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Posts posted by innerspace

  1. The smart ones will get some work here and have a good time surrounded by great things while still earning a living and opening prospects for the future.

    I came here at 19 on my gap year, never made it to uni, worked hard, run several businesses from the beaches to the cities and now living comfortably in my 30s with a good business and family here. Many years left to secure my old age.

    Maybe I could earn more in UK but crisis timing wasn't in my favour and way of life would be much worse.

    Sure sitting around doing nothing for decades will screw you for life. That's the same the world over and nothing to do with Thailand. Few years of fun no probs and living sustainably no probs.

  2. Forget replacing the router, always best to keep the supplier provided device. If you change it then any minor issue will go unresolved since staffs immediate scapegoat will be 'your router not support'.

    Better option, keep the tried tested and supported router but switch it into modem (bridge) mode.

    Then buy a decent ethernet router and hook your newly converted router to wan port and configure pppoe on your own router.

    That way all works well, ISP device does the simple task and you control the router fully.

  3. Wire as mentioned before is not new but great.

    Last ship agree not great but was ok, watched through.

    Limitless early days seems good.

    How to get away with murder, struggled first episode but enjoyed onwards. 2nd season just started..

    The 100, stopped twice on first episode as overly cheesy, but was sick with nowhere to go so fought through and enjoyed episode 2 onwards.

    Moaning of life season 2. Down to earth real life brilliant.

  4. Never heard of global toll free or global local rate numbers....

    Doubt they exist.

    What you need is a separate local or toll free number in every single country you want to target which likely means multiple providers. Skype stopped doing Thai numbers years ago, though sip options exist here.

    I'd you need single destination globally then Skype name not number or similar is only choice, with app essential.

  5. All quite logical from the sounds of it.

    VPN providers in UK being targeted by blocking known IP addresses. Owners of IP addresses are public knowledge but sub renters harder to detect.

    So the BBC have a long list and working to fill the blanks hence the inconsistent results.

    Hola has no public ips on records and a wide always changing pool in use. Hola basically uses members of the public (including you) so very hard to detect and block. An easy option for now but be aware other people's potentially illegal usage will go through an IP address that can be traced back to you.

    Option for now would be making your own VPN on a cloud or VPS provider. Amazon is Ireland and pricey bandwidth so steer clear. Digitalocean and others in London from $5. IP addresses are easily detectable but may or may not be blocked (yet) depending on provider.

    Foolproof way is VPN to a residential account (family or friends) in UK. That way your connection would appear identical to a legitimate user and stay trouble free. Need friends though.

  6. Dmz, Port forwarding and upnp prove that theory of dropping all unknown packets wrong. Most consumer routers have these security weaknesses (or useful tools) built in and sometimes the latter on by default.

    Software is more important than hardware when it comes to router security. Always run latest firmware since a huge number have known flaws.

    If a suitable device open source alternatives can boost security and features at low cost. Tomato is user friendly, ddwrt a few more features.

    And if security is important learn to use properly and device you use, 1wrong setting and you open the door to unintended side affects.

    Nice usability features like upnp or remote administration have risks.

  7. Would disagree with both the last few posts. Windows is less secure by design, not saying they intentionally designed it in securely but just that several intentional design decisions had a negative impact on security(backwards compatibility, closed source etc).

    And as a Linux user I agree it is more secure, but that is due to more extensive permissions and security built into kernel level. The powerful firewall built in helps.

    Saying that Linux has no malware is a lie and saying to run it without a firewall is reckless!

  8. Ah looks like Google gave me driving distance not crow flies! Still 60ms at 6k miles through a direct billion dollar cable... Rest of points still valid and 100ms not going to happen on any internet line here no matter how fast or expensive.

    Typically 10ms (round trip) per junction, plus distance latency and 4 hops barely leaves the country.

    Low 200s to UK is great, 400+ very slow.

  9. I get sub 100 ping with SINET why is the OP boasting about 248?

    To where?

    If to Bangkok it's slow.

    If to Bangkok claiming to be abroad it's fake.

    If to US phone the scientists since light is officially faster than the speed of light!

    If to Europe you must have a billion dollar direct cable or be exceeding speed of light.

  10. Fully agree with the post above... I also challenge you to find a consumer ISP anywhere in the world that doesn't throttle. The only ones that exist sell leased lines at (most say) crazy prices.

    My old 10k per month 1mbps line wasn't throttled. I fully expect my 600b 16mbps line to be. The fine line is who is throttled.

    Back in the UK I read clear guidelines explaining the process, here more undercover (for us aliens). But can confirm I have been on the receiving end of 3bb daily peak throttling (I deserved it). But currently play nice and speeds are good.

    Throttling is good, it means the 5% don't ruin things for the 95%. And if you torrent, just run it overnight or limit the speeds to stay sane.

    Consumer internet is priced to provide the maximum speeds in shared contention bursts. 1 hour streaming fine. 24/7 full usage either pay 50x for leased line or expect throttling.

  11. Caching systems present in many websites or databases need time to warm up.

    Basically the first request does all the hard work and saves it so next requests are much faster.

    But typically the server works even before "warmed up" and if it won't then doesn't go into use until ready.

    But if showing error for a while likely it failed it's setup and gone wrong. Ms has servers worldwide so try a VPN or proxy if you can.

  12. Cat would be faster than TOT.

    But can you justify paying twice more for faster internet?

    Perhaps you can talk to TOT and they can also deploy fiber. 20/10 fiber2u is 700 baht only in TOT (promotion)

    For faster and more reliable certainly, but that's me.

    As for the op asking about testing download speeds, a single file is a bad test.

    Torrents use multiple connections which maximise speeds that are often limited per thread.

    While single thread helps real life expectations it rarely hits quoted speeds.

    My 3bb can hit quota on Torrents but never on a single web page(not that you would notice)

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