, android box.

    Tv, movies and internet its the ideal option.

    However if you have other needs not mentioned it could change.

    For real work or intense use laptop wins, but sounds like work(for employer)wise you have that covered.

    For light, portable entertainment and browsing large smartphone or tablet.

    If just needed when got access to a tv(multiple locations ok) then android box with bluetooth fullsize keyboard and mouse (since you mentioned internet browsing).

  9. Thought this may have been about a different but related topic.

    Trash and wastewater will be a minor concern compared to more toxic pollution if the plans for a huge new coal powerplant go ahead....

    Daily tankers passing close by national marine parks and dive sites and fumes pumping into the air, perfect way to kill a tourist destination!

  10. Providers are one option, dont speak with the company, will say no, but many engineers take extra work on the side. Some knowledgeable, some not so.

    As for talk about repeaters, ok if you only want to check the occasional email, convenient, but far from effective performance. If you get 50% through a repeater you are doing well.

    Access points connected via wire, positioned and configured correctly, stationary machines wired in and things go well. QOS and proper redundancy and things go better.

  11. No, never "needs" to be paired.

    Paired memory is only needed if you want to take advantage of dual (or triple now) channel memory.

    2 matching 4gb in dual channel mode will be faster "latency wise" than a 4gb and an 8gb stick alongside each other, however the 8+4 would have more capacity which could provide more or less real life speed depending on actual usage methods.

    However brand name desktops and all laptops have a habit of not being upgrade friendly.... just because you can buy an 8gb stick doesnt mean your motherboard will accept it. That its preinstalled with a 4gb may or may not be because that is the per slot limit... check before buying.

    However from what you mentioned 8gb total is probably plenty....save the 1k from the ram towards an ssd and you will see true benefits.

  12. RichCor, not sure if your post relates to win8 (never installed it and never will) but if not the word "new" is deceiving.

    However what you mentions sounds a little like a slick method of activation that is far from new and used by far more than just OEMs. Details ending there for obvious reasons...

  13. You will more likely find 1 dvi and 1 vga, maybe with a hdmi or display port ontop.

    Dvi has a few types, think its Dvi-D (dual) that has a cross piece on the horizontal pin that sends an analog signal and can be converted to vga with a small cheap adapter.

    The purely digital dvi, hdmi or display ports will need an active digital to analog converter that will be bigger, more expensive and possibly need extra power supply.

  14. Responsive no worries, most modern wordpress themes are already responsive, imagine similar in ghost. And if you are learning the basics you can tidy up the rest.

    Payment provider plugins wordpress will have more off the shelf but anything can be developed for any platform if needed.

    Security is a valid concern....like windows before it wordpress is now a favourite target due to its immense popularity. But being opensource it benefits from lots of work being done by the good guys as well as bad.

    Years ago lots of wordpress sites were left on old versions for fear of updates breaking things. Dont tollerate that attitude, if updates break things the site is built badly. Wordpress kept on the very latest version, with the right permissions, firewalls, best practices and security plugins is safe enough(nothing is truly safe - ask sony etc).

    As for ghost working on your hosting, certain it will. But when something is acting up you will have less knowledge to google to find the solution.

    2 differing opinions being shown here and there are in fact many more options. No right answer, just personal preferences.

    My advice.... install both and attempt to make a site on each of them. Only after you have actually tried will you be informed enough to make a decision.

  15. Thats server grade gear qupted there...good but pricy and will be hard to find here or at least customise and replace. Dual cpu... few consumer motherboards do that. Xeons good but pricey, i7 cheaper bang for buck. Dont forget eec ram on those...pricy!

    SSD is certainly worthwhile and for heavy rendering work will help (once RAM is full).

    Less of an issue now but older ssd were at risk if writing too heavily. But they still die, just as hdd do. Some will disagree but personally I would put a rendering scratch disk on a separate ssd to main OS.

    Raid is usefull but not a cure for backups. Raid 1 on os ssd gives reliabilty. Raid 0 on scratch ssd gives max speed. Raid 5 or 10 on spinning hdd multi terrabyte bulk storage combines both.

    My move for what you are after would be:

    High i5 or i7 cpu... k model to overclock later.

    Motherboard with 4+ ram slots and plenty of sata 3.

    As much highish speed ram as motherboard and budget allow. 4 x 8gb is 32gb...will hold your autosaves in memory while needed. 6 triple channel slots even better!

    Boot os ssd and working file/scratch ssd. 128-256gb main and 60gb working.

    2hdd in raid 1 or 3 in raid 5 or 4 in raid 10 for bulk storage... or put these in a separate NAS. 1-4tb each.

    GPU suited for rendering, maybe quadro or similar if budget stretches.

    Cpu cooler, platinum power supply and case with good ventilation and few extra fans.

  16. Woof woof woof ( you said explain it as though you were a golden retriever)!

    Or in human terms... how does your car drive with its nice round wheels and inflated rubber tyres? Reckon you could invent something better? Possibly, but unless you have an amazing idea it will be a lot of work for minimal gains at best...

    Wordpress is the round wheel of content management systems. Anything can be done and so much available already, that is the beauty. I can (and have) built my own CMS that does a lot but whats the point, use wordpress and I have the support of thousands of other developers. You own what you make and can still make it your own. But no need to reinvent the wheel and the combustion engine when they already exist.

    Ghost may be another option, dont know it so well, but it is already round and drives... not so many garages will work with it but a long way ahead of a kit car.

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